Straightening Out Johnny
By Gerbil
Aunt Mary gets tough with wayward Johnny
Sara watched the muscles in her sister’s arms flex as she lathered the shampoo through her shoulder length auburn hair. They were the only two remaining in the showers after their aerobics class, and she couldn’t help but feel a sense of envy, but also pride that her big sister was in such great shape. She watched as her sister’s hands continued to soap the broad shoulders and move downward toward the tiny waist and over her firm dimpled buttocks. After washing the backs of her thighs, she bent to wash the fronts of her calves, then turned and caught Sara staring at her perfect breasts and washboard stomach.
She stopped her washing, held the soap and looked at herself from head to toe, then looked back to her younger sister. What’s wrong?" |
Sara turned toward the streaming water, and faced the shower meekly replied, "Nothing’s wrong."
Mary moved to the shower next to her 32-year-old sister and continued to lather her breasts and stomach but caught her younger sister staring at her once again and stopped lathering her hair. "Come on Sis. Fess up. I know you well enough to know when something is bothering you." |
She turned to look down at her feet, then looked at her sister’s taut tanned, perfectly formed physique, and exasperated, cried out, "You’re the problem. My life is going to hell in a hand basket, and you have your act totally together with a flawless body, the perfect job as Deputy District Attorney, and not a care in the world. It sucks. All my life I’ve had to compete with you, and have come up short. I’ve always been the disappointment to Mom and Dad. While you were busy getting your law degree, I was busy getting pregnant at 16 with Johnny. Now what do we have? You have the perfect life, and I have no husband, and a 16 year old whom I can’t control and whose life is also going to hell." Mary watched as her sister broke into tears, and stared down at her fee, sobbing uncontrollably.
She moved closer and put her arm around her sister and drew her head to her shoulder to let her continue sobbing. Mary just let Sara get it all out as she gently stroked her hair and gave her an occasional caring kiss to help soothe her. |
The sobbing finally ceased and Mary took hold of both of Sara’s shoulders and turned her sister to face her. "Now you listen to me. It took real guts to stand up to Mom, Dad, and the rest of the community and have a child and raise him on your own. As far as having no husband, when that sleaze bag that got you pregnant ran as fast as he could out of town, it was probably the best thing that could have happened to you. You’ve done a terrific job of raising Johnny, and that’s something I would never have had the patience or abilities to do. It took real strength to do all that you have done."
Sara knew that her sister was lying. There was nothing that she tried that she couldn’t excel in, but she did feel better, until she thought of Johnny.
Dejected she said, "Yeah, some terrific job I’ve done." Johnny has been skipping school, hanging out with his gang, and shows no respect to women; especially me. I’m at the end of my rope." |
Mary saw the tears begin to flow once again and held both of Sara’s hands. "Johnny has always been a good boy, and a good student, and I’m sure it must just be an adolescent phase he is going through. I’m not sure I can do any good, but would you like me to have a talk with him?"
Sara looked at her older sister with pleading puppy dog eyes full of renewed hope. "Oh Mary, would you? He stayed at home again from school today. I have to get back to work, but if you have time, would you please go over and talk with him?"
She rang the doorbell several times before Johnny finally answered, standing with his cocky, kiss my ass look on his face. He was a handsome boy with a great physique for a sixteen-year-old. He was basically a boy in a man’s 6 foot 195 pound body. Even though it was past noon, it was apparent that she had awakened him, and he had slipped on a pair of trousers to answer the door in his bare feet. |
He rested an arm on the side of the door frame when he saw who it was and put a smug look on his face. "Well well. Auntie M. you must know that dear ole mom is at work, so I assume that you came to visit me. To what do I owe the pleasure?"
Mary was tempted to smack the arrogant smirk off his face. She was furious, and her mind immediately became an enraged montage of all the different ways she could rearrange his body. |
Before she acted on her impulses, she was able to remind herself that patience was needed, and calmly stated, "You’re right Johnny, I did come to see you. Your mother and I are concerned about your recent behavior, and I would like to come in and talk to you."
"Oooooooh. Have I been a naughty boy?" Standing to one side of the door and bending gallantly he gestured with a wide sweeping arm, "Enter fair lady. Save this wayward lad."
Mary resisted giving him a knee to his exposed face as she passed and moved into the small dark living room. Johnny turned on a light beside the couch then bent to the end table to retrieve a joint. He closed his eyes and drew it under his nose smelling it, then held it up and looked at Mary. Mary moved slowly toward him smiling and took the joint and ran it under her own nose, then looked up into his eyes and smiled once again. "Pretty good stuff?"
Johnny held up a thumb and said, "Grade A...none better."
Mary's smile disappeared as she ripped the joint into pieces, and calmly replied, "That's a shame."
Johnny, wide-eyed with disbelief screamed, "You fucking dyke bitch. What the hell do you think you're doing?" I should have known you weren't cool, and couldn't be trusted. Just like my mom; uptight bitches who can't keep a man, so the lack of a good stiff cock makes you a couple of prudes and judgmental."
He moved toward the front door, flung it open and yelled, "Now get the hell out. Our wonderful visit is over."
Mary thought she may have gone a little too far and struck out, but she decided to try a different tact. She calmly thought, then said, "You know, you may be right."
Johnny, calming, but still furious said, "What in the hell are you talking about?"
"I said, maybe you are right. I haven't had any sex in about three months, and maybe I do need a good stiff cock. Why don't you close the door and we can talk about it?"
She almost broke out laughing as she saw him visibly gulp, then slowly turn and close the door.
Mary moved to the couch, sat, and sensuously crossed her legs. She could plainly see that the fish was nibbling at her bait as Johnny only removed his eyes from her muscular calves and thighs when she brought her right arm up to shoulder level and flexed. Her bicep exploded into a massive hard mound, and Johnny's cock started to rise in approval. "Not bad for a 38 year old dyke bitch eh? Think you could handle a real woman?" |
Johnny's macho bravado immediately returned and shorts and pushed them down to expose himself. |
as he proceeded to grab the waistband of his |
I've got more than enough to handle you, and I can guarantee you, you'll know you've been fucked." |
Mary looked at Johnny and was quite impressed with his development. Although the sight made her temporarily hungry, she just licked her lips and reminded herself that she had a job to do to help her sister. Too bad that a beautiful ten inch hunk of meat had to be attached to a sixteen year old, six foot asshole, she thought to herself.
Slowly she rose from the couch and began to peel off her clothing, and pulled her hair up and back behind her head, completely changing her look to one of a hungry panther eyeing it's prey. She stood still, challenging, with her legs slightly apart, arms out and to the side, and presented a totally open view of her beautifully muscled body for her nephew.
When she moved slowly through several muscle poses, she thought her nephew was going to lose it as he watched her body flex and relax, almost willing him to come closer and touch each bronzed dancing contour. "If I'm not mistaken, at least part of you is very interested. Do you want me?" |
Johnny let his eyes hungrily roam over his gorgeous aunt's body as his cock grew ever harder. He had never seen such a rock hard abdomen, firm breasts, or muscular thighs leading to a thick patch of raven pubic hair. Trying to act nonchalant he said, "Yeah, I wouldn't mind doing you." |
Mary smiled and sensuously rubbed her hands up and down her body. "Okay then, what you see is all yours... on one condition."
"What's that?"
"You have to be man enough to take it."
"So Auntie "M" likes it a bit rough eh? Well that's music to my ears. First I'm going to kick your sexy ass for destroying my grass, then I'm going to pump your pretty pussy 'til you scream."
"Oh my! Well come on big boy."
Johnny advanced toward his awaiting Aunt and reached out to grab her, but was shocked when she grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back. She brought her left arm up and under his throat and put a chokehold on him, which caused him to gasp for breath. |
With his free arm, he was able to reach behind her head, lean forward, and send her flying to the carpet. Before he could move to take advantage, she had quickly gotten to her feet and put his head in a standing scissors hold, crushing his head and making him cry out in pain. |
Johnny was able to pull on her ankles and once again send his muscular aunt down, but he was not able to counter her lightening speed. He found himself under her control as she quickly moved behind him. She put a foot in the center of his back, and painfully drew his arms back until Johnny felt like they would be pop out of their sockets. |
Mary applied pressure to his arms, so that Johnny had no choice but to bend forward and eventually eat carpet, with Aunt firmly riding his ass. |
Johnny was finally able to jerk her off to the side, but in his weakened and winded state, she was easily able to mount him once again, as he rolled to his back. Over and over she pummeled his face with her rock-hard glutes and steaming pussy. |
Not satisfied with having him under total control, Mary began to torture his stiff cock and balls. She grabbed them in her strong grip, and twisted, causing him to cry out in agony. |
Still not satisfied that Johnny had learned his lesson, she let her mouth replace her hands, and took his balls into her mouth and crushed them with moist hard pressure. |
Mary did the same with his cock, ravaging it with her teeth, while crushing his balls with her strong fingers. |
Johnny was wailing and begging for release, and finally Mary moved off him and left him gasping for air. |
She then grabbed him by the hair and dragged him to a hard wooden hair and firmly slammed him down so that his hard cock nearly broke in two. She proceeded to pepper his young firm ass as he screamed out in pain and begged for release, but she would not cease until he had agreed to numerous changes his lifestyle. After fifty wacks, she pushed him onto the floor, and proceeded to dress as he lay recovering on the carpet. |
Mary paused at the door and looked back at her hopefully wiser nephew lying beaten, but still with his very impressive physique. "Keep on the straight and narrow, and you are going to make some woman very happy with that body of yours. I'll be watching and listening, and if I hear that we needanother 'meeting,' I'll be back." |
Johnny heard the front door close and slowly dragged his aching body up to begin his final day at home before he returned to school. He watched his muscular Aunt get into her car and drive off. A chill went through him at the thought of another "meeting" with his Aunt, so he realized that he had a lot of housework and homework to do before and early bedtime.