Contest at the beach, part 5 I finally got to continue the story. Some guys were mad because of my bad language skills - sorry. Just don't read it if you can't be forbearing with a forigner trying his best to contribute for all you guys. Feedback requested. First parts of this story are on this site as well. Both girls seemed to be absolutely willing to go all out. Tanja always liked the tension that aroused when it came up to work out muscular bodies with her best friend Joe (note: if you are interested in what happened there, look for "Tanja's home workout" on this paga ). And having seen him and the way his body looked like made her really wanting his admiration ( and maybe even win him as the price ). Dany on the other hand used to have a very special relationship with Joe - not only when they dated. It was deeper than "just dating". Even though for some reason they haven't seen each other for a while emotions came right back - and not just that: this guy just lookes great! She definitely wanted to proof that she is a lot of a woman. Now after more than a minute it seemed like the muscles on their bodies grew bigger and bigger. Tanja's armes showed not only growing size but very clear outlines of each individual trizep muscle. Her great separated shoulders were partly covered by her long dark - now wet and sweaty - hair. Two big veins were running from her bicep all the way towards her chest that was still pumped up from the exhausting push ups before. Her big firm breats pushing against the bikini top on one hand and hanging with her arms at the bar on the other hand let this soaked little light blue bikini top more and more fail to cover what it supposed to. Big parts of Tanja's awsome breasts were glistening in the sun - much to the guys excitement. And very obvious Tanja was aroused herself as well because her stand out nipples pushed the top even a little more forward. Right underneeth the bikini top small ridges started to develop more and more on her stomach. Veins and sweat winded their way around those ridges and also covered them all the way down to the bikini bottom. Dany's arms were even a little bigger. But even more striking were her lats which were standing out in amazing size and definition. From the front perspective she looked really massiv which was almost shocking if you looked up and compared her physique with her very, very beautiful face that everyone would expect to go with a model body. From the steady hold her legs now got a real good pump as well. Her perfect feminine round legs, hips and butt showed clear outlines of the various muscles. But what was even more amazing were her abs. As mentioned Dany was or seemed to be a more feminine, well poportioned girl. Never the less her mid section looked as cut as it could be. It must have been a torture to still keep the feminine curves - even though muscled - but develop a " no mercy" set of abs that leaves not the slightest place for any feminity. Joe probably was one of the very few who thought that this was very feminine. After 6 minutes of steady leg holds the strain was showing on Dany's face. Her - by now - massive arms started to tremble slightly just like her beautiful muscular legs. Her breathes got deeper. With each breath the spectacle on her midsection seemed to get more and more exciting. Besides the obvious pain her glance also revealed that she was willing to take much more pain before she would have to give up. Almost like emphasising this she re-did her grip - now even harder - and tensed her whole body again. Her midsection developed - what seemed absolutely impossible - even deeper cuts ( rather clefts) and mounds all set off by additional small splitts and veins. Approaching 8 minutes Tanja's body also seemed to pay tribute to the hard and straining competition that by now was all about will power. Through her gritted teeth she started to groan softly with each breath. Joe knew this somehow very arousing voice and knew what it meant: Tanja was pretty much spent but her mind ignores that. And he knew that she got "into the zone" as she described it to Joe before when she went all out for him. Getting in the zone means that Tanja herself gets totally aroused by the mixture of pain and endorphines. She doesn't realize too much around herself anymore and step by step starts to loose control of her body. Joe always admired about her that she could push herself to that absolute maximum. By looking at her you could tell that her body is pretty much spent but also that she really is in the zone. Strands of her messy wet hair laid over her now absolutely sexy huge sinewy shoulders. Drops of sweat from her hair ran down along the cuts and clefts towards her chest making her super breasts looking even more attractive and drenching that little bikini top even more - Tanja didn't realize that any more and if so it would have made her even hornier knowing that guys hardly could hold back any more because of the sight of her perfect pair of breats. From her cleavege the sweat ran down the valleys of her washboard abs. As Tanja begun to tremble even more veins and little crevices appeared that lead the sweat its way down. A fantestic view! Underneeth the belly button the bricks in her stomach were not as deep but still sinewy and formed a triangle that disappeared under Tanja's light blue bikini slip. That's where all the glistening mixture of oil and sweat got soaked. Since Tanja was a totally different - slender - type of girl her abs looked different to Dany's as well. She had what could be decribed as runners abs ( basically no fat ) - just deeper: nice defined, clearly visible, sinewy but not as deep as Dany's. Now passing 10 minutes Dany had to pay tribute to the way her phisique was built ( and loved by so many ). Her sexy feminine but still mucular legs and hips just meant that she had quite more weight to hold with her abs. Her legs have been shaking for a while now so she had to tense them even more not to lose totally control of them. This tensing added even more seize and definition to those "rocking" legs. With all the oil and sweat glistening in the sun they ... .damn ..they looked so freakin amazing. But as great as they looked they seemed to let her lose the battle against the pain in her abs. God knows how but those abs gained even more definition within the last few minutes. It seemed like rock hard bricks were chiseled out of her stomach. Now they formed a landscape of standout hills and very deep trenches. With the shaking of her whole body this landscape spectaculary came alive with veins forming something like a living crests on top of the ridges of pure muscles. Could be continued if there are some guys out there who like this kind of story. So let me know if you like more.