Fitness Camp
Part 3
Dear Dad,
Like I told you yesterday, we had some celebrity female bodybuilders come and give us training pointers. Lenda Murray,
the former Ms O, came today and showed me how to
really work my arms. I'm really glad she came. The weights they have here are getting pretty light to me. The dumbbells only go
up to 200 lbs.
That doesn't even get me pumped. I tried to have the male counselors provide resistance but they don't seem very strong anymore.
That's odd, because they have big muscles. One of them, John, was a state heavyweight biodybuilding champ. He showed me his
bicep. It had a baseball size peak, striated and all.
It looked really hard. I asked him if I could feel it and he said yes. It felt really firm so I squeezed it a little. My fingers sank
right in and he let out an unmanly scream as I squeezed. I really bruised his arm. I guess I don't know my own strength.
Anyway, Lenda helped me do curls by providing resistance against the weight. At first I could barely curl the
200 lb. weight
but it got easier after a few reps. I thought she had let up, but sweat was pouring off her face. I was easily overpowering her !
She said I was stronger than her. I think I really impressed her (and myself !).
She gave me one of her posing suits since my workout suits were
starting to get too tight. Lenda said I should enter some bodybuilding shows. She thought I could even win some of the men's shows since I am only
as light as a lightweight but my muscles are as big as a heavyweight. After she left I tried it on and hit a few poses, admiring my new muscles.
I had more fun today, but I'll tell you about that later.