The Bully Academy: Part 5 Address any feedback to The mood in the letters to the editor was beginning to make a strange shift. Whereas before, they would generally reflect shock and horror, now they were becoming almost sympathetic towards Wanda. Early on they were calling Wanda a female monster, now they were calling her a heroine and one letter actually begged for Wanda to come out of hiding and consider becoming the next chief of police. The next series of stories on Wanda that appeared in the La Habra Star certainly seemed to reflect the change of heart of the addicted readers to the ongoing saga of Wanda. To begin with, there had been an investigation, by the school board, in to the high school principle, Koestler, and why he failed to stop Wanda's control of the school in her senior year. It was revealed that Koestler had been embezzling school funds for a number of escort services and prostitutes. He was promptly dismissed and the disgrace of the entire affair left him in need of psychiatric therapy. Wanda hadn't changed as far as her personality or her desire to use bully tactics towards her own ends. Now she had the powerful bonus of the shape-shifting amulet at her disposal and she intended to physically and mentally torment anyone that stood in her way. Arriving home from Bhuton, Wanda and Nona checked in with Rhonda regarding all that transpired while they were away. Rhonda, Chuck, and Heather had been in charge of the protection of the Abidi chain of Mini-Marts and gas stations. Rhonda admitted that one of the stores had been robbed of all its cash the night before Wanda returned. "I'm positive it was Butch Dabney and some of his football buddies" Rhonda complained. "It looks like him on the closed circuit video tape" she added. Butch Dabney was a tight end on the La Habra high football team and seemed to always have money despite coming from a middle income family and nothing even close to a part time job. Since the robbery had recently occurred it was an obvious assumption that the money hadn't been spent yet. Wanda was hungry to try out her amulet to solve this little crime and display her power. Center for the football team was Ross Greeves who had a reputation for being a kind of loner at school. No way would he have been part of the heist and his quiet manner made him trustworthy with secrets. Waiting one day for a football scrimmage to conclude, Wanda watched Ross leave the field first and then noticed he was the first to emerge from the locker room after the team showered. When Ross climbed on to the city bus, Wanda, utilizing the amulet's power, Transformed herself in to the exact likeness of Ross. She doubled back to the shower room and struck up a conversation with Butch. Finally after 30 minutes, Butch began to brag of his nighttime burglaries. Wanda (as Ross) asked if he had spent the money yet. Butch said he was keeping the stash for the Veteran's day three day weekend and intended to party "Big-Time" then. He further admitted that the cash was hidden in his school locker. He boasted that he and his friends were looking forward to that weekend and that Ross could come along wherever they ended up. Butch left the gym on his motorcycle and, when he was out of sight, Wanda changed back to her natural form. Since Nona lived closeby to Butch, Wanda called her and said that Butch needs to be followed tonight. . About 7:30 PM, Nona called Wanda and said Butch is at Wendy's old fashioned Hamburgers and he's met up with his friends. Wanda arrived 10 minutes later and walked in to the dining room with lethal authority. Wanda was wearing a candy-apple red, latex one-strap shoulder tank top, with the words: "I love to make boys cry" in Matisse font. Her skirt was a mini with leopard print, fishnet stocking and stilettos. She walked up to his table and told him they needed to have a little talk in the parking lot. Butch readily stood up and walked out. Wanda, or the others, was unaware that Butch had a school boy crush on Wanda in her senior year. When she escorted him far enough away from the dining room windows, she turned on him with lightning speed and cuffed his left cheek, sending him stagering up against a night post. She wasted no time and, without explanation, began to punch him in the ribs with machine gun rapidity. When he slumped over in to a flower bed he pleaded for her to tell him what was this all about. "I want the money you stole last week, Get up and let's go to your locker ... NOW!" Wanda commanded. ... "Who ... told you?" Butch pushed his bruised chest to form the words but Wanda knelt down, ignoring the question and told him to get the money now or she'd break his ribs making him useless for the remaining football season. Butch reached in his jacket and handed her the $475.00 that he had actually been carrying with him. As she walked away, she kicked his motorcycle over and turned back to Butch and said "you've been a bad boy". Butch recalled a song by Van Halen titled "Spanked" and the demoralizing words of the song summed up how he felt at that moment. The money was returned to Abidi the same night and Wanda was seen (in Abidi's eyes) as a woman-of-her-word. For the next few months Wanda would concentrate on 3 objectives. First was a daily regimen of training with Nona and Rhonda.(Heather had to briefly return to Germany) Secondly, was to perfect the power of Goypano and the use of the amulet, and finally to map out a strategy for revenge against the corrupt boxing manager Brice Lyons. A typical schedule for Wanda was as follows ... . 7:00 am meet with Nona and Rhonda for weight training. Monday: Back & Biceps Tuesday: Chest & Triceps Wednesday: Calves & Abs Thursday: Shoulders Friday: Legs Saturday Abs and any body part needing extra work. 11:00 to 1:30 pm: Train with professional boxing couch, Skip Cooperton. (Cooperton was hired by the girls exclusively on a 5 month contract). 2:00 pm: lunch and making plans for the rest of the day. 3:00 pm: Harass and bully certain students leaving La Habra High school. Evenings: Cruise to other towns to hold up convenience stores, gas stations or liquor stores. By the first of the year Wanda had wanted to increase the cash flow and told the girls it was time for some bank robberies. The amulets power would be the best way to pull these heists and soon Wanda, Nona and Rhonda were raking in some serious money. The operation was almost always identical and worked like a charm each time. Wanda would first transform her self in to a famous celebrity. The first time she morphed in to Brad Pitt, other times she would become Pamela Sue Anderson, 50 cent ,Mel Gibson, Jude Law, Jessica Simpson, Hilary Duff and one time even as Governor Schwarzenegger. The celebrity plow worked perfectly because, if the FBI approached the actual celebrity, they would have lots of witnesses that could verify they weren't within a 300 mile radius of the robbed bank. As Wanda left the bank she would then transform in to a little 90 year old lady, walking down the street, till she got to a waiting car which either Nona or Rhonda were driving. 30 banks were hit in 45 days, leaving law enforcement baffled and Wanda, Nona and Rhonda sitting pretty on a $300,000.00 haul. The media characterized the spree as the "celebrity-look-alike-burglaries" and by March the girls decided to lay low for a while and put extra time in to their training. Nona and Rhonda were becoming quite defined and their physiques were fast becoming works of art. Heather flew in from Germany and rejoined the girls about the first of April. Wanda was happy the quartet was complete now and began "Project Cheyenne", as she labeled it, with insistence on pin point accuracy to the planned details. Brice Lyons worked as a trainer at the Cheyenne city boxing club and had been disinterested lately at all the prospects coming though the club. He'd manage again if a diamond in the rough came across his path. His wife, Connie, worked as an insurance adjuster and his daughter, Amy, was starting her first year of dental school. His Son, Alex was in his senior year in high school and had aspirations of being a writer in Hollywood. Brice was proud of his family and yet, deep down, he couldn't help thinking he hadn't deserved all this since his dirty secret of fixing fights in times past. He massaged his conscience by telling himself that all those fixed fights weren't fatal ... .well ... .all except the one that slowly killed Jerry "Jammin" Jorgenson. Wanda was patient for summer to arrive because, by then, she was going on a little trip to the wonderful state of Wyoming. She even coined a phrase: "summer works best for pay backs". Wanda poured over old, dusty bodybuilding and boxing magazines her father collected. She was looking for just the right boxer or bodybuilder that would have an amazing body and devilishly handsome features that would drive women delirious. Finally she came upon a photo of Gordon Lovell; a boxer who had bodybuilding proportions. The magazine was 15 years old and this particular boxer had been born and lived in Australia. Chuck did a background check and found that Lovell had never made it to the United States and retired early in his career because of double vision from too many knock outs. His movie star features were exactly what Wanda was confident would work in her favor. She took the amulet and transformed in to the image that was in the photo. Nona was in Wanda's kitchen at the moment and growled like a tiger when Wanda, as Gordon, walked in to show her Brice Lyons latest discovery. (He just didn't know it yet) When June 16 came Wanda, Nona, Heather and Rhonda climbed in to a mini van with a destination of Cheyenne, Wyoming and later Las Vegas, Nevada. This would be their ultimate vacation but for others it would be a nightmare of seduction, terror, humiliation and of courses plenty of bullying. Arriving in Cheyenne two days later, the girls checked in to 4 separate hotels under alias names. Wanda's hotel was within walking distance of the boxing club, Nona and Heather's was located in downtown Cheyenne and Rhonda was close to the high school that Alex attended. The following day the girls went in to action, Wanda changed herself in to Gordon Lovell and waited at the gym for Lyons to arrive, Rhonda scoped out the high school in order to identify Alex and befriend him, Nona was to do surveillance on the dental school and watch Amy's movements and Heather was to keep track of Mrs. Connie Lyons. At the end of day one they all got together to compare notes and share the wealth of information they had gathered. Rhonda made friends with Alex at a bus stop. He confessed to her, he had a girlfriend but had never experienced interest in him from a girl like Rhonda. She promised to meet him tomorrow at the bus stop. Nona caught up with Amy and found out that Amy had two hours to kill everyday between dental school and a part time job at a video store. She would sit in a coffee shop and read books. Heather had a difficult time finding Connie Lyons but would try a different approach tomorrow. Wanda was happy to report that she met Brice Lyons and he watched her (As Gordon Lovell) take on a sparring partner for 3 rounds. The third round never happened because the willing volunteer boxer said he had enough. Gordon was hitting way too hard for sparring. Lyons admitted he hadn't seen anyone like Gordon in years and wanted to take him through some paces tomorrow. "If things looked as good as today, we might talk about a contract" Lyons said with a big grin. Rhonda's assignment For the next 3 days Rhonda worked on Alex with an academy award performance. She showered him with affection, romantic gifts; sexual advances, and often used phrases like: "Soul Mate" and "All I've ever wanted". Alex took the bait and by the 4th day he made the foolish decision to break up with his current girl friend Candy Sims. What made it deliciously powerful for Rhonda was he told Candy in Rhonda's presence. Candy was stunned and then cried and blurted out that Rhonda was a whore. Rhonda, in pure imitation of Wanda, tore off her short sleeved sweater and revealed her incredible upper body development. Rhonda had a tight, hot pink, crop tank with a low scoop to show off her legendary cleavage. Her arms and shoulders were bursting from the garment as Rhonda walked over to Candy. Just as her mentor, Wanda would do, without warning, Rhonda bitch-slapped Candy 3 times on the left cheek and 3 times on the right. Rhonda picked up her sweater and said "C'mon Alex" and Alex dutifully followed Rhonda away. Candy cried harder and louder to the deaf ears of the victorious bully and her male prize. The next night Rhonda briefed Wanda on all she had learned about Candy Sims from Alex. Later that same night, Rhonda met up with Alex and enticed him to take her to a movie. Meanwhile Wanda transformed her self in to an exact replica of Alex. Wanda (As Alex) waited in the parking lot behind Subway where Candy worked until 9:30 PM. When Candy was walking to her car, Wanda jumped her from behind and pulled her in to the mini van. Candy screamed for Alex to let her go but her cries were never heard. What happened next was Wanda at her gut-meanest. Needless to say the police issued a warrant for the arrest of Alex Brice on the charge of assault and statutory rape. The same morning Rhonda rented a Dodge Viper and left Cheyenne to wait for her girls-in-crime in Las Vegas. Rhonda's disappearance left Alex without an alibi as to his whereabouts the evening prior and he was jailed before his first period class. Nona's Assignment For Nona it was a fairly easy to pinpoint Amy' Brice's daily movement. Every day she left the dental school at 1:50 pm, killed 2 hours in a coffee shop and then worked a Blockbuster Video store from 4:00 pm to 11:00 pm. Passing this data on to Wanda, Nona rented a Corvette and headed for Vegas. The next day, Wanda morphed in to Gordon Lovell and casually approached Amy at the coffee shop with some small-talk conversation. Wanda (as Gordon) loved the fact that, while in this body, none of those self-righteous prudes harrased her about being topless. Even though the sign on the door said "no shirt, no shoes, no service", Wanda ignored the warning and the employees were too enchanted by Gordon's good looks and majestic body to even think of enforcing a stupid rule. Wanda also loved the cat calls she was getting from turned on women. Amy was melting with desire for Gordon within minutes of their talking. Wanda would tease Amy relentlessly and then act like a gracious gentlemen. His smile was making Amy squirm internally and his barrage of jokes was heating up Amy's sexual furnace. With little warning, Gordon then left the coffee shop and told Amy he might be back tomorrow. The following day, Amy rushed to the coffee shop and waited with girlish anticipation. Wanda (as Gordon) showed up an hour later making her desire that much more anxious. He invited her to the hotel room he was staying at and Amy's passion was unleashed the minute she walked in to the room. For the next 4 days, Amy and Gordon met for "Afternoon Delight". Wanda had an incredible advantage when it came to lovemaking. Retaining a women's psyche, she knew what erotic moves women deeply desired and in the assumed body of a strong man she could execute those moves with total perfection. By the end of the week, Amy both thrilled and feared the prospect of pregnancy. She took an over the counter pregnancy test and it was positive. When she told Gordon his response was aloof and uncaring. "I'm a boxer, not a daddy" Gordon nonchalantly said and used those incredible arms to push Amy out of the way and walked away from the coffee shop in triumph. Heather's Assignment In some ways Heather had the most difficult job and yet she liked the danger of it as well. Shadowing Connie Brice was hard because she was in and out of her office irregularly. The only pattern that was consistent was that she left work at 5:15 pm on weekdays and Heather learned Connie worked half day on Saturday. It was decided Saturday morning would be when Heather and Wanda would go in to action. As Connie entered the parking structure, about 12:30 pm, heather sneaked up from behind and chloroformed the middle aged woman. Her limp body was dragged to an old truck that Heather had stolen from a biker bar an hour before. She drove Connie far out of the city limits which allowed Wanda to enter in to the picture. Wanda changed in to a Connie duplicate and climbed in to her Ford Taurus. She drove to the nearest open-on-Saturday bank and walked in with a loaded pistol. The first available teller gulped when Wanda (as Connie) pulled the gun out and whispered to give her all the cash. As the teller fearfully complied, Wanda made sure the surveillance cameras got her features from every angle, and then walked out of the bank with $10,000.00 cash. Meanwhile Heather's captive, the real Connie, was groggily coming to. Heather was wearing a nylon mask and spoke only German to Connie. Seeing Heather's well built shoulders and biceps made the gun Heather was waving around, that much more chilling. Heather's cell phone rang and she uttered a few German phrases and then violently chloroformed Connie a second time. Heather headed back to the parking structure where she had abducted Connie and left her in the truck next to her own car. Heather picked up her belongings and took a taxi to the airport. She would be flying to Las Vegas. The police issued a warrant for the arrest of Connie Brice on 3 counts of first degree robbery. It seemed that, for good measure, Wanda also robbed two liquor stores before returning the car and transforming back in to Gordon Lovell. Wanda's Day Brice Lyons watched Wanda (as Gordon) go through his paces with sheer delight. His moves were textbook perfection and the old feelings of managing a real contender soon was exciting Brice Lyons. The media coverage, the endorsements, the big money winnings were floating through Brice's head as he intently observed every move of his future champ. Brice wasted no time in scheduling a exhibition, 5 round bout with an up and coming boxer that the clubs in Laramie were bragging of. The fight would take place the following Tuesday afternoon, but by the Friday before, Brice's dreamy aspirations would be dashed by a cold shot of reality. First Alex, his son, was in jail, and then Connie, his wife, was arrested Saturday late afternoon. As depressing as this all was to Brice, he couldn't have imagined what his daughter told him Sunday night. She was pregnant with Gordon's baby and now Gordon won't even acknowledge that she exists. Brice was mentally falling apart, he had a young boxer that could make him wealthy, yet presently Brice couldn't come close to coughing up the bail money for his family behind bars. To make matters worse, his golden opportunity had taken supreme advantage of his daughter. Monday morning Brice didn't show up at the gym until Wanda left. Wanda suspected something was up so she transformed herself in to Gus. Gus was the gym rat who did all the preparations for the fights and generally kept the place half way clean. Wanda(as Gus) watched Brice examining every detail of the boxing ring and then saw what was to be the final piece of evidence she had wanted for years. She watched Brice open some capsules and pour the contents in to the water bottle that would be in Gordon's corner the next day. Good old female intuition made Brice's little devious action easy to figure out. Wanda reasoned that he wanted to have Gordon lose the first fight. "Brice had always been cunning" she thought to her self. "If Gordon loses tomorrow, then Brice can have a greater control over him and also humble him in this situation with Amy's pregnancy ... .That settles it ... this has to come to an end" Wanda said to herself as she transformed out of Gus back in to Gordon. The next day Wanda packed her bags, checked out of the hotel then headed to the gym. Her workout was insane with power and force and she waited with intensity for Brice to appear through the back door. On schedule, Brice walked in and patted Gordon on the shoulders but withheld any authentic well wishing. Brice headed for his office and Wanda (as Gordon) stopped her abdominal crunches to follow him. She stormed in to the office, holding the water bottle, and when Brice reeled around Gordon shouted out "You take the first drink Brice"! Brice shrunk back two steps and then, in an attempt to be the firm manager shouted back: "get out of my office"! Slamming the door, Gordon said "Oh, I will; I just have a few minutes more training to do" and with that Gordon, in pinpoint accuracy, landed a right upper cut to Brice, causing him to fall back in to his swivel chair. Moving closer Gordon then pounded the square of Brice's right jaw until that familiar feel of mushy flesh was felt which Wanda knew was multiple break inside the jawbone. Quickly she left the office and re-entered in her true bodily form. She was wearing, slightly tight, white cargo shorts and a shredded black sweat shirt that had the words "SHE BEAST" across the front in blood-dripping font. She came back to Brice who was still dazed from the jaw whipping. Wanda leaned his head to the left and unleashed her years of pent up fury. She reared back her bare fist and hammered his left eye 10 times. Wanda stepped back and allowed Brice to behold his conqueror. She stood motionless and her stance was the definition of the word deadly. With broken teeth and blood floating on his tongue, Brice struggled to form two words ... ."Wa ... .Wa ... .Wanda Jorgenson". Now that he recognized her he expected the worse. Wanda grabbed the water bottle and force fed the fluid down in to Brice's mouth. Taking a baseball bat that was in the corner, she swung and connected two line drives right at Brice's knee caps shattering them. Brice was on the floor by now, writhing in pain and Wanda said as she dropped the bat ... "You took my family from me, now we're even". Brice had just enough mental faculties to figure out that she had something to do with his family's misfortunes, but how she did it he'd never know. As she slowly opened the office door to leave, Brice heard a song in his head that he hadn't heard in 10 years. "Woman of Iron" by Dennis Parnell was a song that a little girl by the name of Wanda Jorgenson used to play often on her little portable cassette player. Wanda left Cheyenne for a date with her girls in Las Vegas. Now the plan was to see if the power of the amulet could be harnessed for Heather, Nona, and Rhonda. Even if it couldn't, they had big plans for Vegas ... .a plan to make "Oceans 11' look like child play. Epilogue To all that have kept up with this tale so far, I offer my deep and humble thanks. At this point my creative juices have dried up as far as a further story line. I've received many nice e-mails that were very encouraging. I'm torn on whether Wanda's story should continue, I mean, how much more wicked undertakings could a strong-willed, muscular girl do? You'll have to let me know.