LEANORE 17 By Heck Comments to heck@beadyeye.net CHAPTER SEVENTEEN "YOU KNEW" Marcellus blinked uncomprehendingly at Leanore's words. He shook his head in silent denial. "Yes, you did", Leanore persisted, keeping her voice calm and quiet. "You knew about the pit and knew the carriage would fall in to it. You knew all about it, didn't you?" Her voice was quiet but firm, and her commanding presence was hard to resist. Still, he shook his head. "I saw you. You led your men to the side, around the rushes camouflaging the pit. You can't deny it any longer. You knew, and I know you knew". There was no threat in her voice, no anger, but Marcellus knew that his bluff had been called. He nodded. "Yes". He whispered so quietly that Leanore had to lean close to hear him. "Yes, it's true. I knew there would be a pit, but I promise I didn't know it would be so big, so deep, so devastating. That's not what I was told. Not what I was told". "What were you told?" "He said it would just be a trench. Enough to break a wheel or an axle. Just to delay us. But not this.this." His voice trailed off as he gestured helplessly at the scene of destruction. "Who told you?" Leanore sat by his side and laid a firm but not unfriendly hand on his shoulder. Wetness welled in his eyes and he shook his head once more. "Come on", she persisted. "Concentrate. Who told you?" "Nobody was supposed to die". Tears flowed freely down his face, now, and he hung his head, a picture of abject misery. "Nobody was supposed to die". Leanore gathered him to her and rested his head on her shoulder, the contempt she felt for his actions a little tempered by her compassion for his grief and shame. "Ssh", she quieted him. "Tell me. Who did this?" Marcellus pulled away, sniffing and wiping his wet face on the back of his forearm. "Look at the state of me". He tried to collect himself. "I'm a soldier, for the gods' sake. A professional. Nine years. Blubbing like a little girl. I've been in battle. I've sent men to their deaths; I've killed men, and never shed a tear. But here's big, bold Marcellus blubbing like a baby. Who'd believe it?" "I would", Leanore said gently. "You are a soldier, and I know you can acquit yourself in battle, but this is different. This is." "Murder". Marcellus almost spat the word. "Why don't you say the word, call it what it is? Murder". He turned from her, ashamed for her to see his face. "You said it yourself. Nobody was supposed to die". "Yes, but they did. That poor man. I knew him, slightly, even liked him. To see him die like that, smashed to death by those pounding hooves. Nobody deserves that. Murder has been done". "Yes, but not by you, so don't get overdramatic". She bit back a surge of anger. She felt betrayed by Marcellus's treachery, personally affronted by the fact that he had sabotaged the journey, but knew her chances of finding out who was behind the deed would be hampered if she made her feelings known. "The person who had the pit dug, the person who made you lead us into it. That's who has committed murder, not you. Tell me his name". Marcellus could not meet her eyes and kept his face turned away. Her words had eased his guilt, but only slightly. He remained wracked with shame and thoroughly despised himself for his calumny, all honour gone. When he spoke, his voice was the voice of a small boy who has been caught in an act of naughtiness. "Abraxas" he whispered, so quietly that Leanore had to ask him to repeat. "Abraxas" "Why?" Leanore prompted. "He said he only wanted to delay us so you'd miss the registration for the championship. He must not have wanted to risk you taking the title from his man". Once he had started talking, once the floodgates were opened, Marcellus seemed to want to get it all out. Punctuated by profuse apologies, he told Leanore everything. He explained how Abraxas had approached him, even before they'd left Galltex. He had known that Marcellus would not be swayed by promises of personal gain, but he knew also that the salary of a captain who had risen through the ranks was not great, and although Marcellus had helped out where he could, his aging mother and younger siblings lived quite close to the poverty margin. Abraxas had promised that they would never have to work again and backed it up by endowing the family with a substantial purse, even before Marcellus had agreed. He told Marcellus to keep an eye on Leanore's progress and, if she looked like reaching the championships, to lead them this way and look out for rushes across the road. Marcellus had composed himself, by now, and although far from comfortable, could bear to turn his face toward her. Over her shoulder, his eyes met the searingly furious gaze of Julia Domina. The patronne had quietly come to sit by Leanore, and had heard most of the confession. Several times, she had opened her mouth to speak in outrage, but was silenced by Leanore's raised finger pleading for him to be allowed to finish. Now, though, the Domina could be silent no more. "Marcellus! How could you?" Her grey eyes flashed with anger. "Where is you honour? Your loyalty? You despicable, cowardly, snivelling, loathsome turd!" "I'm sorry, my lady, but my family." "A pox take your family! I should have Leanore kill you where you sit! You'll wish I had, when I'm through!" Her words spat venom, and Leanore was convinced that it was only the physical barrier of her own presence between them that prevented Julia from leaping on the man and tearing his eyes out. "Guards!" The Domina imperiously summoned Marcellus's own men. "Put this ... piece of shit in chains! Know this, you bastard. You will suffer for what you've done!" Her voice became calm, deathly cold. "I will parade you through the streets of Capitol like a mangy cur, so that everyone will see you for the treacherous shit you are. Then I will hand you over to the magistrate, with a recommendation that you spend the rest of your worthless life chained to an oar on the filthiest, most evil-smelling garbage scow that exists. And that is better than you deserve". Sitting between them, Leanore began to feel uncomfortable as the wrath of the older woman washed over her. She watched as Marcellus shrank into himself under the verbal onslaught, a broken, wretched man, and wondered what had happened to the bright, confident person he had been just hours before. Four of the guards had found some rope and knelt beside Marcellus, the javelin of one held to his throat while the others bound him hand and foot. Leanore rose to her feet and offered her hand to the Domina, helping her up and leading her away. She was herself outraged by Marcellus's behaviour, although had clamped down hard on those feeling while she extracted his confession. Her patronne, however, was incandescent with rage and, while Leanore had suspected it lay beneath the cultured, sophisticated surface, she had never seen the redhead unleash her anger to this extent before. She had always known that the woman was flammable but this display of rage, she had to admit, unsettled her. She would have to choose her words carefully. "Domina", she began. "I wonder if there's another way?" "Another way to what?" The vivid grey eyes were almost startling against the porcelain skin as Julia stopped to face Leanore. "Punish him? Short of torturing him to death, which has its attractions, I think not". "That's just it". Leanore kept her voice calm and level. "You're not thinking". She held up a hand as the other woman opened her mouth to protest. "Let me finish. It's not Marcellus that needs to be punished. Well, he does, but he's not the main culprit. It's Abraxas who should be exposed for a conniving cheat and a murderer. He is responsible for this, not Marcellus. Marcellus was just a pawn in Abraxas's game. Do you agree?" "Well, yes. But Abraxas is a wily old bird, not to mention powerful and as rich as Croesus. He'll have covered his tracks well. I don't see how we can get to him". "We can't, as things stand. But we have a trump card". "Marcellus?" "Exactly. If we can get Marcellus to accuse him in public, to a man of his standing the loss of face alone would be as bad a punishment as you can devise". "No, it won't", said Julia, a crafty grin lifting the corners of her luscious lips as she began to follow Leanore's train of thought. "Because, once the allegations have been made, I'll have grounds to bring him before the senate. I'm not without influence there, through my husband and in my own right". She looked up into Leanore's face, smiling a wicked smile. "Together with the loss of face, that will be as bad a punishment as I can devise". She linked an arm through Leanore's. "Walk with me. Timing will be everything". "I understand", Leanore nodded, trying to match her long stride to Julia's shorter one. "If we make our move too early, it'll seem like sour grapes and you will lose face, too". "Another reason why it's important for you to win this championship. Listen to me". * The Street of the Temples was broad and straight, leading all the way from the city gates right up to the giant amphitheatre of the Hippodrome itself. Lined with places of worship dedicated to almost every god in the Empire's extensive pantheon, whose stuccoed and gargoyle encrusted walls shone in the afternoon sunlight, it also included the porticoed halls of the Senate as well as public baths and gymnasia. On both sides, the pavements were thronged with people, waiting with barely suppressed excitement to witness the Parade of the Gladiators, which was about to process from the gates to the amphitheatre [ready for the games which would begin tomorrow]. On balconies and terraces along the route, tabarded trumpeters waited to herald their arrival with cacophonous fanfares, and the air was filled with an anticipatory buzz. The parade itself had mustered outside the city gates, lined up and organised by uniformed marshals who ensured that each entry was positioned in order of popularity and rank, starting with the lowest and building up to the current champion at the rear. At the very head of the procession were the animal wranglers, keeping their elephants and horses under control, and the big wheeled cages containing dangerous carnivores and other intractable beasts. At a signal from the Chief Marshal, the procession began to move. The roar of the crowd almost drowned the strident fanfares that struck up. At the head of the line, a centurion on a striking palomino horse passed through the gates followed by a string of forty splendid horses. Some of the big cats became agitated as the vehicles started to move and began to roar, throwing themselves against the bars to the delight of the crowd. The final vehicle in the parade was a heavy, gilt-encrusted war chariot, drawn by six horses in an abreast formation. Sharp and jagged blades jutted from its stout wheels, glittering as they caught the sun. The driver leaned back, keeping the reins tight, competently maintaining control of the spirited equines. This was the Champion's vehicle, the chariot of Taran Tarah himself, whose fame had spread throughout the Empire and beyond. Undefeated in nearly a hundred fights and three-time winner of the coveted laurel crown [which he now wore] he hailed from a country which had once been a seat of learning and culture but which was now just another part of the mighty Empire. Well over six feet tall, Taran Tarah was a brutish, bear of a man with a shaven head and heavy, glowering features. He wore only a short leather kilt, and the thick black hairs on his brawny chest were matted with sweat and clung to his skin. He was extremely muscular with big, meaty fists and legs like tree trunks, and displayed himself with pride and arrogance. The champion was entitled by right to bring up the rear of the parade, to bask in the adulation of an already over-excited crowd. He was a little disgruntled, therefore, to catch sight of another vehicle, behind him, and looked round with a frown as his chariot passed under the triumphal arch of the gates. A very plain four-wheeled cart was trundling along behind. Three cloaked and hooded figures sat on the box seat, and a dishevelled looking man in a dusty captain's uniform was leading the horses. The whole looked very shoddy and hardly merited his interest, but Taran Tarah was annoyed that they seemed to be usurping his rightful place. "But we did register", the captain was telling a marshal. "We sent on a runner to tell you. We had some trouble with our carriage, and were delayed. Look on your list". He leaned over and pointed at a wax tablet in the marshal's hand. "There we are". The champion gave a snort of laughter as he lost interest. These would be no trouble to him. Their appearance and the condition of their transportation would not detract from his glory one iota. He pasted a triumphant grin on his face and held his arms aloft, greeting the welcoming cheers as his chariot entered the city. The figures in the cart huddled together as they trailed after, a good thirty feet behind the chariot. Marcellus. On foot and leading the horses, Marcellus turned to them and grinned. He still felt deeply guilty over the pit incident, and had readily agreed, as a measure of atonement, to assist the women with their plan. "We're in!" he called. "Passing through the gates.now!" "Good". Julia Domina lifted the cowl of her hood and peered out from under. "Just a little longer, 'til we're right among the crowd. Get ready, Leanore". "Ready", the largest of the three figures hissed. "And ... now!" On cue, Leanore stood up on the box and threw off her heavy, shapeless cloak. Dressed in her purple fighting gear and helmet, and wearing a short velvet cape that enhanced, rather than detracted from, the width of her shoulders, she was stunning, breathtaking sight. A gasp of stunned awe escaped the collective throat of the crowd. Not being one for overt public displays, Leanore felt a little self- conscious and exposed under the scrutiny of the sightseers. Julia had coached her well, and she knew and accepted the reasons for it. She was prepared to perform as instructed, but even so. "Come on, Leanore". This was the timid voice of Claudia, surprising in its enthusiasm. "Show 'em what you've got!" "Remember", Julia said. "Big impression. Big movements". As planned, Leanore began to display for the crowds. Moving onto the bed of the cart and kicking their luggage out of the way, she threw off her cape, claiming a fresh gasp from the audience as her magnificent arms and shoulders were exposed to the public gaze. Turning this way and that, a wide, beaming grin on her lovely face, Leanore flexed and posed for the admiration of all. Her muscles swelled and rippled while she made them play and dance in an exhibition of perfect muscle control, and presented herself as the epitome of sculpted, muscular womanhood. The effect was fascinating, mesmerising, and the throng were held entranced, drinking in the spectacle of her superb body. Julia jumped up beside her, tossing off her cloak to reveal her own athletic body clad in a simple white shift. The sun glinted off her cascading mane of red hair as she gestured and pointed, drawing attention to various aspects of her protégée's physique. "Citizens!" she shouted. "It is my proud honour to present Leanore! You have heard of her!" It didn't matter if they had or not, Julia made her statement in such a way that it seemed unthinkable that anyone could not have heard of the gladiatrix. "You have read about her victories in the arena! Undefeated in her entire career! And now, she's here! To entertain you! In these most prestigious of games! What a woman! She's strong! She's beautiful! She's all woman! The greatest gladiatrix of the age! The next champion of the Empire! The magnificent! The mighty! The legendary! Leanore!" The crowd were carried along by Julia's enthusiasm as she continued her harangue, and before long were cheering and roaring Leanore's name as if she were champion already. For her part, Leanore began to feel somewhat embarrassed, not only because of the extravagant claims her patronne was making on her behalf, but also because the performance the woman was giving seemed so totally out of character. This was Julia Domina; aloof, cultured, aristocratic Julia Domina, behaving like a common carnival barker. It was almost enough to make Leanore's toes curl. At a tap on the shoulder from Julia, Leanore suddenly stopped performing and stood still. Following the other woman's gaze, she saw a stout figure on a private balcony, applauding Taran Tarah as he passed. "There he is". Julia leaned up so her lips reached Leanore's ear, in order to be heard above the multitude. "That's Abraxas. Remember what we planned". The two women, one tall and dark, the other shorter and light skinned, were a complete contrast to one another. Both strikingly beautiful, and both so very different, nonetheless they appeared to be a perfect pair. Both stood still with hands on hips, glaring at the fat man. On the balcony, Abraxas became aware of another name being yelled, and felt the intensity of the malevolent stare before he actually saw the two females. His beatifying smile faded and his hands stopped mid-clap as the empathic effect spread through the crowd until they, too, were staring at him. He began to squirm almost visibly and acute discomfort showed on his jowly face, but he was unable to tear his eyes off the women until they were well past. Julia and Leanore continued to glare until Abraxas was forced, by their sheer power of will, to retreat inside the building. "That'll do", Julia said, satisfied with the effect they had had on him. "On with the show". Leanore hit some more poses, and dropped to the bed of the cart to perform push-ups in a handstand position. The people went wild. Up ahead, Taran Tarah became aware that the cheers were no longer all for him, that a name other than his was being chanted. He looked around, and his face clouded at what he saw. The bitch! he thought. A jumped-up nobody, and she's taken my place in the parade, and now she's stealing my glory! Oh, I hope I come up against her in the arena. I hope she gets all the way to the finals. Then, she's mine! By all the gods, I'll make her pay!