The Bully Academy part 2 By Harlequin Tucker address any feedback to Chapter 3: Lessons in Blackmail: After the first and second installment of articles in the La Habra Star newspaper concerning Wanda, the editor was flooded with letters from readers. The same question with little variance was presented over and over. Basically the question was this; how was a teenage girl able to get away with so much? Why didn't the school principle, teachers, or administration do something to seriously discipline this out-of-control bully? The author of the articles launched in to his next series of reports and the following begins to answer the questions that so many were puzzled over. Little did anyone know that all out high school havoc was about to be unleashed at La Habra high. It had been in-between Wanda's junior and senior year. The lazy months of June, July and August that her circle of friends had expanded just a bit. There had been a couple of sophomore boys that were in awe of Wanda. Her impression was that they were wimps, but occasionally they were handy for running errands or even doing her homework for her or her girl friends. Still she kept them at a distance and didn't consider them within her inner circle. One particular girl though was ripe for Wanda's plans and she would become a confidant and intimate contact. Heather Schmidt was a foreign exchange student from Germany and she had passionate aspirations of being a professional bodybuilder one day. Her motivation stemmed from the fact that so many female bodybuilders were coming out of Germany and Austria and she wanted to be a part of that wave. Heather was amazed at Wanda's physique and how her friends, Nona and Rhonda were also beginning to develop as well. She knew she could learn from Wanda and during the summer she made her intentions known. Strategically this looked to be the opening Wanda had been looking for. Heather was gorgeous and she lived across the street from the principle Alex Koestler. The plan was to engage heather in an, old fashioned "frame up" and convince her it was an initiation in to Wanda's circle of Friends. Wanda's Bully academy as it came to be known. The plan was to position Koestler in to a compromising situation with Heather and then take digital photos and as much video as possible. One of Wanda's wimp boy toys had a father who owned a sleazy motel just outside of town. Nona and Rhonda were to transform one of the motel rooms into an observation area into the adjacent room. Heather's primary goal was to lure the principle to the motel. One very muggy day in the middle of July the plan was put in to motion. Koestler was mowing the lawn and Heather came over to engage him in a conversation. Heather lamented that she missed her family in Berlin and she was sorry she had ever come to the United States. She whimpered and began to cry a bit that she hated so many days being alone. This was difficult for Koestler because she was wearing a bikini top and tight Capri's, her perfume was seductive and she kept a steady gaze on him. Just then the phone rang and Koestler, excusing himself, ran in to the house. This gave heather a chance to dump GHB in to his open beer can and then touch up her make up and comb her hair one more. When Koestler returned he sat her on the porch and tried to act as school counselor as he sipped his beer. Finally she moved closer to him so he could smell the perfume and allow the GHB to affect his libido. She knew he was aroused when she said to meet her in room 238 at the Rock side inn on imperial highway in an hour. Koestler arrived on schedule and heather allowed him to ravish her strong but young body. What the principle didn't know was Wanda, Nona and Rhonda were in the next room video taping Koestlers' indiscretion and flashing about 30 or so digital photos for good measure. The next day the girls watched the tape for amusement and welcomed Heather in to the fold. In September when School started again Wanda was focused on the first opportunity to cash in on her little video possession. It didn't take long for her wish to come true. In second period algebra class, Wanda strolled in wearing a sports bra with the words "Man eater" emblazoned across the front. Biking racer pants and rubber thongs completed her wardrobe and the usual dark tan and muscular definition was enough to turn every head in class. To totally get in the face of the math teacher Mr. Litvin, she chewed some bubble gum and cracked it as loud as she could. When Class began Litvin ordered her to put on a sweater and get rid of the gum. She refused claiming it was hot and the gum didn't bother anybody. In a more firm tone he said to get rid of the gum and if she didn't have a jacket of some sort to go to her gym locker and get a t shirt. She still defiantly refused to which Litvin summoned her to the desk. In a quiet tone he told her that he was sending her to the principle's office concerning this matter. In what some would later say was a "blitzkrieg moment", she slapped Litvin as hard as she could hurling his small frame off his chair and sprawling to the floor. She then stormed over to his stunned frame and picked up his body to an erect position slamming it against the chalkboard. The boys in the class especially were shuddering as Wanda's back muscles flexed and strirated. "So you don't like my wearing a sports bra uh?" Wanda shouted, "You want to wear it instead? "She further scowled as she slapped him again. She proceeded to remove her bra and wrap it around Litvin's neck. She squeezed the fabric and Litvin began to struggle for air. All the while the students were watching in disbelief. She released her grip and Litvin fell to the floor sucking in as much air as he could. It was an eerie moment to see a topless teenager in a conquering stance over a teacher. As Wanda casually put her sports bra back on she said "Fine, I'll go see the principle now" as she took the note Litvin had written to Koestler regarding Wanda's behavior. She walked out of the classroom in an incredibly confident manner. In Koestler's office she sat and listened to him harangue girls in general for lack of modesty and then told her that her bullying was not going to be tolerated this academic year. When she felt his lecturing had gone far enough she pulled out a photo of Koestler lying on top of heather Schmidt in a cheap motel room. "Look familiar?" she asked. Koestler blanched white "where did you get this? He muttered. "I have more where that came from" she triumphantly said. She stood up and walked over to the VCR in the corner of his office. She turned the machine on and fed the device a video tape she had in her purse. There in broad day light was Koestler performing his uncontrolled passions on a minor one summer afternoon. Wanda saw that Koestler was sweating profusely. As she stopped the tape and ejected it she smiled and slowly moved to his desk. "You're going to blackmail me aren't you Wanda" he asked. "Yup" she grinned. "This is my last year in this school and I just don't want you or your stupid staff in my way" she said in a very direct eye-to eye confrontation. "You leave me alone this year and I'll think about giving you the photos and the video as my graduation gift to you. Harass me, or my girlfriends and I go to the school board and your wife. Understand, little man "she taunted. She walked out of the office and said "I need to go,I'm missing my algebra class". Watching her leave the room and then watching from his window as she walked down the hallway Koestler heard a song play in his head that used to annoy him but now it unnerved him because it accurately described his feelings at that moment. The British singer Samantha Fox used to strut her way through a tune called "Nothings gonna Stop Me Now" and Koestler wondered how he'd get through the school year unscathed. Lesson in Blackmail learned ... .when blackmailing someone, make sure they're somebody in authority whose future rest on their reputation. Chapter 4: Lessons in humiliation and terrorizing: Wanda slowly walked back in to Litvin's algebra class and gave every indication that nothing happened in the principle's office. She hadn't changed her clothes and she was working on a new wad of gum. She made her way to her desk and as she swiveled to sit she flashed a big grin at Litvin. Incensed, Litvin demanded to know why she had returned without any evidence of even as much as a detention slip for punishment. Wanda said nothing but continued to smile in the manner that many in the class knew was a deadly smile. All teachers at La Habra High were equipped with walkie-talkie phones, in order to call the school office quickly, and Litvin was punching the numbers in anger to get to the bottom of the matter immediately. Whatever the principle told him Litvin was forced to perform one of the most embarrassing acts of his entire life. Litvin told the class to read for the remaining minutes of class time and he took up chalk and began to write on the board: I WILL NOT ABUSE WANDA IN ANY WAY EVER AGAIN. Then he wrote the same sentence again, then again and by the time class bell rang he had written it out 50 times. As the student's exited one girl asked Litvin what he was doing and he replied he was attempting to keep his job. Wanda continued to train Nona, Heather, and Rhonda in boxing in the famous extra room of her apartment, after school. Wanda also saw that her boy groupies were expanding in to a regular coterie. They were daily exploited for tasks like doing the girls homework and one freshman, Chuck, was a true computer geek. Wanda forced the schools computer files password out of Koestler and soon Chuck was hacking in to the school files on a regular basis. The episodes of bullying fellow students at random were also common occurrences. Sometimes they were trying to extract money from the rich kids and sometimes it was just to beat up somebody they didn't like. Every now and then you'd see Nona, Rhonda or Heather sent to the principle's office and 5 minutes later they'd be seen again walking right back to class as if nothing happened.(which Wanda made sure never did) One day Wanda received a letter stuffed in the door jam of her locker. It was a hand written letter expressing unrequited adoration and deep, passionate love. Paragraph after paragraph the sentimental words gushed out and Wanda was thinking inwardly ... EEWW. Wanda then laughed out loud when she saw who had signed the letter. There in black and white were the words Sean Corrigan. Everyone at La Habra high knew that name for Sean was the elected student body president. This was too good to be true, the school president voluntarily groveling at the feet of the school's worst bully. Wanda's mind flooded with ideas. In the days following, Wanda teased Sean sexually while, at the same time, persuading him on student policies that needed to change around the school. Wanda's most devilish idea, which Sean became a pawn in incorporating, was "Change Gender Day". One Friday in spring, Boys would dress like girls and girls would dress like boys. The Humiliation factor was the boys had a strict dress code of skirts, bra, blouse, and high heels while the girls were allowed just about anything that resembled T shirt and jeans. Wanda came in cowboy gear complete with cowboy hat, faded jeans and a leather vest for her only top. The rules also dictated that everyone had to use the girl's bathroom. The boys used the one at the north end of the school and the girls used the one at the south end. When school let out Wanda and her girls easily caught two guys they had wanted to beat on in the alley across the street. Trying to out run Wanda in High heels was useless and it was both an erotic and ugly sight to see two teenage boys dressed in drag being pummeled by a muscular cowgirl. Heather took pictures of the assault and pinned the 8x10 glossies in the boy's bathroom Monday morning. One final hurrah was now in order for Wanda. This was going to take the accumulated powers she possessed from her puppets Koestler the principle, Sean Corrigan, the student body president, and Chuck the expert computer hacker. This was to be Wanda's first excursion in to voter fraud. Chuck and Sean met with Wanda and her girls and plotted out a way to alter the votes so that Wanda would win the election for home coming queen. The plot would go off without a hitch and between the boys and the enslaved principle Wanda would be the bully that everyone would appear to idolize. As the tally of votes came in the ballots were accepted by Sean, doctored by Nona, Heather and Rhonda, tabulated by Chuck and certified by the principle, Koestler. It was a glorious day for Wanda when it was announced, through out the school campus, that Wanda Jorgenson had won by a landslide and that her royal court would consist of her 3 best friends. Wanda knew she had cheated but there was a motive she reasoned to herself that justified it. Wanda worked the weights like a demon for days, prior to the formal school dance that traditionally followed the home coming football game. No one knew that Wanda was actually 19 years old due to being held back in second grade. This meant that her physique was maturing even more than her junior and most senior counterparts. When the big day arrived, Wanda marched out on the football field wearing a biker leather jacket with the words "Queen of all I survey" in rhinestone so everyone could see it. When she reached the platform for the coronation the boys cheered loudly with approval. She removed her jacket to reveal a daring black, low cut evening gown the accentuated every muscle a young woman could develop. In addition she now showed off, for the first time, the most artistic barb wire tattoo wrapped around her left arm. In a most creative way, it was perfectly placed right between the deltoid depression and the bicep fold. Her bronze tan glowed in the spotlights and almost everyone was speechless for a good 3 minutes. Wanda had done it, she had ruled the school totally for an entire year and it had all started with a childhood commitment to a muscular and powerful body and mind. Wanda graduated as a straight "A" student as did her girl friends. It was easy altering the school grades once you could access the school computer as Chuck was more than willing to do. The teachers all feared her so there was no resistance to the alterations. Sean Corrigan's reputation was shot and serious depression had plagued him when he realized he had been used and spent by Wanda. Now Wanda was going to begin the next phase of her journey. One that she had honestly felt was tested for effectiveness at the school level. One grand rehearsal if you will. Now the real world would experience the woman, Wanda and her brand of "adult bullying". In the next installment, "Bully Academy 3", Wanda attacks the city of La Habra. The stakes were larger but so were Wanda's ambitions.