LEANORE 06 By Heck Comments to heck@beadyeye,net CHAPTER SIX ALMOST A WEEK in the stockade, and at last she was getting used to the smell. Being fettered to the bars, though, was something to which she would never become accustomed. Having her arms chained and roped at right angles to her body, being spoon-fed cold gruel that ran down her chin and across her chest, having to urinate and defaecate where she stood, and suffering the constant taunts Lexis yelled across the space to her, was as degrading and humiliating an ordeal as she could imagine. How she retained her sanity was a testament to her strength of character as well as body. On the sixth day there was much activity among the soldiers outside the stockade. By craning her head to the left, she could just make out that the tents were being struck and packed away on carts, and she wondered what was going on. Her fellow captives milled about, curious and, at the same time, fearful. A cart was backed up to the gates of the cage. It was completely enclosed, constructed of sturdy timbers with holes drilled in them, and ran on thick, solid, tall wooden wheels. The back let down to form a steep ramp. A squad of legionnaires flung the gates open, and began packing people into the vehicle. At least twenty people, naked and shackled, of mixed sexes and ages, all weakened from lack of proper nutrition and many with running sores, were shoehorned into the cramped space. They wept in their fear, and some struggled ineffectually with their captors, but to no avail. These were the rank and file, those of limited value, whose fate was of little consequence to the Empire. They had been fed just enough to keep them alive, and were crammed into the cart with less concern for their welfare than would have been shown to sheep. Two more carts were similarly filled. Those left in the stockade were the more valuable stock, the strong and handsome, that had been fed better rations and had been taken outside for short periods daily for limited exercise. The ones that Leanore had begun to think of, not without irony, as the 'elite'. Another cart, similar to the first, was positioned before the gates. About half of them were herded into it, among them, Leanore noticed, Lexis, who was dragged kicking and fighting from the stockade and flung into the cart. Each person was sponged down to remove the worst of the dirt, and liberally sprinkled with sulphur powder to kill parasites. Finally, a fifth cart was made ready. Five soldiers, one with a javelin held at port, approached Leanore. The spear was held to her throat, while the others unfastened her from the bars, making sure to hang on tightly to her brawny arms. She had been tied in that cruciform position for six days, unable to move her arms more than an inch or so. The pain had grown over the first several hours, and had been constant but bearable after that. Now, though, when her limbs were untied, excruciating agony lanced through her arms and shoulders. Her cramped muscles screamed in protest, causing her to suck her breath through her teeth as the pain, exacerbated by the pressure of the soldiers' hands, threatened to overwhelm her. The men were far from gentle, and pulled her roughly by the arms. Leanore gritted her teeth against the pain and dug in her heels, effectively restraining the four men. Annoyance showed in their faces, and one of them raised a hand to strike her. "Legionnaire!" An authoritative voice halted the man where he stood. "No damage to that one. She's worth more than a year of your wages". Fallus Maximus strode forward, weaving through the other slaves that were being manhandled out of the cage. He stood in front of Leanore, being careful to keep out of reach, tapping a leather riding crop against his leg and looking her up and down. A leering grin played about his lips. Leanore had been listening carefully to the conversations of the soldiers, and had already picked up one or two words and phrases. She recognised 'legionnaire' and 'damage', but the rest of the centurion's words were meaningless. She managed to imply from his tone, though, that she was not to be injured. As if the pain and humiliation of the last few days had not been injurious. She lifted her head high and stared him full in the eye. Her arms were shouting their pain at her, and she felt stiff and, by her standards, weak. Regardless, her arm muscles tightened and slowly, unstoppably, she forced her arms out of the grasp of the four men. They scrabbled to keep hold, and one reached for the short sword that hung at his belt while the javelin man pressed his weapon against the tender skin of her throat. She made no move to attack, but kept her unblinking eyes fixed on those of the centurion, putting into her stare all the pride and contempt she could muster. He met her gaze with an amused smile that hid the fact that her was very impressed and a little afraid, and held up a hand. He said something to them, and they took one pace back. The javelin stayed at her throat. Slowly, so as not to provoke, Leanore raised her arms and stretched, clenching her teeth against the pain, knowing that movement would get the blood flowing and restore normal sensation. She flexed her biceps, paying no heed to the awe-struck expressions on the men's faces, rotated her shoulders, and arched her back before completing a few deep knee bends. She shook out her limbs, the fabulous musculature moving smoothly and freely once more, and then just stood relaxed, totally ignoring the soldiers with her eyes still fixed on those of the officer. Fallus Maximus returned her gaze coolly. He had to remain detached, in front of his men. But inside, his heart was pounding with mixed emotions - admiration, lust, and just a hint of fear. Paramount among these was lust, and he knew in the depth of his soul that he just had to have this splendid woman. Had to have her before they returned to the Empire and his chance would be lost. More than any other female he had encountered in his entire life, he had to have her. Even more than that, though, he knew that when he did have her, it would be with a blade at her throat. Leanore read much of this in his expression, and curled her lip in a contemptuous sneer. Her eyes never wavered as she raised her hands and offered them for the shackles. The chains on her ankles were still in place, and she stood erect and proud as they chained her wrists, no trace in her face of the effort it cost her. A soldier laid a hand on her arm, to lead her to the cart. Disdainfully, she shrugged him off and took half a pace forward, her eyes demanding that she be allowed her dignity. Maximus gave a short laugh and moved to one side, waving her on with a gesture of mock gentility. The men laughed too, but Leanore walked past them with aloof dignity and stood passively while she was sponged and powdered. She climbed into the cart, leaving them feeling slightly ridiculous. The floor of the cart was slatted. Leanore could only imagine why. "You can act the queen now", Maximus told her as her fellows made room for her. "But you're mine for now. Just a matter of time before you're broken in and I'll be the master. Then we'll see what your arrogance does for you" Leanore gleaned the general meaning of his words, and glared at him as the ramp was lifted. The unsettling intensity of her stare, the unspoken threat in her eyes, unnerved him and he looked away as the ramp closed. * There were eleven of them in the cart. Not packed in as tightly as the poor unfortunates in the first vehicles, but tight enough so that she was never out of physical contact with some part of some person. There was insufficient headroom for her to stand upright, and she could not get an eye to the small airholes, so it was impossible for her to gain any idea of where they were going. The air was foetid with the stench of stale urine and faeces that had failed to drain through the slats. It was as dark as night inside the cart, but during the days the shafts of intense sunlight that streamed through the airholes were hot enough to cause blisters if one sat still. At night it was bitterly cold, and the naked passengers huddled together for warmth. Twice a day, they were let out of the carts just long enough to be fed. The gruel was nourishing but bland and tasteless. Leanore had to force herself to eat to survive, but the experience was far from pleasant and made even less so by the screamed taunts that came from Lexis whenever the two were within sight of each other. At every stop, and several times a day while travelling, Leanore took the opportunity to test herself against the shackles. Had she been shackled in the same way as everyone else, she might have succeeded. But on the orders of Fallus Maximus, she continued to be double-shackled, and while close examination would have revealed that several links had become stretched and distorted under her efforts, the chains remained unbreakable. And at nearly every stop, the stiff carcase of one or more of the less valuable slaves was dragged from a cart, having succumbed to the heat, overcrowding, and disease that was gaining a foothold among these people. The body would be dragged a little way from the trail, and left for disposal via hyena and vulture. Every time, Leanore was reminded of the fate that befell the remains of Tanley, and had to bite down to suppress the gorge that rose in her throat. Leanore knew she had to remain as healthy and fit as possible in order to survive. So she ate everything and, despite the cramped conditions within the cart, managed to exercise a little to maintain some of her strength. She accomplished this by pitting her own terrific muscles against each other, pressing her hands together or against the sides of the cart, locking her ankles and pulling them in opposite directions, or lifting her straight legs from the floor and holding. The regime was not sufficient to keep her in her usual extraordinary condition, but it helped and she did not become weakened as much as the others. Comparatively speaking, she continued to be a very strong and muscular woman. Over many days of travel the captives became disoriented and lost all track of time. The endless rumble and lurching of the carts was a constant accompaniment to the journey and, while some tried to make desultory conversation from time to time, the only other noise inside the carts was the gentle weeping of frightened women and some men. Outside, the steady tramp of the feet of several hundred infantry soldiers and the occasional yelled orders were the only external sounds that reached their ears. Eventually, on an afternoon, very gradually at first, other sounds became apparent. Raised voices, bawling of domestic animals, and the general hubbub of a busy town impinged upon their consciousness. Leanore made another failed attempt to see through one of the airholes, but she was able to detect the smells of unfamiliar spices and the acrid odour of massed humanity. Finally, the carts trundled to halt. Leanore listened carefully to try to gather some information of what was going on, but the noises were overlaid and confusing. After what seemed like an age, the ramp at the rear of the cart was let down and Leanore and her companions were unloaded. Down an alleyway formed of twin ranks of armed soldiers, they were marched in single file into another stockade similar to that in which they had been held by the riverbank, but much, much bigger. Leanore looked round at the faces of literally scores of captives like herself, all shackled, but all in comparatively good condition. All, she reckoned, 'elite', and she wondered what had happened to the rest. Lexis was in the same stockade, and Leanore could see her pacing up and down like a tigress, lip curled in a psychotic snarl of hatred. The two women were not fettered to the walls, this time, but there were able guards, armed with crossbows, patrolling the perimeter to discourage any trouble. Leanore walked over to the fence, her stride limited by her shackles, and looked out on her new surroundings. They were on a wharf, adjacent to a rolling river so wide she could hardly see the further bank. Arranged along the dock were several other stockades, all filled with slaves, and tethered at the wharf were three huge, tall-masted ships. Lots of people were busy on the dockside. Strange people, lighter of skin than Leanore herself, but darker than her captors. Most wore linen loincloths and headgear that formed a sun shade over the backs of their necks, while their kohl-eyed women carried water jugs or groceries and moved with extraordinary elegance. The buildings that lined the quay were marvellously constructed, mostly from great blocks of sandstone cut with such masonic skill that they fitted together perfectly without the need for mortar. Around doors and windows the stone architraves and mullions were carved with intricate hieroglyphs and cartouches that, had she been able to read them, would have told Leanore what business was carried on in each, and the name of the merchant of artisan that owned it. Here and there, tall obelisks covered with the same kind of writing, and wonderfully carved statuary depicting people and animals, stood in seemingly random positions. All around her, eyes were wide and staring and mouths were hanging open as, despite themselves, the captives looked with awe and wonder at the strange new world they were in. None had seen buildings of this type before, nor so many people all in one place, and although she tried to hide it, Leanore was just as overawed as any of them. Yet for all the cunning skill and artifice that had gone into the architecture, there was a feeling of age about the docks, a suggestion of wear and threadbare raggedness, hinting at the past splendour of a once- mighty civilisation in decline. A civilisation under thrall to one even greater. They had only one day in the big stockade. One day, during which Leanore listened carefully to the unguarded conversations of the legionnaires and gathered much information. The big floating things along the dock, she learned, were called 'ships'. She and her fellows were variously called 'slaves', 'stock', or 'captives', and their captors were called 'soldiers'. She also picked up one or two pronouns, but little else. The following morning they were fed early, and the soldiers seemed to want them to hurry. No sooner had they finished than the wooden spoons and bowls were wrenched from their hands and they were separated according to sex and made to form lines. Leanore found herself standing next to a frail, middle-aged woman, whose paper-thin skin seemed to hang from her malnourished frame like sacking. She was unsteady on her feet, and her dead eyes held the look of the lost. Silently, Leanore positioned her forearm under the woman's armpit, gently supporting her, taking much of her slight weight on her arm. She heard a 'tut' noise, and she glanced down the line. Several places away, Lexis glared at her with utter contempt for her humane act. Leanore returned the look with one of disdain and pointedly turned away, showing the other woman that her opinion was unworthy of notice. The legionnaires all came abruptly to attention. Fallus Maximus, several other centurions, and the one she had heard called 'general' entered the stockade and began to walk up and down the lines. They carefully scrutinised each captive in turn, occasionally touching one on the shoulder. Those selected were, Leanore noticed, the biggest and fittest, and were led away by armed men. They did not seem to be in any hurry, and took their time, examining each person in great detail before making a decision. So she felt like she had been standing in line for hours when her turn came. The general stood in front of her, looking her up and down, admiration hiding behind his professional expression. His junior officers stood in a bunch behind him, but he summoned Maximus to his side. They spoke, the general saying something and the centurion nodding in agreement. Leanore decided to try some of her newly learned words. "You", she said haltingly. "You.man? You." Her vocabulary failed her. She touched herself on the head. "Man?" The general smiled, nudging Maximus in the ribs. She understood very little of what he said, but it was obvious that he approved, and from the way the centurion replied she could see that he approved also. She listened hard, but only gathered a very little of what they were saying. The general allowed himself a little grin of indulgence, smiling into her face for the first time. "Well", he said. "Been learning how to speak, eh? A brain as well as beauty. That's a pleasant surprise". He turned to Maximus. "This is our best find, Fallus. I might buy her myself, when I get home. Eh?" Maximus laughed as if the general had made a great joke. Leanore could tell he was laughing only to ingratiate himself, and curled her lip at him. "Well, you're a fine looking specimen, and no mistake", the general said to Leanore. "I hope you're as strong as you look?" She looked at him uncomprehendingly. He bent an arm and pointed to his own biceps. "You are strong?" Understanding dawned on her. "Yes", she said. "I strong. You." She touched her head again. "Man?" It was the general's turn to look confused. He was a fine tactician and possessed a keen military brain, but his intellect was limited to his field of expertise. He was not as quick on the uptake as Leanore, and looked at Maximus with a shrug. "I think she's asking if you're the head man, sir" "Touching her head. Head. Man. Yes, that must be it. Headman. Gods, she's bright, isn't she?" "Head man". Leanore said. "Yes. Yes, that's right. I am. I'm the headman". "I go. You say.I go?" The general laughed again, and Leanore wondered what she had said that was so funny. "Yes, I say, you go, all right. But not where you want, I think. Eh? You're too valuable to waste. You'll go to the arena". "Arena? What is arena?" "The arena? The arena is.well, it's.it's a big." He made expansive circling motions with his hands. "It's a place where.oh, what the hell am I doing trying to explain to you?" The general seemed to be frustrated by Leanore's inability to understand, but in reality was foiled by his own inability to explain. "You'll find out, soon enough". He made a gesture, and four guards laid hold of Leanore's arms. She held up a hand in a 'wait' gesture, and indicated the woman at her side. "She". Leanore made feeding movements. "She.die". The officers understood. Leanore was asking for help for the sickly woman that leant on her arm, but it meant nothing to them. Four men tried to drag Leanore away, but she planted her feet squarely and flung her arms wide. Four men sprawled across the stone floor, tumbling over one another in their embarrassment. Maximus stepped protectively in front of his general and his hand went to his sword, but Leanore simply stood with hands on hips, staring at him. The general, real anger showing on his face now, but careful to keep Maximus between him and the woman, shook a fist at her. "I could have you killed for that!" he roared. "Killed! You understand?" "Killed?" Leanore sounded as if she was making a polite enquiry. "Yes! Killed!" He made slashing movements across his throat. "Kill! You know, kill?!" "Ah, kill". Leanore nodded with understanding, looking from the general to Maximus with cold eyes. "Soon, I kill". "Soon, you die, you mean!" The general completely missed her point. Maximus leaned back and whispered in his ear. The senior officer nodded his head resignedly. "You're lucky", he told her. "Centurion Maximus has reminded me of your monetary value. So you live, this time. Take her away". Leanore felt the prick of a sharp blade in the small of her back as the four men reattached themselves to her arms. She gave the poorly woman a look of sympathy, and received one of gratitude in return, as she allowed herself to be led away.