LEANORE 19 By Heck Comments to heck@beadyeye.net CHAPTER NINETEEN THE SKIES RAINED FIRE. Dodging and twisting, Leanore sprinted between the walls of a high maze, panic in her breast as she ran. Gobbets of flame burst around her pounding feet and a burning blizzard blasted through the scorched air. Fireballs as big as her head smashed into the walls, exploding into huge sunbursts that showered her with stinging, glowing embers. Her shift had caught fire long ago, it seemed, and she had stripped it from her body so that now she ran naked down the twisting passageways. The dread of burning to death was the source of the fear in her, but more than that was the knowledge that, for once, her great strength and physicality was of no use to her whatsoever. Risking a glance over her shoulder, Leanore felt the hot grip of death close about her heart. A swirling, boiling column of fire rushed between the cliff-like walls faster, she knew, than she could run. She willed the muscles of her legs to greater efforts, putting on a burst of speed. The blank face of a dead-end appeared before her. She just had time to put up her hands, allowing her coiled-spring muscles to absorb the impact as she ran into it. Her eyes darted round wildly. There, behind her. A passage to the left. She backtracked and ran into it. Dead-end! Another passage opposite. Dead-end! Trapped. She was trapped between three dead-ends and the rushing, roaring wall of flame that came ever nearer. With absolute certainty, Leanore knew she was going to die. She shrank into a corner, feeling the searing heat of the firewall, smelling the pungent aroma of her hair and eyebrows singeing with the blaze almost on top of her. She fell to her knees and wrapped her arms around her head, curling up like a foetus and screaming in terror. Something touched her shoulder. Her hand shot out, and her iron fingers closed around the slender column of a throat, shutting off the windpipe as she opened her eyes. Sweat ran from her body and soaked the sheets; sheets that had become tangled and knotted where she had thrashed and struggled in the throes of her nightmare. Chest heaving, sucking in huge lungfuls of air, she sat up. Two small hands were clawing ineffectually at her muscular wrist, vainly trying to prise her hand from its vicelike grip. Leanore's eyes focussed and the stricken face of Claudia, tongue protruding and eyes bulging, swam into view. "Gods!" Leanore released her grip immediately, and Claudia sank to her knees beside the cot, coughing and gasping, thankful to be able to breathe once more. "Are you all right?" Genuine concern filed the strong woman's voice as she laid a hand atop Claudia's head. The servant nodded, not quite able to speak yet. "A dream!" Leanore said. "That's all it was, a bloody dream!" "I know", Claudia croaked. "I heard you screaming, and came to see what was wrong. You were thrashing about, and you looked terrified". "It was so real". Leanore swung her legs over the edge of the cot and offered Leanore a hand up. The servant sat on the side of the cot, while Leanore went to the basin to rinse her face with cold water. "I was running, and there was fire everywhere. I couldn't escape. Then something, I don't know what, caught hold of my shoulder". "That was me. I shook you to awaken you, and you grabbed me". Claudia rubbed her sore neck. "I'm sorry. Are you sure you're OK?" "I'll be fine". Claudia gave a lopsided nervous smile. "But I'm glad I don't have to face you in the arena. I mean, you were asleep and you almost killed me! I'd hate to think what you could do to me when you're fully awake". Leanore draped a long, muscular arm over Claudia's narrow shoulders and gave her a brief hug. "You don't have to worry. That'll never happen. What time is it?" "About an hour past dawn". "Time I was up and about, then". Leanore stretched her long body. Every muscle and sinew stood out in detail, and rippled sinuously as a delicious tingle ran through her. "We have to meet the Domina for breakfast, and see who my first opponent will be". "I've got some water heating for your bath", Claudia told her. "And I've laid out a clean shift. Your costume is in your backpack, ready to go". * The herbal tea grew cold in its fine pewter cup as Julia Domina sat musing while she waited for her protégée. A wax tablet lay on the small table at her side, the rules of competition. It was to be different, this year, and Julia wondered what it would mean for her ambitions. In years past, the first round had been a simple draw, matching fighter to fighter in a random manner. This year, however, there had been so many entrants, over three hundred, that logistically it would have unwieldy and impractical to follow tradition. The games were scheduled to last a fortnight, and there had to be a way to whittle them down quickly in order to accommodate the timing of the programme. It had been decided that, for the first round, all three hundred plus gladiators would enter the arena together and fight until the last sixty-four were standing, Then the finalist, the man or woman who would face the champion, would emerge in six rounds. Quick, efficient, and savage. This was the way of the Empire. Julia Domina was worried. She had every confidence that Leanore could handle any challenge head-on, but anything could happen in such a melee as was proposed. She could be borne down by sheer weight of numbers, or stabbed in the back. Anything. She was uneasy about the prospect of sending Leanore into such a chancy scrummage, and her brows knitted as she pondered the problem. "'Morning!" Leanore's cheery greeting roused Julia from her reverie. Instantly, she banished all traces of worry from her lovely face and smiled warmly. "Good morning to you". The lady indicated that Leanore should sit, totally ignoring Claudia who followed behind the tall gladiatrix. She had accepted the servant's presence and treated her much better since Leanore's intervention, but still did not deign to acknowledge her. "And how are you this fine day?" "Well, thanks. So, who is it? Who's first?" "Ah, There's been a change to the programme. Because it's the Emperor's Jubilee Games there are so many entries that they can't fit all the fights in. So the first round will be a free-for-all, until there's just sixty-four of you left". The implications of this hit Leanore instantly. She gazed at Julia, chewing her lip in thought. "So it's just going to be luck, who goes through?" she said finally, crossing her legs and leaning her chin in her hand. "Not necessarily the best, but the sneakiest?" "Seems so". Julia looked genuinely concerned as she laid her elegantly manicured hand atop Leanore's. "Listen, I'll make no bones about it, I want you to win. I've got a lot riding on you in terms of reputation, not to mention money. But if you want to withdraw, if you feel these new arrangements are unfair and too dangerous, that's OK. We can always come back next year". "What, and be the woman who chickened out of the Jubilee Games? No. Neither of us could live with that". Leanore gave Julia a dazzling smile that was returned with equal radiance, and the two women looked into each other's eyes with real affection for a long moment. "Because there isn't a draw, the gladiators will be allowed to pick their own style. What weapons will you choose?" "I think I'll just go with the secutor", Leanore replied. "It's what I'm most comfortable with, and by the sound of it I'll need every bit of flexibility in there". She stood up. "Come on, Claudia. Let's go and get ready". * Like a yellow moon, the packed sand of the arena shone in the glare of the afternoon sun. The morning had been filled to overflowing with athletic events, horse races, and entertainment, but now an anticipatory rumble ran through the crowd as they settled down to watch the main event. The blast of a hundred trumpets split the air, their fanfare announcing the arrival of the Emperor. The audience rose cheering to its feet as their ruler, a deity in his own right, waved from the Royal Box. In truth, it could have been anybody in there. Anybody dressed in purple robes. The arena was so vast that nobody in the crowd could actually make out his face. But the sheer presence of the man, the outpouring of pure charisma, was sufficient to verify his identity. Nodding benignly, he took his seat. The merest flick of his fingers was sufficient to bring the tabarded herald at his side to attention, blowing a short, complicated voluntary on his trumpet. This, in turn, was a signal. With mechanical precision, a hundred trumpets were simultaneously raised to a hundred lips and an overture rang out across the amphitheatre. All around the walls the big gates rattled open and fifteen score gladiators, all in the peak of physical condition and dressed in the colours of their patrons, marched into the space to be greeted by a roar of welcome from the hordes of spectators. Races and throwing events were all very well, but this was what they had really come to see. Combat. Battle. The spillage of blood and the prospect of glorious death. This was the entertainment they lusted after. In one of the dark tunnels, standing in line waiting her turn, Leanore knew a little flutter of anticipation in the pit of her belly. Her purple helmet hid the expression in her eyes, but her very being spoke of hyper-alertness as she bounced lightly on the soles of her feet, moving ever closer to the gate. When she emerged, the glare of the sun all but dazzled her. Marching smartly forward, she squinted at the tiers of stands, marvelling at the sea of tiny faces. Nearing the centre, her eyes sought and found Julia Domina, sitting in one of the boxes reserved for the aristocracy. Her patronne was smiling and looked relaxed, but there was something about the set of her tanned shoulders that, even from this distance, spoke to Leanore of the tension in the woman's mind. The Domina raised a hand, acknowledging Leanore as the gladiatrix came into line with the others. The combatants all formed up in serried ranks, facing the Emperor, and stood in respectful silence while the referee took up his position on a small balcony just below the Royal Box. Her small, round shield in her left hand and the short, gleaming steel sword she had made herself in her right, Leanore took several slow, deep breaths while her eyes darted across the fighters nearest to her. Some, she knew. To one side, a heavyset, muscular woman, looking very dangerous but perhaps past her best. To the other a tall, rangy man, whose stringy muscles belied his speed and strength. In front, the wide back and bull neck of a very big man with net and trident, who Leanore did not recognise. The immediate threat, though, came from the person directly behind her, who she could not see. She had to bear in mind also that bull-neck in front would similarly see her as a threat. Her feet shifted slightly as she prepared herself. On his feet now, the Emperor came to the edge of his box, arms spread wide in welcome. Leanore could not make out his features in any detail from this distance, but he appeared t be smiling. As they had been taught, all the gladiators raised their weapons in salute, speaking their pledge in unison. "We offer our lives in combat, for the glory of the Empire!" The Emperor inclined his head in acknowledgement and returned to his comfortable couch. All eyes turned to the referee as he raised his flag. In this round his job would be to keep count, and call a halt when the numbers were sufficiently reduced. The flag dropped. Leanore took one pace back and spun on the ball of her foot. Propelled by the strength of her long, muscular arm, her gleaming sword flashed round in a sweeping arc to slice across the throat of the man behind. A spray of red splattered over her and the man, in the act of moving to skewer her in the back, dropped his trident and toppled forward, his face a picture of astonishment. Leanore let her momentum carry her right around. Her sword bit into the neck of the stocky woman, who collapsed in a boneless heap. Before the carcase had hit the ground, Leanore dropped to one knee and raised her shield above her head. The rangy man's sword clashed against the dished disc and glanced off. Leanore threw herself forward on her hands and lashed out backwards with one foot. Her heel smashed into the man's gonads with a satisfying squelch and he folded up, mouth yawning wide as a high-pitched squeal escaped him. He would play no further part. Her legs kicked up, and Leanore cantilevered to her feet in time to face the bull-necked man who now charged her. Her shield dashed aside his trident as she ducked under his swung net, reaching up to hack at his arm with her shining blade. It rebounded from the iron wristguard he wore, but distracted him sufficiently so she could ram the edge of her shield into his paunchy gut with enough force to wind him. She rose up, and the pommel of her blade smashed into the back of his head with a wet thud. He measured his length in the sand, a deep indentation that oozed blood in the back of his cranium. In as many seconds, four bodies lay around her, either dead or incapacitated. She took a moment to glance about, sizing up her situation. A body slammed into her back, catching her by surprise, and pitched her forward. Her helmet tumbled from her head and her sword and shield fell from her hands as she stretched out her arms to save herself. Leanore spun onto her back, almost before she hit the ground, to see another retiarius looming above her, trident lunging at her neck. He was a big man, swarthy and muscular, and there was a great deal of power behind his thrust. Like a striking cobra, Leanore's hand shot out and grasped the trident, between the tines, at the angle where they joined the shaft. The man's jaw dropped as his weapon was stopped dead, inches from its mark, and his eyes started from his head as Leanore began to push back. "Gods!" he rasped. "How strong are you?" Leanore gave him a feral grin, showing clenched teeth. "Stronger than you", she said pleasantly. Still using one arm, the other groping blindly for her dropped sword, she forced the forked weapon away. The great straps and cables of her arm muscles rippled with effort as the man leaned in with all his weight and power, but gradually he was shoved back until Leanore's arm was straight. He did not dare let up, because he knew that Leanore would wrench the weapon from his grasp and turn it against him. In a display of incredible strength, and still feeling for her own weapon, the woman began to sit up and her opponent knew real fear as he realised he was in a trial of strength he could not possibly win. She was on her feet now, having given up the hunt for the sword, and held the trident out to one side. The only thing pitted against him was the strength of her single extended arm, and he leaned his weight against it, knowing that an instant's relaxation would mean the end of him. The length of the trident was such that, even at full stretch, Leanore could not reach him. But she did not have to. She could make him come to her. She let go. The gladiator stumbled forward, carried by his own inertia. Leanore knotted her hand into a teak-hard, knuckly fist that she slammed into his face with all her force. It was like running full-tilt into an oak beam. His feet left the ground and he fell in the dirt like a pole-axed steer, where he lay unmoving, nose and face mashed to a bloody pulp by the blow. Leanore cast around for her sword. Her shield had been kicked away into the affray, but the blade lay just a few feet away, its distinctive polish glinting in the sun. She tossed aside a couple of grapplers, and bent to pick it up. Her fingers had closed about the hilt when a movement caught her eye and she flung herself to one side. Coming up on one knee, she saw a scarlet helmeted gladiatrix, tall, lean, and as dark as Leanore herself, silhouetted against the light as she completed a failed swing. Leanore stood to meet this new challenge, but the other woman was distracted by an attack from another source. A strange looking man, with his hair in a long plait, leapt out in front of her, brandishing twin swords with arms that were held high and wide as he yelled at her. Almost contemptuously, she drew her razor sharp blade across his belly and turned away as he sank to his knees with ropy loops of intestine spilling from his laid-open stomach. He clutched at his own innards with a look of amazement, before toppling forward onto his face. Behind her, a male voice roared in defiance. She wheeled to face a pale skinned, blond haired man with wild moustaches and horns on his helmet, who charged her with a wicked raised axe. He was short, but stocky and obviously strong, and in the grip of a berserker rage. Leanore lifted a foot and slammed it into his chest, halting him in his tracks. She dodged the downswinging axe and rammed the heel of her hand into his face, just below the nose. His nasal septum speared up into his brain, and he was dead before he hit the ground. A whip snaked out and coiled around her blade. The steel was so sharp that it sliced through the plaited leather, but not before the sword was twitched out of her grasp. She spun, and found the whip-wielder to be a hawk-faced, dark man dressed only in a brief loincloth. He had an insane look in his eyes, but handled his whip with consummate skill. Leanore stood at bay, half crouched with feet planted wide. With the length of the whip to keep her away she did not know, just yet, how she was going to deal with this new assailant. Time and again, the whip lashed out, and each time it cracked against some part of her body, leaving a raw, stinging wheal wherever it touched her. Every move she made, the whip was there, toying with her, leaving its painful mark on her flesh. The whipman was laughing, now, knowing he had her exactly where he wanted her, knowing it was but a matter of time until her found an opening to strike at her throat or temple, blows that would kill nearly every time. She was getting angry. Angry, frustrated, and not a little desperate. It seemed there was nowhere she could go, nothing she could do, to avoid the deadly lash. Then an idea came to her. Letting a semblance of fear show on her face, Leanore shook her head and began to back off, holding a hand palm outward in a 'keep away' gesture. He could not resist it. An evil smile played about his thin lips as his arm came back. The whip struck like lightning, coiling out to wrap tightly and agonisingly around Leanore's extended wrist. Her steel-fingered hand closed about the thong. He jerked his whip stock, expecting the lash to snake back to him. Shock flashed across his features as he realised that was not going to happen. Smiling, Leanore tugged the stock out of his hand and flung the whip away behind her, leaving him looking and feeling slightly ridiculous. Almost casually, she took a step toward him. Bereft of his weapon, he was no longer much of a threat. He must have realised this, because he took one look at the powerful female approaching him and took off like a rabbit. She soon found her sword again. This is getting silly, she thought as she picked it up and tucked it into her belt. Straightening, she smashed her elbow into the face of the gladiator coming up behind her and bent to grasp his ankles. Swinging him round like a human club, she used his body to mow down three others before flinging him into the riot like a sack of garbage and turning to face the next challenge. All afternoon, the fights went on. Many were killed and even more were injured, often mortally. A few simply became too exhausted to continue and retreated to the sidelines, sinking to their knees to signal the resignation. Leanore wasn't doing too badly. Most of the blood in her body was not hers and, apart from the angry raised welts from the whip, she had a few minor cuts and bruises but was otherwise uninjured. Her respiration and heart rates were slightly elevated and she was sweating freely, but thanks to her enormous strength and stamina she felt, if not fresh, at least fit to carry on to the end. She turned to face yet another opponent and, at that moment, the trumpets sounded and the referee waved his flag. There were sixty-four survivors, and the first round was over. Panting heavily, Leanore lined up with her fellow gladiators and faced the box to receive the Emperor's accolade. She looked to Julia, and was gratified to see her patronne beaming down at her with pride. The ruler smiled benignly as he gave them his blessing, and then they all turned and trudged, rather than marched, from the arena. Inside the cool tunnel Leanore leaned against the wall and breathed deeply, grateful to have survived the first day of the games.