MAGE 11 By Heck Comments to CHAPTER ELEVEN "IT WAS AMAZING!" Looking down the length of the big table, Brenhya's strong teeth sank deeply into a succulent chicken breast. This was the first night in the king's temporary accommodation, and the first time Chthord and she had been able to be entirely alone since her arrival. The house was small, by royal standards, and was built in the steep-roofed, low-walled style typical of the country. It comprised one main room, a separate kitchen, and a substantial wooden stairway leading to a raised mezzanine sleeping area. A cheery fire blazing in the central hearth, its smoke curling up to escape through a small hole in the apex, provided the only lighting and threw dancing shadows into the farthest recesses. Chthord smiled back at her as he put down his pewter wine goblet. "In what way?" "Just being there. On the hunt. Watching her move, seeing her stalk her prey". Brenhya's brilliant green eyes glittered, excited by the memory. "So efficient. Such grace and power. I was impressed". "Wow". Chthord gave a small laugh. "It must have been really something to have impressed even you". Brenhya raised an ironic eyebrow. "I'll take that as a compliment". She took a long pull at her sweet red wine. They were half way through their second flagon, and she was feeling slightly light headed. "And when I rode ahead to turn the herd, actually got involved in the hunt. Goddess, Chthord, I rarely felt so alive! I'm still buzzing now!" She refrained from mentioning her own blood lust. It was something she preferred not to remember. "Hunting always exhilarates me, too", the king said. "I imagine hunting with a tigress would take it to another level". "You have no idea". She cast about for another morsel, selecting a glistening finger of green. "I never know whether these are courgettes or zucchinis". "Its interchangeable. Depends where you come from. We call them courgettes, round here". "My mother called them that, but at the Hall, the Sisters call them zucchinis. But what about you?" She pointed with the vegetable. "How're you feeling now?" Chthord gingerly touched the still livid bruise on his forehead. "Much better. This is still a bit tender, but the headaches have gone, and I almost feel like my own self. I still have to thank you properly, for saving my life". "This meal is going a long way to say 'thanks'". She grinned mischievously. "I'm sure I can find a way for you to settle the debt". Chthord grinned back lasciviously. "I'm sure you can!" "In the meantime, this is wonderful". She indicated the table, groaning with food and drink. Several different kinds of roasted fowl and lamb chops nestled beside plates of fresh, crisp vegetables, while sucking pigs lay on beds of glazed fruits, all prepared with culinary skill and care. "This is a feast worthy of more than just thanks. Are you trying to seduce me, my lord?" "Could well be". Chthord caught and held her gaze with his own. "Is it working?" Brenhya gave a throaty chuckle. "Could well be", she echoed, her piercing eyes boring deep into his. Her words were coy and flirtatious, but her expression and body language were openly inviting, openly sexual. "You have a way with you, sir. Trying to turn an innocent young girl's head". Her white teeth flashed, and his belly did a little flip-flop as she gave him her most dazzling smile. Unable to tear his gaze from her gorgeous face, he reached out and picked up a goose leg. The grease ran into his beard as he tore off a huge mouthful. Brenhya leaned forward and grasped one of the sucking pigs, her gaze never wavering as her strong hands ripped off a leg. She bit deep, and the warm juices ran down her chin and dripped on to her chest to form a little rivulet of grease between her majestic breasts. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, before taking another swig of wine. With a loud crunch, Chthord took a mouthful from a crisp green apple, smiling as he chewed. Brenhya responded with another piece of pork, masticating urgently and noisily, rubbing the grease into her cheeks. She tipped up her goblet so that the wine overflowed her mouth, cascaded in twin cataracts onto her shoulders and down the front of her halter, discolouring the soft leather. Reaching behind, she removed the soaked garment, letting it fall to expose, her full, splendid breasts. Chthord gave an involuntary gasp at the sight. Brenhya scooped a handful of thick, shiny brown gravy from the lamb chops and rubbed it over her breasts and belly, lingering over the nipples. Still looking deep into his eyes, she ran her hands up her chest and throat, licking the delicious sauce from her greasy fingers. She could tell that Chthord's passions were aroused by the way he ate; fast and fierce, he stuffed delicacies into his mouth greedily, as if he was tasting her sex already. "I know what you'll like". Brenhya's voice was low and breathy, heavy with her own desire. She rose to her feet, pushing back the heavy chairs with the straightening of her knees, and stood proud like an all-powerful goddess. Her deft fingers stripped the short leather skirt and brief undergarment from her body in a moment, leaving her revealed in her glorious nakedness. Taking a knob of soft butter in her large hand, she squeezed it so that the yellow paste oozed between her fingers. She cocked an arm, flexing a large, round peak of a bicep, and slowly and sensuously rubbed the butter into it, so it glistened in the firelight. Chthord stopped chewing and sat very still, watching the spectacle, feeling a growing tightness in his groin. The opposite bicep, just as hard and round as the other, got the butter treatment next, and she continued across the round cap of her deltoid and up the sloping trapezius and the smooth column of her throat. She moistened her lips with the pink tip of her tongue, staring at him with hooded eyes. Swaying her hips sinuously, she tightened her belly muscles, bringing the defined ridges and squares into deep relief, outlining them in grease with one finger. A bowl of cranberry sauce, a compliment for the sucking pigs, sat close by. Brenhya scooped out its contents and smeared the sweet jelly over the hard muscles of her inner thighs and into the curly chestnut hair around her hot, moist groin. A tiny moan escaped her lips as her fingers brushed across the swollen button of her clitoris, and Chthord got to his feet with a gasp. Covered in oily substances, the firelight gleaming on her golden skin, Brenhya crouched slightly. The great arching muscles of her forward thigh tensed, and propelled her upward in a standing jump to land on the heavy table. Chthord leaned on the table, as if the vision of her nudity had left him weak. Running her hands down her thighs, she bent from the waist until her palms were flat on the table. Straight-legged, the twin globes of her perfect buttocks presenting to the ceiling, she began to walk her hands forward until she lay prone on the table, shoving platters of food to one side. Keeping her eyes fixed on the expectant male, she began to snake sensually along the table, thrusting the dishes out of her way to crash unheeded on the floor, An expression of anticipation on his handsome face, Chthord climbed onto the table from his end and began to crawl toward her, flinging food aside in his progress. Wine and sauces spilled on the table, making the polished surface sticky in places, slippery in others. The two met in the middle and locked lips hungrily, urgently, coming to their knees as their hands encircled each other in a fierce hug. Brenhya knew Chthord was a robust man, but even so she was careful not to exert her full power in the hug, for fear of injuring him. Nonetheless, he felt the air driven out of his lungs as he was enfolded in her strong, warm, safe embrace. Their mouths moved against each other, tongues probing deep. To Chthord, the taste of Brenhya was made even more exciting by the addition of the savoury juices she had smeared all over herself. Like a man possessed, he kissed an licked his way down her throat and chest, enjoying the flavours of foodstuffs mixed with the clean salty taste of her sweat. He paid particular attention to he wonderful breasts, lapping and sucking at the cherry-sized nipples. Brenhya leaned back on her hands, throwing back her head and arching her back as he brought his hands to fondle her breasts, rolling the erect nipples between fingers and thumbs. Brenhya let out a deep sigh, her own juices beginning to flow more freely. His tongue tracing the outlines of her terrific belly muscles, Chthord pushed urgently at her shoulder. She took the hint, and laid flat on the table, lifting her knees and spreading her legs wide. Chthord nuzzled at her pudenda, sucking the cranberry jelly from among the matted curls before pushing his tongue through the hair to her sweet vaginal lips. He licked around inside her vulva, nibbling and lapping at her erect clitoris, eliciting small cries of pleasure from the woman. Brenhya massaged her own breasts with one hand, knotting the fingers of the other in his black hair, encouraging his efforts. She arranged her legs so he could wrap his arms around the muscular columns of her thighs. His fingers stroked the soft golden skin, marvelling once again at the steely hardness beneath. He was savouring the salty-sweet taste of her, when the first waves of her orgasm began to build within her. Her belly contracted violently, moulding itself into a flat sheet of steel, as she tried to contain the eruption, delaying it as long as possible. Chthord, sensing her growing climax, redoubled his efforts, plunging his flickering tongue deep inside her warm, wet depths. Her thighs clamped tight around his head, holding him close and drawing him in as she allowed herself release. Her hips bucked and her legs tightened, her juices filling his welcoming mouth as he swallowed hungrily. The full spasms of her climax were upon her, washing through her entire body. Chthord, starved of air by her constricting thighs and feeling as if his head were in an implacable vice, began to panic slightly, feeling that she had lost control and would kill him with the enormous crushing power of her legs. He clawed desperately at her oaken thighs, his strong fingers unable to make any impression on the solid muscles. He was just at the point of beginning to pass out, believing that his head would collapse under the mighty force, when her orgasm began to subside. The pressure eased slightly, allowing him to take a breath, as Brenhya's body slowly relaxed. At last, letting out a great sigh of pleasure, she allowed her body to go flaccid and her legs to go limp. Chthord rolled out from between her thighs, flopping onto his back with arms outspread, sucking in great lungfuls of air. Brenhya reached over and stroked his cheek. "Mmm. You're very good at that". "Everyone's got to be good at something". He managed a smile as he wiped her juices from his face with a sweat soaked sleeve. His mighty lover raised her head to look down at the tentpole in his loose pants. "Hasn't dampened your ardour, I see". "Nothing could dampen my ardour for you, my darling". "Come here". She grabbed his shirt with one hand, and rolled him on top of her, enjoying the sensation of his weight upon her. She kissed him deeply, wrapping her arms about him to pin his to his sides. As he responded, she felt the tumescence in his pants grow ever harder, pushing against her belly. Her powerful hands took his linen shirt by the shoulders and, with a single heave, ripped it cleanly in two, tossing the halves to either side of the table. It didn't take long for Chthord to catch on, and his pants were off in seconds, leaving his lean, toned body open for her inspection, his long, thick phallus fully proud. Brenhya ran the pink tip of her tongue around her lips. "Not bad", she observed. "Not bad at all". She pulled him down to nibble at his neck. His hands slid over her smooth but sticky skin, allowing his full weight to rest on her body, feeling the rippling firmness of her belly against his. Her nails lightly raked his back, sending little tingling shivers of excitement through him. She shifted her hips, letting out a small murmur of appreciation when she felt his stiff erection pressing against her thigh. He groaned softly as he pushed its swollen head against the entrance to her hot, wet tunnel. Her abdomen rippled as she angled her pelvis, allowing him better access. He poised himself, and thrust hard and deep, burying his impressive manhood to its full length within her. She gasped with pleasure as it sank home, and ground her hips against him, sending thrills through both their bodies. Chthord let out a grunt, beginning to move in and out. He withdrew slowly and teasingly, to plunge back into her depths swiftly. Using her tremendous muscle control, Brenhya alternately relaxed as he thrust, and gripped tightly with her strong vaginal walls on each withdrawal, giving him the most fantastic feelings each time. They moved together, fondling and kissing, bodies slick with sweat and lubricated by the food juices, for a long time. Chthord penetrated to the full length of his large penis on each stroke, Brenhya's depths fitting snug about him but well able to accommodate him. He held back the growing urge within him for some time, drawing out their lovemaking as long as possible, but at last it became hard to restrain. He raised himself on his arms, and stared into her face. "Brenhya!", he breathed urgently. "Oh! I'm ...oh, my! I'm coming! Can't hold it much longer!" "Mmm. Then don't". Her head arched back. "Come on. Come on!" "Nnn. Come with me!" "I will. Keep going. Oh, yes!" They thrust against each other urgently, rotating their hips, Brenhya's body lifting his clear of the table on each thrust. "Oh, that's good!", she gasped. "Harder. Harder!" "Oh, gods! Oh, gods! Here I come! Oh! Yes. Ah, ah, ahh! Oooooaawwwwooww!" "Yes! Yes! Yes! Goddess! Yessssss!" As they hit their dual climax, their bodies spasmed against each other. Brenhya's body formed into a perfect bridge, strongly arching on head and heels like a longbow, raising her lover high from the table to balance atop her powerful body as he spent his hot semen. Her juices flowed in response to her own orgasm, and she moaned softly as she subsided back to the tabletop. Chthord relaxed panting on top of her, his weight comfortable and warm on her. Still deep inside her, he twitched as she clutched at his phallus with her inner muscles, wringing the last, tiny drops on climax from both of them. "That was verrrry niiice", she smiled. Her powerful arms holding him tight against her, he sighed in complete contentment. The feelings of warmth and happiness that this incredible woman aroused in him were too strong to deny, and too deep to go unrecognised. He whispered in her ear. "Brenhya, I think you're amazing. I don't ever want to lose you again. I never said this to a woman before, but I love you. Deeply, strongly, completely. I love your body, I love your face, I love your strength, I love your character, I love everything that makes you you. I hope you feel the same, and that you want to stay with me. Will you..." "Shh". She stopped his mouth with hers. "Ask me later". * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * All the meals at Drosklyn Chaithe's house were taken in the long dining room, sitting at the big polished table. The manservant, Quaff, shuffled up and down the length of the table, tending to the needs of the diners and clearing away used cutlery and dishes as necessary. Of late, Lon had taken to turning up late for meals, and eating quickly, not lingering at the table and avoiding prolonged contact with the wizard. Today, however, he had arrived when called and took his time over the meal, meaning to tackle Chaithe on the subject of Brenhya. But the daunting sight of the wizard, sitting relaxed at the far end of the table, his gimlet eyes never wavering from the apprentice, filled Lon with apprehension. It was taking him some time to pluck up the courage to speak his mind, and he let his eyes settle anywhere except on his master. Currently, he was watching Quaff, wondering, as usual, how the clear globule of mucus permanently attached to the end of the kobold's hooked nose, always seeming on the point of dripping into the food, never actually fell. "Something on your mind, lad?" The wizard's voice sounded loud in the quiet room, and Lon started at the sudden interruption. "Sorry?" Chaithe pointed at him with his fork. "There's something on your mind, eh? Out with it". Lon shifted uncomfortably. He cleared his throat. "I, uh, ahem. I was just wondering something. What have you got in store for Brenhya? Why is she so important to you?" "Told you, lad. I need a near-perfect specimen for the ritual. She is as close to perfect as I'm likely to get, what? Lord Shaitan demands it, and He will have nothing less". "Yes, but what are you going to do with her? What is her part in the ritual?" "Heh heh! Never you mind, Lon. You declined to be a part of it, so I decline to tell you, eh? All will become clear when she gets here, and you won't be able to do anything about it". "She won't come", Lon said, disbelieving his own words. "I sent her a message". Chaithe wiped his mouth on a napkin and pushed back his chair. "I know you did. Think I'm stupid, or something? And before you blame him", he said, as Lon's accusatory gaze turned on the kobold, "Quaff didn't tell me. He never speaks unless it becomes necessary, and he wouldn't see a thing like that as being important, doncher know". He got to his feet and strolled down the room toward Lon. "I'm a wizard, Lad. Quite a skilled one, too, even before I found the way to Shaitan. Did you really think you could send a message without me knowing? Eh? I knew you would, even before you knew it yourself. I even gave you the opportunity, giving you the run of the library and the workshop. I knew you'd find a way". "Why did you let me?" Lon had to look up, now, as Chaithe was standing right over him. "Because I knew that a warning to keep away would have exactly the opposite effect. Your friend is a warrior, and she lives by a code of honour, what? Yes". He responded to Lon's puzzled look. "I've done my research. I know her very well, almost as well as you do. I know what makes her tick, isn't it? So, a warning from you would bring her at a run, charging in to rescue her little lap dog, eh?" "But what would you have done if I hadn't sent the message?", Lon said, wincing a bit at the lap dog reference. "Or if she takes heed of the warning, and doesn't come". "Oh-ho, I don't think either of those are likely, what?" Chaithe moved toward the door and laid a hand on the handle. "But, for the sake of argument, if such was the case, I have methods of bringing her here anyway. Just whisk her away from her, how can one put it delicately, um, her alliance, yes, that's a good way of saying it, her alliance with His Majesty, what? Oh, don't look so crestfallen. You know she had a liaison with him before. Did you think they wouldn't carry on where they left off, eh? "Yes, I could have brought her here against her will. But it is better, yes, much better, if she comes here by her own choice". He gave a quiet chuckle. "Or what she thinks is her own choice, what?" As the door closed behind the sorcerer, Lon slumped in his chair, despondent. The woman he idolised was walking right into a trap of the most fiendish kind, and there was nothing, nothing at all, he could do about it. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Like a shaft of summer, the morning sun streamed through the smoke hole in the roof, spilling on the grey ashes in the hearth, warming the early chill. The hard packed earthen floor was strewn with broken crockery and food, bearing silent testament to the wild events of love from the night before, and atop the long table two bodies, still naked, lay entwined in each others' arms, soundly sleeping. His head resting on her shoulder, her muscular arm holding him close, Chthord slowly opened one eye, a contented smile on his peaceful face. They had loved several times, last night, and the memories washed over him, broadening his smile and bringing a tightening to his groin. He lifted his head and stared with adoration at Brenhya's beautiful sleeping face. Without actually touching, he let a finger trace her classical profile, full lips and strong jawline, his eyes lingering on the tiny scar at the margin of her upper lip, her only blemish, wondering for a moment how she came by it. A half smile on her lips, her face was so lovely, so serene, that he felt he could stay here forever, just watching. The peace of the moment was broken by the strident crowing of a cockerel, broadcasting to the city that it was time to start a new day. The racket broke his reverie, and he sat up, rubbing his eyes. He startled as the mess they had made in their passion, and the sticky, stained state of their own nudity, jumped into focus. "Gods! Brenhya!" He shook the woman to wake her. "Get up, get up!" Brenhya had a warrior's ability to come awake instantly, without any lingering sleepiness. His urgent tones had fired her instincts, and he was brushed almost casually aside as she came to her feet in a combat stance before he had time to react. He found himself rolling off the table, landing on the floor on his backside in a most undignified and un-kingly manner. A quick glance told her there was no danger. Hands on hips, she levelled her eyes on him. The sight of him, sitting indignant and naked on the floor, filthy with grease and, now, with a dusty backside, tickled her sense of humour and her lips writhed as she struggled not to laugh. "What's the problem? Why all the fuss?" Looking up, he was treated to the sight of her naked body, from his unique angle looking long and incredibly powerful, standing on the table above, and decided it was worth the indignity. "The time", he said, climbing slowly to his feet, reluctant to give up the view of her splendid body. "The housekeeper will be here any minute, and look at us, look at the mess! We have to get cleaned up". "I'm OK with that", she nodded, looking down at her own soiled body. "Yuck! I need a bath!" She yawned and stretched her superb body, flexing her marvellous muscles and leaving him slack-jawed, gawping at the sight. "Chthord?" No response. She gave a little laugh. "Chthord! A bath?" "Hm? Bath. Right. Come with me. I've got something even better". He gave her his hand to help her down from the table. As if she needs help, he thought. But she accepted his hand graciously, and stepped gracefully down. The movement brought them very close, and one nipple brushed against his lightly haired chest, sending a little thrill through them both. "Show me", she smiled. "Before we get ...distracted again". Picking up one of the last glowing embers from the dying fire with a pair of tongs, he led her to a door under the mezzanine which she had noted before, but had paid little heed. Inside, the small room was hung with waxed leather sheets and lit by a small window in the steeply sloping thatch. A bucket, its bottom pierced with dozens of tiny pin holes, hung from the ceiling, and her eyes followed a copper pipe to a small, wall mounted stove and from thence to a large copper urn mounted with a hand pump. She looked at Chthord with a curious raised eyebrow. "Gurghan told me about this", he explained. "The previous owner of this house was something of an inventor, and he installed it. He called it the 'rain closet'. See if I can remember how to work it. It's my first time". Opening the small door in the stove, he applied his ember to the coals inside. In a moment, they caught and began to burn brightly. Chthord turned his attention to the urn and began to pump vigorously. "As I understand it", he went on, "the water gets heated as it goes through the hot pipe. It fills the bucket, and warm water rains out through the holes. We just stand underneath. The water runs out through that hole in the floor". "Sounds good", Brenhya agreed. "Let's try it". She stepped under the bucket as the first steaming drops began to fall, wetting her glorious red mane, cascading down her back and between the twin mounds of her buttocks. "This is great. Come and try it". Chthord found a cake of soap from somewhere, and came to join her. He worked up a lather, and began to soap her body with his hands. She did likewise, and the two of them washed each other from head to foot, taking the opportunity to explore once again the bodies they had so recently enjoyed. "The water's running out", Brenhya observed. "My turn". She went to the pump, and Chthord watched as she worked the stiff lever easily, her muscles rolling and coiling smoothly under her wet, glistening skin. The sight had a predictable effect on him, and when she returned to the falling water his manhood stood stiffly and proudly erect. She took the thick member in her hand and smiled. "Pleased to see me, eh?" His hands went to her shoulders, and she allowed him to pull her close so that their tall bodies were touching down their full length. "You could say that". She reached behind him with her free hand, and pulled him even closer. They were plastered together, skin to skin, the warm water trickling between them. Their mouths found each other and they kissed deeply. He cupped her magnificent firm breasts in his hands, playing with the hardening nipples. "This seems a good place to take up where we left off". "Mm-Hm". She pulled away a little. "But not right now". "What's the matter?" He was perplexed. "Don't you want to get all sweaty again?" "Of course. But it's not a matter of what I want. Listen". He strained his ears over the sound of the water, and heard what her sharp senses had picked up. The housekeeper, bustling about in the room outside, muttering and cursing under her breath at the mess that greeted her, was working close to the door to the rain room. "Gods! What timing! I thought she'd be half an hour, yet". He stepped away from her reluctantly. "I guess we better dry off". "One small thing, Chthord". She cocked her head at his confused look. "Clothes?" "Clothes!", he exclaimed, smacking a hand to his forehead. "Damn! Clothes! Erm..." "What's in here?" Brenhya went to a little cupboard, mounted on the wall above the urn. She pulled it open, to find several large sheets of soft, clean, absorbent cloth. She flung one to him, and chose another for herself, wrapping it around just above her breasts. It reached to her upper thigh, concealing her modesty. She had none, of course, and saw no need for it, but was aware of the modesty of others. Chthord fastened his about his waist, and together they stepped out to face the housekeeper. The housekeeper, a hatchet faced harridan, eyed them with ill disguised disgust. "Your Majesty", she said, and Brenhya wondered how the honorific could be imbued with so much bile. Chthord opened his mouth as if to reply, but no words came out. Brenhya suppressed a smile and drew herself up to her full, impressive height, towering over the weaselly woman. "His Majesty has much to do, today". Her voice held all the grandeur and haughtiness of one royal born. "Be about your work, and quickly, now!" The housekeeper was a small-minded and bitchy woman, but she knew her place. She recognised the aristocratic tone, and seemed to shrink in on herself. "Yes'm. Sorry'm" The two strived, largely successfully, to stifle their laughter as they made their way to the steps. "We better get dressed ...", Chthord began, but he was interrupted when the double doors were flung open. "Brenyar!" Gurghan bellowed, marching into the house closely followed by Oudreya. "Here iss ..." He stopped short, obviously confused by the sight of Brenhya and the king dressed only in strips of cloth. Oudreya, looking over his shoulder, caught on immediately and smiled knowingly, showing sharp, white teeth. "Gurghan", Brenhya said, walking up to the big barbarian, unconcerned about her state of dress. "Don't you ever knock?" "No! Knocking iss for gentlefolks! Gurghan iss many things, but gentlefolks he iss not!" "True". Her ironic tone was lost in him. "What do you want, anyway?" "Thiss!" He held up an oilskin-wrapped package. Brenhya took it from him. "What is it?" "Dunno! But it iss for you!" "Me?" She examined it for a label, but found none. "How do you know that?" "It woss looking for you!" Brenhya did a double-take. "Excuse me? Looking for me?" "Yess! That iss what I said!" He looked defiant. "And that iss what I say!" Oudreya stepped around Gurghan's bulk. "Maybe I can explain. Fantastic as it may seem, this was found rolling up the main street, toward the palace". "Up the street?", Chthord butted in. "But there's a bit of a climb up to the palace. It couldn't roll up it". "I said it might sound fantastic", Oudreya continued. "But that's what it was doing, right enough. Rolling up the street, right to the palace. People tried to stop it, but it veered out of their way, as if it had a purpose, and wasn't going to let anyone stop it". "Yess! And when it came to where the palace used to be, it just kept rolling round and round, ass if it woss looking for something!". "Hang on". Brenhya frowned slightly. "If it was avoiding people, how did you come to have it?" "That was me", the were-tigress replied. "You might have noticed, I'm a bit faster than most people. I was able to catch it". She wandered over to the table, searching among the remains of last night's feast and finding half a discarded goose. "Even so, at one point I thought I was going to have to become the tiger to catch it. Do you mind?" "Not at all. Help yourself". Chthord walked over to her as she bit into the cold fowl. "But how do you know it was looking for Brenhya? Why not for me?" "We're just assuming, really. Pardon me for saying so, Brenhya, but you do seem to attract strange happenings". "That seems to be my fate", Brenhya said resignedly. She weighed the package in one hand. "But whether it's found who it's looking for is less important than what it is". She looked around their faces. "Shall I open it?" "Supernatural!" Gurghan grumbled. "That iss what it iss! And Gurghan..." "...hates supernatural", Brenhya finished for him. "We know. I'm going to open it". She laid the package on the table, wryly conscious that her companions were, suddenly, on the other side of the room. She undid the twine. "It's a jar", she said, extracting it from the wrapper and holding it up for inspection. "An empty jar". "The lid iss well tied down for an empty jar! Open it!" Her dextrous fingers untied the thongs that held the lid on. With more trepidation than she would admit, she lifted the lid... ...and stiffened as a voice whispered in her ear. A voice she would know anywhere. "Brenhya, it's me", the soft voice said. "Listen, Drosklyn Chaithe is not what he seems. He's trying to invoke the power of the Great Wizards, and means to summon one of the Lords of the Dark. He needs you, as part of the ritual, but don't come. He is treating me well enough, and I will escape when I can. But I am the bait in a trap for you, I don't know exactly what. So don't come to rescue me. It's a trap. Don't come!"