Sunday School Hayley goes to church. When my mom took me to get my ears pierced I was like 13. It was a now-you're-a-teenager thing. Back then I wanted to get EVERYTHING pierced, which was kind of stupid, but a girl's gotta have her punk phase. Anyway I was just zoning out staring at the pierce gun while the wage-slave got ready and I suddenly thought of how awesome it would be if you used the gun to just pop somebody's eye. Like a little grape. Hold them down on that shitty fake-brick mall floor and POP POP. And so obviously I started giggling. I mean, I'm giggling now. Anyway, my mom asked me what was so funny, and I told her. That was right before they sent me to the doctor for the first time. My parents and I don't get along. Part of that is just general difference-of-opinion sort of stuff, like, they think I should have rules and restrictions and bedtimes and stuff and I think I should do whatever the fuck I want all the time cuz I'm rad, but there's something else too. I think I make them sad and freaked out. Like, they're kinda Christian, and their beautiful angelic Virgin-Mary daughter, who by the way is their only kid because they wanted to concentrate on me isn't that sweet, is kind of a problem child. Like as in "Hayley painted a picture in art class of you getting dismembered" problem child. Or "Hayley took Matt behind the classroom and no one knows what she did to him but he hasn't stopped crying for three hours". Or "Hayley had to leave Bobby's 12th birthday party because she told him she'd show him his present if he got on his knees in front of her, and then she pelvic-thrust him five times into a tree." Y'know. I'm a sparkplug. Anyway the effect of having me as a daughter for LOL-you-think-I'm-telling-you-how-old-I-am years is that you eventually just give up, and just pray really hard for me every night before you go to bed. And then have some vodka when you wake up. They're both alkies now, and my mom has her priest over all the time (I dunno if they're trying to perform some kind of exorcism or if he's just fucking her) and my dad at this point is basically just this fat human wallet that I stab a straw into every now and then and slurp some money out of. Which means he's covered all over with little welts, just like his liver. Liam and I considered buying some heroin and leaving it where my dad could find it to see if we could turn him into a smack addict for Jesus, but then Liam fixed his TV so we weren't so desperate for entertainment. I made him pump me full of money tonight before I went out to meet Liam, who was with some guy I'd never seen before and who I guess works at Liam's shitty job. The guy fucked me with his eyes the second I walked up so I flayed him with my eyes and threw his dripping fucking body onto a salt flat with my eyes, but I think he might have been retarded because he asked me with this dumbass leer if I went to high school and what my high school was like. And I said it was a fucking slut high school where we were all hot sluts nailing each other in a giant fucking hot high school slut orgy, and that he should visit. Which made Liam laugh (always awesome, the boy is a dreamboat when he laughs) and which more importantly made his friend shut up. We get into Liam's car and drive around for a while and I pack a bong in the back seat and take a couple major Hayley-rips and let it soak in like a warm bath while I achieve fucking liftoff. I hand it to the friend, who I think is getting turned on by watching me rip, which I totally get but which is still hilariously pathetic. And things get even more hilariously pathetic when he hits it himself with his eyes like looking at me all, like, smouldering or whatever, and he fucking CHOKES OUT and a jet of nasty fucking bongwater goes all over Liam's car. Which because I'm now halfway to blazed makes me laugh so fucking hard I think it's gonna kill me. Like there are waves and WAVES of fucking stoner giggling coming my way. And Liam isn't helping, because he's acting all pissed off. He doesn't give a shit about those seats really, but I guess the friend--or I guess "co-worker" is really what he is--doesn't know that, because Liam's acting like this is a HUGE fucking problem and he's REALLY fucking pissed off and he's gonna pull the fucking car over RIGHT NOW and beat the shit out of the guy, and the guy is obviously completely freaked out and terrified and oh God his face I wish I could even describe it to you. You'd laugh too. Unless you have human decency or something, in which case here is my clit, pucker up. So it's like the instant the choke-out happened the whole night took this turn from being a boring hangout night to being a Hayley and Liam get baked and get their antisocial jollies night, which makes whatever-this-guy's-name-is Potential Victim #12 and which totally kicks ass, and which I, like, inaugurate by putting one hand on the side of the dude's head while he's still like apologizing and trying to calm Liam down, and slowly pushing him out the window--he tries to push back but turns out they have really good gym class in hot slut high school--and then raising the window so it grinds against his cheek and traps him there with like his squished face poking out of the car and catching the bugs and yelling something. "What's he saying, Hayley?" Liam says from the front seat. "I think he's mad I'm on his side, Dad," I say, which cracks Liam up. I lie back in the seat and practically fucking purr I am so happy. "Turn left here. Church." "Definitely." We're near my parents' church, like a couple blocks away, and we pull into the parking lot because when I was like seven my parents still made me go to Sunday school and I stole the spare key to the church basement and I don't think they even fucking noticed, because the key still works. Liam and I get high down there a lot. We usually pour the bong into the holy water after. We're very mature. So I get out of the car and because it is a perfect warm SoCal night I take off the jacket I was wearing, which was Liam's anyway, and give my shoulders some air. Taking off a jacket when you're really happy is halfway to dancing, and since I'm stoned I get all the way there, dancing in the church parking lot, doing little fake oopsie-slips with my spaghetti straps, really fucking enjoying myself. Liam is yanking Potential Victim #12 out of the window and putting him in a headlock. "Stop acting like a fucking kid," he says. This actually kinda kills my buzz and I glare at him. "I AM a fucking kid, PERVERT," I say. "Rape me." Which makes him laugh again. I unlock the door and let him go first so I can look at his ass while he goes down the stairs. I'm getting this tingle in my whole body and I realize I'm doing this thing where I'm flexing every muscle I think I'm gonna use tonight and enjoying the teaser. I have really excellent cleavage in this top, by the way. Go right ahead and picture that; God's not watching. He's probably watching us though, because Liam just threw 12's body into a shelf and there's papers and boxes and little pictures of Jesus falling all over him. And I'm walking across the room to him with my hands in my jeans pockets while Liam turns on the light, and I'm giving him a big smile and saying the first thing that comes into my stoned happy brain, which for some reason is "Hi, buster! Are you in my homeroom?" At which point he starts full-on slasher-movie screaming, and I start full-on slasher-movie having a fucking blast. I drag him up off the floor and bitch-slap him hard enough to knock a tooth out, and I headbutt him just like I did Eric and drop him the instant I do, and I kick him in the balls when he's on the floor and he convulses and all the muscles I was flexing are like hell-O Hayley you SEXY THING. I hear the bong bubbling behind me because Liam is taking a rip, and that boy can take some epic awesome bong rips and I kinda want to be part of the history he's making back there. So I kick the Twelvester in the nuts again and go over to Liam and kiss him and the smoke curls out of his mouth and down my throat and he puts his hands on my ass and squeezes and every single nerve in my body is on red-alert fuck-this-gorgeous-stud-immediately mode, and it's actually HARD to pull myself away and blow smoke all over 12's screwed-up face and get back to business. I mean, kinda hard. I sit on Twelvie's chest and grab his weak little chicken arms and do the why-are-you-hitting-yourself thing, which is way funnier high, and giggle at him and hock a big snotty perfect loogie onto his nose, which is actually an AMAZING FUCKING ACHIEVEMENT high what with the cottonmouth and which someone should probably give me a fucking trophy for. He starts crying here--I'd give his crying a 4.3, which isn't so good, but the way the rest of this night's going it doesn't matter--and I take one hand and palm his face and lift his head an inch or two above the concrete floor and then slam it down, kinda hard, not hard enough to do anything serious, yet. He looks terrified so I lick my lips and make this slurping sound and say "CONCUSSION TIME!" which does not make any fucking sense at all but I have a good delivery so it ups his crying to like a 4.7. Liam is coming up in front of me and unbuttoning his jeans while I keep hitting 12's head on the same lump, and his briefs look like they're going to rip open because he's an idiot boy and still wears tighty-whiteys even though his dick's way too big for them. And now I have this total THING for tighty-whiteys that I never used to have and it's his fucking fault, which makes me mad enough to slam 12's head down harder than I'd meant to and there's a weird cracking sound. That's gotta hurt. I'm going to give Liam's dick a tongue-bath but a few seconds after the cracking sound 12 starts, like, GURGLING, like he's trying to talk but something's gone wrong inside his head, like maybe a teenage girl has cracked it open on the floor. And Liam laughs at me and says "Jesus, anger problems," which because I DO have anger problems changes my plans and I do this like little barracuda-lunge at his dick and snap my teeth shut just in front of it, and he jumps back and yells "Fuck!" and I get up from 12's head and leave him to keep up his drainpipe noise and jump Liam and force him against the wall and French him like a boy while his pants drop down and I wrap my legs around those fucking tighty-whiteys. Then we kind of fall down to the floor, right next to 12, me on top of Liam with my jeans kicked off somewhere into the basement and impaling myself on that grade-A fuck-yeah 20-year-old cock, which like--I hate to say this because I think you're kinda cool and dig telling you these stories, but it's way bigger than yours. Like big enough to asphyxiate you if he decided to shove it down your throat, which, depending on how high I was, I might think was really funny. I'm just warning you, if we're gonna keep internet-hanging. Anyway but now two perfect things happen. The first perfect thing is that while I'm riding Liam's dick and grinning like a stoned cat and stretching my arms up in the air and looking down at my flawless fucking idol of a stomach, I notice that the bong we've been ripping from is still within reach, and so is 12, whose gurgling is more like sputtering now and who I suspect might need a few sick days and also a live-in nurse. So like, what would you do? I reach over and pick up the bong and do one last rip from it even though it's mostly cashed, and then I hold it out over 12's sputtering face while Liam fucks me and I pour the filthy water down P.V. #12's throat and I think at least half of it goes into his lungs. And I get back to cowgirling my big psychotic boyfriend, who is listening to the sounds 12's making now and pants out, "Hayley, I think he might die." "Don't jinx it," I say. And I fucking leave the real world behind and go bye-bye to pure fucking blissville. Which is when the second perfect thing happens. I swear to fucking God, the door opens, the stairway light goes on, and there is MY FUCKING MOM. Standing behind her fucking priest, holding a bottle of wine, coming down here to get drunk on something different for a change and have dirty-Christian sex with Father Whogivesafuck, or maybe she's just here to cry on his shoulder about her sad life. Which she's probably really gonna need now because I might as well be spotlit, down here in the basement, my pants off, my green top half-rolled up, her problem child, impaled on some dumbass dropout's dick and fucking to the sound of a guy with a concussion choking on bongwater. It's a lot to take in. Plus a few seconds after she sees me--I really cannot help this--Liam blasts his spunk into me and I have probably one of the five best orgasms of my life. I think her brain catches fire. So does mine, honestly. "HAYLEY?" she wails from the top of the stairs. Liam twists his head to look at her and I clamber down from my rocketship orgasm and arch my back and purr and give her a look that is probably the exact opposite of a loving daughter-to-mom look. "God, Mom," I say. "OCCUPIED." She runs. He runs, too; he probably thinks he's having a nightmare, or a vision of Hell. They can write a whole new chapter of Revelations about me. They slam the door and run while Liam laughs so fucking hard I think he's going to cum again. So I basically own my mom now. I mean, even more than I did. Which means I'm gonna be wake-and-baking a lot more. Also, Potential Victim #12 finally stops making any kind of noise at all, which I guess makes him Victim #12 and which I'm pretty sure is going on my Permanent Record. Oops. Really gotta get that under control. Teen Orgy High School's fucking strict.