Lethal feet

I can tell just by the way she is walking toward me that she is athletic and confident about herself. The Black Belt around her waist tells me that she has a right to be that confident - she is an expert in Martial Arts, capable of causing great pain with her hands and bare feet - if she so pleases. Her red gi only shows her face, hands and bare feet, but I know she is a stunningly attractive woman from head to bare toe - she is desirable to any man (but I find it is her feet that excite me, her gorgeous, muscular bare feet.) However, by the way she is walking on the rough concrete floor, sex is not on her mind. Her bare heels are stamping hard into to concrete as she walks, creating a loud thud with each step. She is here to prove something to me.

She has a large, green glass bottle in her hand and she takes one last swig, emptying it of its contents just before she reaches me. She is a tall beautiful woman, adding to the impact of her presence (although I am taller, more muscular and much heavier). She begins to look impatient as she glances down to a 1 and 1/2 foot square board on the floor beside me. I bend down and pick it up. It's hardwood and heavy, about an inch thick. I am supposed to hold it out in front of me at head height with locked arms and back against the concrete wall. I look at her again and she is beginning to show signs of anger with my slow movements.

No sooner than when I'm holding the heavy board tightly with hands side to side, that I am blown back by an incredibly powerful force - my shoulders are slammed hard against the wall and my face and chest are rained with stinging splinters as the wood literally explodes! I open my eyes to view the most magnificent female bare foot I've ever seen hanging motionless in mid air between two small pieces of wood still in my hands! My shock is heightened as I come to grips with the magnitude of what happened - I could never break that board with a full swing of a sledgehammer the way she smashed it with her BARE FOOT! My hands are stinging and my shoulder joints sore, but I am focused on this fantastic sized 10 female bare foot in front of me. The huge ball is extended with toes spread out - all in front of a deep, sweeping instep and very large round heel. Beneath the dirt of being barefoot for a long time there is an incredibly thick, hard layer of callous covering most of t!he sole of her foot. I can't believe how hard and tough her beautiful feminine bare foot is.

I look past her foot for a moment to see her pretty face smiling a sly, smile. She drops the green bottle just in front of her as it shatters into several large shards of sharp glass. Then she slowly raises her lovely bare foot straight up, and her legs split to become perfectly vertical - displaying fantastic flexibility. She is still smiling as her knee bends and the spread toes and extended ball of her foot arcs down in front of me. She drops her leg in a slow, steady, controlled way as the sole her bare foot comes down onto the sharp upturned edges of the largest piece of glass. Like a steel press, her amazing bare foot slowly pushes downward at the same rate, unwavering and undeflected, amidst the incredible squeaking and popping of glass being crushed beneath it. The noise stops only when there is a thin layer of pulverized green glass under her astonishing bare foot now resting flat on the concrete. She takes a step towards me, crushing another piece of glass with the sole of her other bare foot, and she is comfortably standing with both out-turned feet in the circle of broken glass.

I continue to watch in disbelief as she extends one of her feet to a piece of glass: and her full, pretty and unpainted toes wiggle and spread to pick up the shard. She brings her foot back, but rather than just dropping the glass directly under her, she clenches her foot so that the razor sharp glass is crushed between her powerful bare toes and the smaller pieces of glass fall into the growing pile beneath her feet. Her alternating feet are moving quickly to the rhythm of a fantastic dance - the rock hard ball and heel of one bare foot grinding the glass into the concrete while the bare toes of the other picking up a glass shard to crush it like a cracker - with more ambidexterity than hands! But I know that there are no bare hands that could do what I am witnessing - only the superhuman bare feet of this Goddess could (I am becoming so extremely aroused!)

I keep watching, with my heart pumping in my throat, to witness how this gorgeous woman is reducing the dangerous pieces of broken glass, (that would have cut my weak, male feet to shreds) into a harmless pile of little glass bits using only the grinding-tough soles and crushing-strong toes of her sexy-powerful bare feet. Then in a nonchalant way, she jettisons the entire pile behind her in a cloud glass, with one very strong, yet elegant sweep of her extremely accomplished bare foot - like tactfully clearing the concrete of yesterday's rubbish.

"Look Up!" I hear - and immediately I raise my glance to see her lovely but now deadly serious looking button blue eyes. Then in heart beat I am looking into the tough, wrinkled and green sand covered sole of her foot at the tip of my nose.

I smell a sharp and earthy oder all around her thick muscular sole (which I find appealing), then without any chance for me to react she pushes that fragrant bare foot forward and rubs the hard rough sole all over my face in a few quick and powerful strokes. My cheeks and nose burn like they have been scraped with sandpaper, but I also have to take notice of how she could manouver the sole of her foot all over my face with such controlled force while yet standing on one leg! Was there no end to the surprise of her feet?

She spreads her great toes and positions the hard tough ball of her bare foot on my lips. I taste the salty earth of her sole and I breathe sharp fumes from between her toes as I feel the force of her incredible and deadly bare foot increasing on my face. I know she can easily crush my nose and push her dirty soled foot through my face - I am at the life-taking mercy of her gorgeous and lethally strong bare foot.. I am feeling ultimate sexual ecstasy.
