VICIOUS VERONICA'S FIRST FIGHT PART TWO by Hamlet The Van Hallen father was doing his best to fight back but failing miserably. He made a desperate attempt to hit Veronica but the blow was right off course and he failed miserably. 'Hold still you Cura�oan hellcat!' Houd je Cura�aoan-helkat stil! ''Why you bastard are you tired already? Take this you arsehole!' ' Waarom, klootzak, ben je al moe? Neem dit kont gat! She laughed out loud as she landed a solid right blow hard into his left eye making him almost blind as the eye went blacker than ever! The crowd were gasping in awe and admiration. WHACKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! He stood there almost unable to stand with two black eyes a bleeding wreck a ridiculous sight to the crowd and to his son. 'Why can't you beat her dad She's only a seventeen year old girl?' Waarom kun je haar vader niet verslaan? Ze is maar een zeventienjarig meisje?' 'Don't worry son I'll deal with her! ' '' Maak je geen zorgen, zoon, ik zal met haar omgaan! He could hardly speak as blood was now pouring out of his mouth and face. Desperately he lunged out and with great difficulty just about managed to get er into another bear hug. He could feel her strapping muscular body and could not lift her off the ground. The fact was she was just too strong for him. She was a tough muscular girl who excelled in every single sport and spent at least two hours a day working out in the gym where he was just a tub of guts who spent almost every day in the bar. 'I've got you at last you nigger she devil!' 'Ik heb je eindelijk neger ze duivel!' 'No you haven't you can't hold me you shithead!' Nee, dat heb je niet, je kunt me niet vasthouden shit head!' What was worse was that he only managed to hold one of her arms while this other one was free. With one lethal blow she managed to drag back her arm and delivered a deadly uppercut into his midsection effectively breaking his hold completely. The blow was so powerful that he could feel one of his ribs break. CRACKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! 'So you failed miserably getting me into a bearhug arsehole!' 'Dus je faalde jammerlijk om me in een buldoggat te krijgen!' His breath was expelled from his body as he clutched his violated stomach now almost crying like a baby in torment. 'Catch your breath dad you can't let her beat you' his son yelled out now almost in tears. 'Kom op adem pap, je kunt haar niet laten verslaan! She moved then with the speed of lightning as she brought up her knee and smashed hard in the groin for good measure. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! He doubled up in sheer agony leaving his jaw unprotected. She moved up closely towards him and crashed into his mouth with a perfectly timed overhand putting all her weight behind it. He staggered back the pain unbearable as he began to fold up in slow motion in front of Her.He sank to his knees blood pouring out of his ripped lip. He was now bleeding profusely as the blood fell on the pavement in torrents. She pulled him towards her by the hair turned his head upwards and looked into his dazed black eyes. 'Don't pass out on me Mr Big Mouth!' Laat me niet in de steek, mijnheer Big Mond! ' 'First I want to show you how we train our dogs not to mess up the pavement!' 'Eerst wil ik je laten zien hoe we onze honden trainen om het trottoir niet te verknoeien!' She entwined her fingers in his hair in her leather gloved hand and with a mighty yank She forced him to walk on his knees moving blindly forwards. 'Come along now doggie!' 'Kom maar mee doggie!' At first his confused mind did not grasp her intention. Then a terrible stanch arose around his nostrils and his eyes focused on the putrid mess. 'NO NO PLEASE DON'T! 'NEE NEE ALSIEBLIEFT NIET!!! Any comments to