YVONNE MY MOTHER AN EXPERT IN CORPORAL PUNISHMENT by Hamlet My backside and rump were ready in position ready for the caning I was about to receive from my dominant hard Mother Yvonne. Yet was She unnecessarily cruel and ruthless? From Her viewpoint of course She was not! She loved me and cared for me passionately and dearly as Her son. She believed She was very kind and considerate and Her actions in punishing me hard and of proved that She was truly kind and considerate. If She were callous and uncaring She would not punish me, She would let me do what I liked and let me run wild. If She let me run wild I would soon be in trouble and end up as a failure in life. It would be very cruel of Her to let me follow that path to perdition! However, because She was kind-hearted, She was willing to teach me the error of my ways and show me that I was not beyond redemption. And She would teach mercilessly! Believe me, and I would learn through pain and suffering. She would teach me a lesson I would never forget. It was the fear of the cane that made me do so well at school knowing the Hell I would face if I ever had a bad report.As Her son She was more than happy to spend Her time to instill strict discipline in me no matter how many strokes it took. See how kind She was! She believed caning needed to be administered with a degree of refinement especially as She was so brilliant intellectually having been an ex Headmistress Herself and having administered so many canings. Any fool could thrash away with a whip or paddle but a caning, given correctly, was almost like an act of love to Her. A caning must be meaningful. Hitting a bare bottom with a cane for no apparent reason was rather crude and pointless. Punishment needed to be coupled with moral rectitude and integrity that She was right and the miscreant She was punishing deserved everything they got. She believed firmly She was in the right for punishing me and I was in the wrong. She liked to cane at a moderate pace, too fast or too slow a tempo could distract from the real business in hand. She did not think the cane should come down too fast between strokes otherwise the miscreant would feel an unending pain in his bottom. he would have no time to savour the delicate, subtleties of the cane as it exploded in his bottom and travelled throughout the body sending excruciating shocks of pain throughout every inch of the body! Sensuality and erotic touching would be combined in the punishment. It had to be meted out with cold, brutal sadism but would be so enjoyable for Her too involving Her touching my arse and prick and feeling me all over. Yet the sentence being carried out would be hard, merciless and with a certain objectivity for the lesson to be learnt. She had love and compassion for me as my Mother but if I had made a mistake as I had in being lazy at sports which I was She had no pity me at all. I deserved what I got! So it was best if She looked after me as my Mother and beat the living daylights out of me to encourage decency and proper behaviour. A good caning could also be done with sensual cruelty. The cane had far more eroticism than other forms of Corporal Punishment. Who could resist trembling at the cold, delicate touch of the cane; the cane caresses my skin and finds its way into those delightful, secret spots on my bottom. My buttocks are totally exposed. As I lay there helpless , waiting for the stroke, I contemplated my laziness and my mistakes and it felt so right to Her that I was going to be punished because I what I deserved. So we each had our part to play as Mother and son in a loving relationship; She had to decide what was a fair punishment and then act upon it remorselessly; I had to accept that judgment with submission fortitude and quiet resignation. She must give in power and domination; I must receive in submission and obedience. She had hundreds of canes in Her study that She had collected from all over the world. She had plenty of other instruments of CP in Her study such as the whip , Yet She preferred the cane to the whip because She thought the cane was so much more powerful and it instilled far greater fear and terror than a whip. There was an exciting and mysterious attraction and allure to the cane - probably instilled at an early age in most English schools. The cane could be so exciting either when given at full force or when daintily touching the cheeks; there was a delicacy smoothness and finesse to the cane. Imagine the exposed bottom and the ice cold cane travelling over the backs of the thighs, invading all the soft, hidden folds of the bottom; the tip of the cane scratching at a slight itch. Who could fail to be excited at hearing the exhilarating swish of the cane through the air? Of course, not all schools used the cane but in those far off days when discipline was the norm, an alternative was always available in the form of the plimsoll or running shoe. This was an ideal implement She had used as a Headmistress for punishing younger boys and which She used on me as well because it landed flat on the bottom with a delicious resounding hard smack rather than cutting the bottom, as a cane would. What wonderful instruments the tawse and strap were to punish with and what fine, wonderful people the Scots are to devise both implements to punish miscreants! The tawse and straps She used were austere, dour functional pieces. There was a sombre beauty in using plain items free from all ornamentation for corporal punishment. What could be more ominous and conducive to good behaviour than seeing a simple school cane or tawse hanging up in the background ready to be used at any second? She moved the cane to the bottom of my rump next to my ball sac as She would travel upwards exploring every single contour. Sweat was pouring down my face as I had no idea when She would strike. "Simon I want every stroke to give you the most appalling pain! You will know that I do not tolerate bad reports or idleness of any kind!' 'GET THAT RUMP UP NOW!!!!' I want you to count evstrok YVONNE MY MOTHER AN EXPERT IN COROPRAL PUNISHMENT My backside and rump were ready in position ready for the caning I was about to receive from my dominant hard Mother Yvonne. Yet was She unnecessarily cruel and ruthless? From Her viewpoint of course She was not! She loved me and cared for me passionately and dearly as Her son. She believed She was very kind and considerate and Her actions in punishing me hard and of proved that She was truly kind and considerate. If She were callous and uncaring She would not punish me, She would let me do what I liked and let me run wild. If She let me run wild I would soon be in trouble and end up as a failure in life. It would be very cruel of Her to let me follow that path to perdition! However, because She was kind-hearted, She was willing to teach me the error of my ways and show me that I was not beyond redemption. And She would teach mercilessly! Believe me, and I would learn through pain and suffering. She would teach me a lesson I would never forget. It was the fear of the cane that made me do so well at school knowing the Hell I would face if I ever had a bad report.As Her son She was more than happy to spend Her time to instill strict discipline in me no matter how many strokes it took. See how kind She was! She believed caning needed to be administered with a degree of refinement especially as She was so brilliant intellectually having been an ex Headmistress Herself and having administered so many canings. Any fool could thrash away with a whip or paddle but a caning, given correctly, was almost like an act of love to Her. A caning must be meaningful. Hitting a bare bottom with a cane for no apparent reason was rather crude and pointless. Punishment needed to be coupled with moral rectitude and integrity that She was right and the miscreant She was punishing deserved everything they got. She believed firmly She was in the right for punishing me and I was in the wrong. She liked to cane at a moderate pace, too fast or too slow a tempo could distract from the real business in hand. She did not think the cane should come down too fast between strokes otherwise the miscreant would feel an unending pain in his bottom. he would have no time to savour the delicate, subtleties of the cane as it exploded in his bottom and travelled throughout the body sending excruciating shocks of pain throughout every inch of the body! Sensuality and erotic touching would be combined in the punishment. It had to be meted out with cold, brutal sadism but would be so enjoyable for Her too involving Her touching my arse and prick and feeling me all over. Yet the sentence being carried out would be hard, merciless and with a certain objectivity for the lesson to be learnt. She had love and compassion for me as my Mother but if I had made a mistake as I had in being lazy at sports which I was She had no pity me at all. I deserved what I got! So it was best if She looked after me as my Mother and beat the living daylights out of me to encourage decency and proper behaviour. A good caning could also be done with sensual cruelty. The cane had far more eroticism than other forms of Corporal Punishment. Who could resist trembling at the cold, delicate touch of the cane; the cane caresses my skin and finds its way into those delightful, secret spots on my bottom. My buttocks are totally exposed. As I lay there helpless , waiting for the stroke, I contemplated my laziness and my mistakes and it felt so right to Her that I was going to be punished because I what I deserved. So we each had our part to play as Mother and son in a loving relationship; She had to decide what was a fair punishment and then act upon it remorselessly; I had to accept that judgment with submission fortitude and quiet resignation. She must give in power and domination; I must receive in submission and obedience. She had hundreds of canes in Her study that She had collected from all over the world. She had plenty of other instruments of CP in Her study such as the whip , Yet She preferred the cane to the whip because She thought the cane was so much more powerful and it instilled far greater fear and terror than a whip. There was an exciting and mysterious attraction and allure to the cane - probably instilled at an early age in most English schools. The cane could be so exciting either when given at full force or when daintily touching the cheeks; there was a delicacy smoothness and finesse to the cane. Imagine the exposed bottom and the ice cold cane travelling over the backs of the thighs, invading all the soft, hidden folds of the bottom; the tip of the cane scratching at a slight itch. Who could fail to be excited at hearing the exhilarating swish of the cane through the air? Of course, not all schools used the cane but in those far off days when discipline was the norm, an alternative was always available in the form of the plimsoll or running shoe. This was an ideal implement She had used as a Headmistress for punishing younger boys and which She used on me as well because it landed flat on the bottom with a delicious resounding hard smack rather than cutting the bottom, as a cane would. What wonderful instruments the tawse and strap were to punish with and what fine, wonderful people the Scots are to devise both implements to punish miscreants! The tawse and straps She used were austere, dour functional pieces. There was a sombre beauty in using plain items free from all ornamentation for corporal punishment. What could be more ominous and conducive to good behaviour than seeing a simple school cane or tawse hanging up in the background ready to be used at any second? She moved the cane to the bottom of my rump next to my ball sac as She would travel upwards exploring every single contour. Sweat was pouring down my face as I had no idea when She would strike. "Simon I want every stroke to give you the most appalling pain! You will know that I do not tolerate bad reports or idleness of any kind!' 'GET THAT RUMP UP NOW!!!!' I want you to count evstrok