Strength contest at the beach part 7 When Tanja started her crunches Dany at least was still in the race. Shehad already performed over 20 steady reps. With her impressive arms behindher head and her pumped up but sore legs resting on the little mound of sand Dany continued one painful crunch after another. It was still very hot and sunny. The fact that this exercise took place right at the water's edge didn't help. There was no breeze at all but sometimes small splashes from the breaking waves helped to cool down thegirls' hot bodies. The salt water immediately got mixed with all the sweat and oil on their bodies. This resulted in their muscles looking even better. But also their bikini tops got more and more soaked by that mixture. So every time Dany moved her body up again the white bikini top could hardly hide what most people knew by now anyway: her perfect shaped, (not too big) breasts were modulated by greatly developed chest muscles. They were so firm that they didn't move at all with the crunches she did not the slightest touch of hanging down. These breasts do not need any bra that's for sure!! But not just the bikini top failed to cover everything it's supposed to. Sweat, sun tan lotion, and salt water run down thru the valleys and hills of Dany's mid section soaking the little white bikini slip as well. This couldn't hide that she did like it not all shaved. Basically everything underneeth the small bikini triangle seemed to be a nice full bush. She always felt that real beauty goes with a natural appearance ( not a lot of make up , no fake boobs..). keeping her natural bush was part of that and everyone had to admit: this is damn sexy!! Much better than all shaved. By now Tanja as well was in her rhythm of slowly performing one crunch after another. Everyone could tell that she was pretty exhausted after her amazing demonstration of strength and endurance at the leg raises. Obviously the disadvantage of her slightly bigger breasts now close to full exhaustion weighted more than expected. Also everyone could see that this exercise included other parts of the abdominals because her midsection developed even deeper separation. Cuts and veins that before were just slightly visible or indicated came out as clear sharp splits. Every rep seemed to let the veins pop out a little more and display new ones that could not be seen before. But also with every rep the display of pain in Tanja's beautiful face increased. She looked totally washed out. Strands of her wet salty long hair hanging in her face, her whole body covered with sweat from the straining exercises in the sun. her bikini top was drenched looking as if she was participating at a wet t-shirt contest and believe me: her breasts were not less impressive than Dany's. they were bigger but still did not bounce at all by her movements, that's how firm they were. Pure will power was what kept Dany going. And knowing Joe from the time they dated she could tell by his look seeing her super cut abs that he absolutely admired girls with a deep washboard stomach. Knowing tha,t and seeing the erection Joe was getting, she felt that every single rep she could do now would impress him more and also would shape her midsection a little better ( even though no one could imagine that there is any space for improvement). With this in mind Dany was able to transform the killing pain in her Abs into arousement about the fact that this turned Joe on so much. And it did. Joe was watching in awe being totally transfixed by the development of her midsection. Rep after rep increased the pain in her stomach and at the same time her passion and horniness. And - what was absolutely fantastic to everyone, with every rep her strength modulated an even more impressive and amazing landscape of abdominal muscles. The bricks stood out of her stomach in unbelievable size and the ridges between them were so clear cut and deep that everyone would think it was fake if they didn't see it happening live right in front of their eyes. Even the last 2 bricks in the lower stomach that hardly anyone is able To even outline a little bit gained enormous shape and size. That's where The bikini bottom usually sits or starts. But the development of growing Mounds of abdominal muscles along with the constant crunch movements slowly Pushed the bikini bottom down with every additional rep that Dany forced her maximum pumped torso to do. The beginning of her pubic hair was not covered any more. the middle cut of her abs - well by now it really rather was a trench - went all the way from just below her muscular chest down under her bikini slip and not disappearing before her full bush. How much dedication does it take to get this cleft so far down ?!! and who knows if it really stops right at the hair line?? Feedback please e-mail me at