MY MOTHER YVONNE PREPARES TO CANE ME WITHOUT MERCY by Hamlet I had been commanded by My Mother Yvonne to enter the study. She had read my school report and was furious with me as there was no improvement in my performance in sports at all. She loved sports Herself as did my Big Sister Joanna and like Her could not understand how I was not the slightest bit interested as I had no intention of ever being a sportsman and thought I went to school to learn subjects like Maths and English. Unlike Her and Joanna my Big Sister who excelled too in all physical activity I was totally useless at all sports. There was no time wasting, no discussion, no lingering with Her; once I had entered the study the session had begun. I followed Her in trepidation dreading what awaited me. As I entered, the lighting was strange and dark as She loved Her study to be as foreboding as possible as a Debt Enforcer. This was the place She would take awkward clients too who refused to pay their debts or those who persistently refused to do business with the bank She mainly did business for HBOS(Halifax Bank of Scotland) after She had sent them letters asking politely to open accounts. My eyes found it difficult to focus it but my eyes would become accustomed to the darkness in time. She had ordered me to strip immediately and I obeyed without question as always. She always intimidated me with you while I stripped ridiculing me for my puny miserable body as She did to all Her clients. It was so dark and forbidding there. I was extremely nervous. What was more I knew that She was a sadist just like Joanna who would be join us with Her even more sadistic Black Friend Michele later to make the session even more scary as they would almost certainly give me a strapping on my hand after Yvonne My Mother had finished with me. Yvonne would play music to disorient me even more. The music I heard was droning and melancholy, it was tuneless, with little melody. Yet I did have time to listen to the music now: I had been ordered down to the floor on my knees. I obeyed without question having experienced so many beatings from Her before I had been disobedient I had committed an infraction of the rules as She had ordered me to try harder at games and I had failed . It did matter how minor a breach of the rules She had made - I was going to be punished. Harshly. It was as simple as that. Do you think that my Mother as not so strict as She would consider giving me a warm-up? Or a safe word perhaps? That She would stop if She thought the punishment was too harsh? Certainly not and that's just how this session worked! No warm-up, no safe word and once She felt I needed a beating that's what I was going to receive! Yet She was just carrying out Her duty, as my Mother for my own good just doing Her job out of love for me. I could be punished with a whip or a cane. There would be a mandatory number of strokes but the number of strokes I would receive has already been decided - it would probably be more; a lot more. She had my school report right in front of Her as the complete evidence of my misdemeanours.She led me by the hair demonstrating Her massively superior strength over me as my Mother who loved me and only cared for my welfare and nothing else! I was not be allowed to speak unless spoken to; I was to keep my head bowed at all times. I would then be then be strapped into the bench or whipping frame and given a minute to collect my thoughts and for silent prayer as She would always give me a Bible to pray with being very religious Herself. While I pondered my fate She would practice Her swing with the cane as I could hear Her swooshing it from side by side enjoying my misery as She relished Her complete power . I was expected to accept punishment with fortitude and stoicism - good old-fashioned British qualities. The strokes would be given at an even tempo with time to recover between each stroke. Whichever ordeal I ordered to endure be warned it was going to be a very severe session! And She would dehumanize me completely as She dehumanized all Her clients. Was She unnecessarily cruel? Of course She was not! She was always right and was doing this for my own good. if She did not care She would carry on allowing me to fail and carry on idling at sports and that a good caning was the only way to improve my ways. Human Rights? Don't waste your breath because quoting that would definitely earn me or other of Her victims extra strokes. I had no rights here because I was Her son under Her complete control and would be treated as such. If any of Her victims the debtors She dealt with in Her job complained about their Human Rights being violated, then they would have to complain to Her. As far as She was concerned once She dealt within them they had no rights at all. And if they wanted to call to God for help? Well rest assured that God was not going to come to help the likes of me or them; only She could help you and She was definitely not a liberal minded do-gooder! She stood right over me holding my face in Her all powerful leather gloved hands She was dressed totally in leather as always in a long leather dress, leather jacket, high heeled boots and tight leather gloves. She towered over me. She was my big and strong and muscular Mother a full time bodybuilder who had won so many competitions and a fitness fanatic having earned so many awards. What a miserable wimp I felt compared to Her and Her amazing size! "Simon I love you passionately as My son. I believe in strong, firm discipline and will not tolerate bad school reports in any subject. When you go onto university next term I want your reports to be excellent there and will tolerate nothing less than a First Class degree!" 'I told you to try harder at sports. I know you are useless at all sports and are a complete contrast to Big Sister Joanna who excels at every sport.She and Michele will deal with you later!' "Spare the rod and spoil the child? Not Me! " "You're getting 16 strokes of the cane for now!" "BEND RIGHT OVER THE CANING BLOCK!!" Any comments to