Mage By "Heck" Chapter five Comments to Chapter five CONSULTING DROSKLYN CHAITHE'S extensive library had not served to reassure Lon's troubled mind. He had looked up references to the name 'Shaitan', and was deeply disturbed by what he had found. 'Master of the Underworld', he had read, 'Ruler of the Nine Levels of Hell, Lord of Darkness, Prince of the Unholy, Reaper of Souls, Lord Shaitan is the embodiment of evil. Beware, all ye who would invoke his name'. And now, as he sat at a high desk while his mentor delivered a lecture on the Arcane Arts, specifically the Theory of Time Manipulation, he listened with only half an ear, the remainder of his attention focussed on his dilemma. The events of the last few days preyed on his mind. Fortunately, when Chaithe got into full flow, he became engrossed in his subject. So he appeared to be oblivious to the fact that his student's attention was elsewhere. Gazing at a point above Chaithe's head, eyes focussed somewhere in the middle distance, he turned his problem over and over in his mind. It was hard to reconcile the voice he had heard and the enormity if the evil he was sure was being perpetrated, with the benevolent and eccentric wizard delivering his lecture. Time and again, a single question entered his brain. "What would Brenhya do?" ****************************************** What Brenhya was doing at that precise moment was enjoying a beer. The inn was a dark, low ceilinged place, with rough cast walls. Wooden trestle tables and low stools occupied much of the space, and along one wall a long bar counter was presided over by a short, fat landlord. A large timber fireplace dominated one end of the room, and a wagon wheel, suspended on chains and studded with guttering tallow candles, provided the only illumination in the smoky atmosphere. It was several days since she had said goodbye to Leanore, and she had made good progress. She recalled fondly her encounter with the big farrier, but her main attention was taken by her journey. It felt good to be on the road again, after so many months cooped up in the Hall. She had not realised it while there, but the sense of freedom travelling gave her was exactly what she needed. She had ridden into this small town at the end of a long day's ride. Normally, she was quite content to lay her bedroll under a hedge or in a woody copse, and sleep under the stars. But the prospect of a night in an inn, a home cooked meal, and a hot bath, was too good to resist. Makaar had been left in a comfortable livery stable. She was quite happy to have left her tack and the Wheelbow with the big mare, knowing it would be a brave man who would try to remove them from under the animal's watchful eye. Such a man would end up with his head stove in with a kick from her flashing, newly shod hooves. A thick lamb stew with some soft home made bread had been well worth the groat she was prepared to pay. And now, she leaned comfortably against the bar, savouring a flagon of good refreshing ale. It had been very quiet since she came in. All eyes were on her surreptitiously [or so the watchers thought], but she was used to that by now, and ignored it. She signalled for the landlord. "Yes, Miss. What can I do you for?" The publican did not meet Brenhya's eyes. His gaze was attracted by another part of her anatomy. "Up here, please". Brenhya's voice held no threat, but her contralto voice was compelling, and he tore his eyes away. "You'll get no answer from talking to my breasts". "Oh, er, sorry, Miss", He was obviously flustered. Brenhya thought he was probably unused to women being so outspoken. "Another flagon?" "Not just now, thanks. It's time I settle up for the meal". Brenhya adjusted her swordbelt, to get at her money purse. "No need", the innkeeper smiled. "On the house. It's worth it just to have a warrior here. By this time, this lot", his gesture encompassed the whole inn and its patrons. "They'd be getting a bit rowdy, by now. Your presence has kept this rabble quiet!" He knew it was just as likely to be due to the fact that the male population were mesmerised by her sexual allure, as to her warrior status, but was still grateful for the respite. "Have you got a room for the night?" Brenhya asked. The Innkeeper sucked air through his teeth. "Oh. I don't know about a room. We have a doss house, out back. It's got some cots, and its dry. First come, first served, I'm afraid. Otherwise, it's the floor". "That'll do. How much?" "You don't want to sleep in there, Miss. Not alone with all these drunken louts". Brenhya drew herself to her full height, towering over the rotund landlord. "I'll take my chances. I think I can handle them. How much?" The man looked up at her, taking in her wide shoulders and tremendous musculature, and smiled knowingly. "Heh! Reckon you can, at that. Half a groat". Brenhya remained standing at the bar, staring straight ahead as she sipped her beer. She was totally aware of her surroundings, maintaining her usual state of alertness, but quite relaxed. There was nothing in this building that posed a threat to her. She became aware of a presence behind her, but did not sense any tension or hostile intent, only curiosity. She saw a large figure out of the corner of her eye as she took a mouthful of beer. So it came as something of a surprise when a resounding slap landed on her shoulder and jerked her forward. She spun round, hand on the pommel of her sword. A great bear of a man filled her irritated gaze. Widely grinning and dressed in furs the same dirty brown as his own long, unruly hair and thick beard, he matched Brenhya in height. He was huge and thickly built, but none of it was fat, and enormous strength dwelled in his massive limbs. "Brenyar! I knew it woss you" "Gurghan!" A welcoming smile transformed Brenhya's lovely face as she held out her hands. "Nice to see you again. It's been a while". "It hass, it hass", the big man agreed, engulfing her two big hands in his enormous paws. "But why iss a lady standing?" Brenhya gestured around the room. "There are no seats". "Hmf! Wait here". Gurghan want to a nearby table where four locals were sitting. He did not threaten them, or even speak to them. He merely stood over them and glowered fiercely until they got up and nervously moved away. He turned to Brenhya, indicating the stools with a flourish. "Spare seats over here". Brenhya smiled and shook her head as she took a seat. "You haven't changed, I see. How have you been?" "Fine. Seeking my fortune, still. No nearer finding it. You?" "Seriously well". She briefly explained what had happened since they last met. Gurghan remembered Lon. "Nice lad", he said. "Bit of a wet, but OK". He gave a bark of a laugh. "Doess it seem odd to you that, whenever we meet, it iss in a bar?" "Gurghan, we've only met twice". "Yes, but even so. Remember when we last met? I told you you were Gurghan's friend. I don't forget my friends. Landlord!". A hush fell on the room at his bellow. "Where iss my beer?" "You, er, you haven't ordered any yet", came the landlord's nervous voice from behind the bar. "So? Why else would I come in here? And another for my friend, here." The beers appeared with remarkable speed. Gurghan downed half his flagon in one draft. "So, Brenyar. What bringss you here?" "I'm on my way to Anusol, to meet King Pabloth. Apparently, he has a problem that he thinks I can help with". "Hm. Perhaps Gurghan will come with you. Give you a hand. Nothing better to do". "I'd be glad of your company". She remembered the big man's motivation. "I can't pay you anything, mind". "No?" He pondered for a second. "Well, maybe this king hass a job for Gurghan, doing what I do best". "Which is?" "Bustin' heads! Ha, ha, ha!" Brenhya smiled quietly. The man was as good as his word; that was what he did best. But inside the bluff exterior beat a heart as big as the sky. She was aware of his sense of honour, and he valued his few friends above all else. "I travel fast", she warned. "I got a good horse. He can keep up". He reached forward to grasp his tankard. Brenhya noticed a deformity in the shape of the bones in his thick forearm. She laid a cool hand on it. "That never healed properly, huh?" "Nah". The big man shrugged dismissively. "But it iss fine. Just ass strong ass ever. Just hass a bit of a kink in it, that's all". An incautious passer by overheard and stopped. "What happened to it?" "When Gurghan first met Brenyar", Gurghan explained, unashamed to tell the story. "We had an armwrestling match". He smiled at the memory. "She not only won, she busted my arm! Ha!" The stranger's eyes opened wide. "Your arm was broken by a woman? Heh heh! A woman beat you? Guess you're not as tough as you look, huh?" Brenhya frowned and made as if to stand, but changed her mind at Gurghan's gesture. He reached up and grabbed the yob by the throat. The man gurgled helplessly as he was pulled down, to within an inch of Gurghan's nose. Gurghan spoke in a low, quiet voice. "I think you can feel that Gurghan iss as tough ass he looks, yes?". The hapless victim nodded as his hands scrabbled ineffectually at the vicelike grip at his neck. "Lissen. This woman here iss Gurghan's friend. She turned out to be the stronger, and beat me fair and square. So, when you mock me for loossing to her, you disrespect her. Don't disrespect my friends. 'Cos, when you disrespect Gurghan's friends, you disrespect Gurghan. And if you disrespect me, I will tear off your head and shit down your neck. Iss that clear?" The man nodded desperately. "Can't ...breathe", he croaked. "All right, then". Gurghan let him go, and he almost fell over himself in his effort to put space between them. "Sorry, Ma'am". He tugged his forelock as he retreated. Brenhya and Gurghan looked at each other. Both were trying hard not to laugh. But it was impossible. Brenhya broke first, and spluttered through her tight lips, and Gurghan joined in, rocking the entire room with his bellowing guffaws. ************************************************ In her bedroom. That was where she was, and she was still unsure of how she came to be here. She had booked and paid for a cot in the doss house, out in back of the inn, and would have been quite content to spend the night there. She had told Gurghan, and he had just grunted. But later she saw him glaring at the innkeeper, and the next she knew, the little fat man had come to her and almost apologetically informed her that he had a room, after all, which she was quite welcome to have, at no extra cost. However it had come about, she was grateful as she sat naked on the low bed, brushing out her long chestnut hair. Her hair was her one vanity, and she took great pains to keep it looking healthy and glossy. She made a point of brushing it vigorously for half an hour daily. Her large biceps rolled and bunched and her forearms rippled with the movement of her hand as she dragged the brush through her thick mane. She watched the action of her muscles critically, with a professional eye, checking for smoothness and tone. The bicep satisfied her detailed inspection. It rose to a high peak cleanly and effortlessly, rising to a granite-hard mound under her golden, flawless skin. She prodded it experimentally with one long finger, and was pleased to find that it indented not at all. She wished there was a mirror in the small room. She had no vanity at all regarding her looks [aside from her hair], but she did like to check out her body from time to time. It was a matter of maintenance. Her body was a finely tuned machine, her best weapon, and it was to her advantage to inspect it in detail occasionally, rather in the manner of a craftsman inspecting his most valuable tool. And, if she was honest, she loved the way it felt, to be powerful and muscular. It made her feel good and healthy and, quite frankly, it made her feel sensuous. She was entirely feminine, and her strength made her feel very womanly. She grinned to herself when she recalled that it also made for great sex. In the absence of a mirror, she had to carry our her scrutiny by other means. Laying the brush aside, she rose to stand in the centre of the floor. Feet slightly apart, she bent backwards in a controlled arc, to place her palms flat on the floor just behind her heels. She raised a long, muscled leg to point at the ceiling only an inch or so above her extended toes, slowly bringing the other leg up to join it. All her movements were slow and under her complete control. Knees straight, she opened her legs wide until they were parallel to the floor. Her body formed a perfect 'T' shape, balanced perfectly on her strong arms. Holding the position, she lowered herself on her arms until her head touched the floor. Then the defined triceps muscles powered her upwards in a slow push, repeating the action ten times without effort. Bringing her legs back to the upended position, she brought them carefully down to complete a slow motion back flip, rising erect at the completion of the manoeuvre, satisfied with her flexibility and control. Starting at her feet, she flexed and relaxed each muscle group in turn, probing with intelligent fingers and assessing the condition of her body. Her calves bunched into diamond shapes, as hard as the gemstones they resembled. Her thighs tensed and became solid pillars of strength with great, curved muscles and defined structures, particularly the teardrop shaped muscle just above the knees. Brenhya tightened her belly into a sheet of steel muscle, the square shape of each section showing clearly under her silky skin. She drummed her fists against her abdomen, and was rewarded by the way her hands merely rebounded from the tight surface. She reached behind, and her hands found the twin columns of the great erectors at either side of her deeply embedded spine. Her fingers kneaded and prodded, and she was happy with the rubbery hardness of the two cables She placed her hands together and pushed them against each other. Her muscles jumped into deep relief, transforming her arms into sculpted, teak hardness, and the slabs of muscle on her chest contracted strongly and lifted her splendid breasts, pushing them tightly together. Her questioning fingers found her rounded deltoids and sloping trapezii, feeling the sleeping power therein. Satisfied with the condition of her body, she stood erect, shaking out her muscles. In the absence of weights for resistance training, the only way she could test the actual power of her body was to improvise. So she performed a series of deep, one-legged squats with each leg, and alternated with one-arm push-ups. When she was not out of breath after twenty minutes of strenuous exercise, she was happy. Having inherited height and a tendency to gain strength and muscle easily, from both parents, for as long as she could remember she had been the strongest among her peers. Her own strength was simply a fact of her life, and would have been easy to take for granted. But, as a warrior, it was important to maintain it, and even improve upon it if possible, although in recent years the latter had become more and more difficult; she was almost at her physical peak. Content that her body was still up to her demanding standards, she lay naked atop the not uncomfortable bed, and was instantly asleep. ************************************************ Brenhya had many talents. One of these was a soldier's ability to fall asleep anywhere, any time, and to awake instantly, refreshed and fully awake, fully alert, and without any residual drowsiness. This had stood her in good stead on any number of occasions. But on a morning such as this, rousing from sleep in a comfortable bed with the early sun streaming through the small window and the birds performing their dawn chorus outside, she could afford to luxuriate for a little while. She stretched her long body under the cosy quilt, sending a ripple through her muscles that both pleased and revitalised her. She rose from the bed naked, and walked over to the washstand, splashing her face with icy cold water from the ceramic pitcher. She brushed her long hair, watching the rise and fall of her biceps, and dressed quickly in her soft leather halter and short skirt. She settled her stiff leather pauldron over her shoulders and fitted her brass browband around her head. Placing her long, elegant feet in her stout leather sandals, she tied the lattice of laces around her shapely calves. Fastening her brass wrist protectors, with the beautifully crafted stiletto hidden inside the left one, around her muscular forearms, she was ready to go downstairs to seek out some breakfast. Gurghan was already there, sitting close to the roaring fire, urgently shovelling bacon and eggs into his mouth. Brenhya raised her eyebrows as he grinned round a well chewed mouthful, and patted a stool, indicating that she should join him. "Landlord!", he bellowed, spraying bits of bacon over the table. Brenhya jumped back to avoid the shower. "Your table manners get no better, I see", she commented. "Manners woss never no good to anyone". The innkeeper stepped from the kitchen and acknowledged Brenhya. It crossed her mind that he looked a little shifty, this morning. "Morning, Miss. Breakfast, is it? I have some bacon in the skillet, if you'd like it". "Just some bread and butter, thanks. And a flagon of fresh milk, if you have it". "We have goat's milk. And some good goat cheese to go with it". "Just the milk, thanks". The landlord disappeared into the kitchen. Brenhya turned to Gurghan. "How did you sleep, in the doss house?" "Fine. Had it all to myself, ass it happens". He chortled to himself. "There woss some others that woss going to sleep there. But they changed their minds". Brenhya clapped an exasperated hand to her forehead. "Oh, Gurghan. You didn't intimidate those poor men out of a bed for the night, did you?" "Me?" His bottom lip protruded, and Brenhya had to smile at his petulant expression. "Ass if I would do such a thing. You wound me". "Yeah, right". The landlord returned, bearing a tray with Brenhya's breakfast. He placed it in front of her and retreated without a word. Gurghan pointed with his fork at the man's exiting back. "He knowss something", the big man observed. "We better be careful, on the road thiss morning". Brenhya nodded her agreement, tearing off a piece of bread and popping it in her mouth. "I think you're right. I can't see him being involved himself. But he knows something". The two finished their breakfast, and left some money on the counter. Keen to get started, they headed to the door, Gurghan slinging his pack over his shoulder and leading the way. Approaching the open door, Brenhya's warrior instinct kicked in and her hand shot out with the speed of a striking rattlesnake. Gurghan was already framed in the doorway when her powerful hand closed on his collar and jerked him back into the room. His feet left the floor, and he was left sprawling on his back. "What the ...?" His indignant remark was cut off abruptly when a wicked looking serrated blade stabbed into the space where he had been an instant before. With a finger to her lips, Brenhya warned him to be quiet. Taking a short run, Brenhya launched herself into the air, passing through the doorway just inches from the lintel, way above where a body would be expected to pass. Executing a twisting somersault in the air, she landed lightly on her feet, facing the inn, to confront two men with their swords drawn, on either side of the door. "Good morning, boys", she smiled. The men rounded on her, surprised by her abrupt arrival but grinning when they saw her relaxed attitude and the fact that she made no attempt to draw the big broadsword at her hip. They exchanged glances, and rushed her as one. She seemed to rise in the air as if on a string, her long legs flashing out to take each man simultaneously in the chest, knocking them both on their backsides. They stared up at her in surprise, amazed that such a tall woman could have moved so fast. She smiled down at them, making beckoning gestures with her hands. "You boys have bitten off more than you can chew", she advised. "If you want to leave, leave now. Otherwise, come ahead". The men growled, and came at her again, swords twirling and slashing. Brenhya still did not bother to unsheathe her own sword, but met them bare handed. More quickly than it could register on their senses, she was among them, a whirling nightmare of arms and legs, punching and kicking like a battalion, rather than a solitary woman. Her blows connected with such power and accuracy that she left her opponents feeling as if they had been pummelled by a team of highly skilled boxers. Leaning against the door jamb, Gurghan watched the fight with professional interest. She moved so fast that, from his viewpoint, it seemed that Brenhya was anticipating their every move. Their strikes were met by a foot or forearm that appeared, as if by magic, to have been there all along. One of the men found his swinging sword arm halted and gripped by a large hand that held him easily. He then found himself flipped, the pressure on his wrist giving him no alternative but to go with the move and land heavily in his back. The wind was driven out of him with an audible whoosh. Before he could note his comrade's plight, the other man felt his legs being swept out from under him by Brenhya's scything instep. She followed up with a kick to the head that made him see stars. "Give it up, boyss", Gurghan said from his comfortable place by the door. "You're beaten". The first man heaved himself to his feet, and launched to the attack again with a ferocious yell. Brenhya ducked under his sword and drove her hard fist into his groin, feeling his testicles mash under her knuckles. He let his sword drop as he sank to his knees with a high pitched squeal.. Number two was back on his feet, now, shaking his head to clear it. Brenhya was upon him before he knew it, her muscular arm snaking round his neck. Her forearm became a rod of pure steel and her bicep rolled into a hard round ball, putting enormous pressure on the man's carotid arteries. His face took on a look of panic as his brain was suddenly starved of oxygen, and Brenhya reached around with her free hand to pluck his sword from his numbed fingers. As the other man climbed slowly to his feet, still clutching at his ruined manhood, the warrior woman used her captive as a fulcrum to lever her long legs up. Her feet hooked round the man's head and yanked him forward, where she captured him between her mighty thighs and began to sque-e-eze. His eyes bugged out as he felt the enormous pressure. His hands clamped on her thighs in a desperate effort to alleviate their grip, but he might as well have tried to move a tree. All three ended up on the grass. She now had both men captured and totally unable to escaped the grip of her terrific limbs. And she still had one hand free to wave to Gurghan. "Where were you?", she asked. "Didn't fancy lending a hand?" "You woss handling it", the big man smiled. "You didn't need no help. Gurghan didn't like to intrude". "Thanks". Brenhya's reply was full of irony. "I think". She address the two hapless captives, struggling ineffectually against her strength. "Let's you and I have a chat. Who put you up to this?" She felt the two heads trying to shake in the negative, and applied her tremendous strength to increase the pressure even further. "Uh-uh. Wrong answer". The man in the crook of her arm was on the point of passing out. The other, between her legs, tapped urgently on her thigh. "OK! OK! I'll tell!" "Better", she said, and eased the pressure slightly. Her sucked air into his desperate lungs, and she allowed him to recuperate a little. "Now", she said. But a quizzical frown came to her brow as the man began to gurgle and choke on his own tongue. His body began to vibrate and convulse uncontrollably, and the man under her arm began to do the same. Blood began to run from their every orifice, and the uncontrollable jerking and twitching of their bodies transmitted itself through her until she felt as if her teeth were being shaken loose. "Brenyar!", Gurghan shouted, running forward and pulling urgently at her free hand. "Get out of there!" She did not need telling twice. She dropped her captives and scrabbled away from them. She and Gurghan put several yards between themselves and the vibrating, writhing pair before they turned to watch. "What's happening to them?", the woman wanted to know. "Gurghan doess not know", her companion replied. "Nothing good, for sure". The men were rolling about, now, tongues protruding and eyes standing clear of their sockets. Blood flowed from their ears, noses, and eyes. Their backs formed perfect arches and they balanced on heads and heels, backs of their hands beating spasmodically on the ground. One man bit his tongue clean through, and the wad of pink, bloody flesh flopped to the ground and twitched in the dirt. Their bodies had become so rigid, now, that the only remnants of the cataclysmic convulsions that had wracked their bodies was a twitching of their cheek muscles. "Iss it over?", Gurghan asked. The quiet tone of his normally booming voice told Brenhya he was deeply shocked. She was not surprised. She had gone pale herself, under her tan, and felt quite profoundly disturbed by what was happening. "I don't know", she said, taking a step forward. "Have you ever seen anything like it?" "Never", Gurghan replied. He grabbed her arm. "Look!" Brenhya's eyes followed his pointing finger. The skin on the men's faces was beginning to crack and split, opening deep, red fissures in their flesh. "Quick!", she ordered. "Turn your back!" They both spun in place, covering their faces with their hands. Behind them, there came two loud, wet percussive sounds as the two bodies exploded. Bloody gobbets of flesh and shards of splintered bone were spread over a wide area, and splattered against the backs of the two friends. The explosions seemed to go on for a long time, and it seemed like minutes before the last drops of thick, clotted blood fell on their bowed heads. They turned slowly. A scene of utter carnage met their shocked gaze. Blood and pieces of entrails were smeared over the grass and up the walls of the inn. In one or two places, splinters of bone had embedded themselves in the timbers around the windows. None of it was recognisable as ever having been human. Except for the eye that burst under Brenhya's sandal as she took a step forward. She curled her lip in disgust as she examined the sticky mess on her sole, and wiped it off on a tuft of grass. She walked over the charnel stink, wrinkling her nose against the stench, trying to make sense of it all. "Goddess!", she gasped. "What the hells happened, here?" Gurghan could only raise his arms, to let them fall helplessly by his sides. He had not moved from the spot, and his eyes roved over the scene disbelievingly. "Why did they attack us in the first place?", Brenhya wondered. "And why did they keep on attacking, when it woss obvious they could not beat you". He plucked a splinter of bone from his arm as he spoke. It was Brenhya's turn to lift her arms in puzzlement. She waved a hand over the area. "Perhaps this was the price of failure", she observed. "And perhaps they knew it. I wonder who put them up to it in the first place". "How would we find that out?". Gurghan scratched his thick beard. An unspoken communication passed between Brenhya and him as his fingers came to a stop. They looked at each other. "Landlord!", they both said in unison. Together, they strode back into the inn, Gurghan yelling for the fat man to show himself. They found him cowering behind the bar, a total wreck, and from the stricken look on his face it was clear that he had witnessed the strange happenings outside his own front door. Gurghan seized him by the shoulder of his shirt and heaved him out, holding him to face Brenhya. She looked him up and down, contempt plain on her beautiful face. "Tell me who set us up", she said at length. "And you may get out of here with your skin intact". The innkeeper shook his head vigorously, heavy jowls shaking in fright. The two were a bloody mess, with other people's blood and gore plastered across their backs and matted in their tangled hair. Even so, it was obvious that he was more afraid of what had happened to the two thugs, and what may happen to him in future, than he was of the two live people who held him. "You want I should break something?", Gurghan asked. Brenhya seemed to consider for a minute, holding the terrified publican's gaze with her piercing green eyes. "No", she said, finally. "I have a better, more subtle, idea. Bring him over here". She crossed to the fireplace, where the fire still blazed in the hearth. Stepping up on a stool, she beckoned Gurghan to bring the landlord closer. She reached out a long arm, and gathered the front of his shirt into a bunch in her big fist. With a little grunt, she hoisted him clean off his feet and held him, dangling at arm's length over the flames, close enough so that the heat was uncomfortable, but not close enough to burn. He struggled and lifted his feet as high as he could away from the flames, but Brenhya's grip was implacable. "Now". There was no sign of strain in Brenhya's voice, only a touch of curiosity. "What you have to ask yourself is this. Will my arm hold steady enough to keep you from being burned, or will your shirt front give out first?" "My money's on the shirt", Gurghan remarked. "Either way", Brenhya went on. "It looks like you're getting roasted. Unless you tell us what we want to know". The innkeeper shook his head adamantly. Brenhya cocked hers to one side. "Are you sure?. I mean, the men you tipped off are dead. They can't hurt you if you tell. But me, now. I'm a different story. I can most definitely hurt you. That fire looks hot, and they tell me that burning to death is the most painful way to die". The man seemed to weigh his options in his mind. "Hurry up", Brenhya told him. "My arm is getting tired". Gurghan glanced up at the limb in question. The muscles were standing out in deep relief, and it looked as if it had been carved from polished oak, but it showed no signs of flagging. "All right", the landlord croaked. Brenhya merely lifted the corner of her mouth and waited. "It was you they were after", he went on. "They approached me last night, after you went to bed. Told me to give a signal when you were about to leave. They paid me a lot of money, and made it clear that I would not be killed, but I would wish I had been if I told you anything. Whether or not they succeeded". "Who were they working for?" "I don't know". Brenhya let her arm sag just a little. "I don't know!", the landlord repeated urgently. "They never told me. Honest! Please believe me, I don't know!" Brenhya thought for a moment, and relented. She stepped down off the stool, swinging the man away from the fire but keeping him suspended clear of the floor. She drew him close to her face, so her nose was close to his and the hard leather of her pauldron pressed against his chest. His fat belly jiggled as she shook him slightly, and she wagged the index finger of her free hand in his face. "Now listen to me, you little worm". Her voice was low and full of loathing. "You will go into the kitchen, now, and put the copper on to boil, so my friend and I can bathe and get this gunge off us. Then, you will take the money you were paid, all of it, and donate it to the widows and orphans of this district. Is that clear?" The little fat man nodded eagerly, ready to agree to anything to get out of the clutches of this terrifying woman. She dropped him to his feet none too gently, and he scuttled away to the kitchen. Brenhya sank down on the stool, a disgusted expression on her features. "What a little toad", she said to Gurghan. "He iss", the big man agreed. "But he sure iss frightened off something. And not just you. I like your 'subtle' method, by the way". He smiled at her for the first time since the horror they had witnessed. "But I still think you should have let me break something". "You always want to break something", Brenhya smiled back. Then her face grew sombre again. "What could have caused those men to explode like that?" "Beats me", Gurghan said. "But one thing is for certain sure. Somebody doess not want you to get to this king fellow. The question is, who?" "You think?"