VICIOUS VERONICA'S MISSION TO HONDURAS by Hamlet Vicious Veronica the Black Scorpion sat back once more in her chair in her new offices in Nottingham so pleased with herself and the success of her first Mission when she had totally beaten and defeated a con man and criminal Frank, who was probably dead by now. She was now ready for her first foreign Mission to Honduras, in Central America bordered to the west by� Guatemala, to the southwest by� El Salvador, to the southeast by� Nicaragua, to the south by the Pacific Ocean at the� Gulf of Fonseca, and to the north by the� Gulf of Honduras, a large inlet of the� Caribbean Sea. Her offices were small and grimy, but it was a start, and she was sure she would soon make plenty of money and move to smart new premises. She was dressed for her Mission to kill in a skin-tight leather catsuit, her favourite outfit, leather gloves and new thigh length boots that looked even more vicious than ever with 7-inch razor sharp heels and steel pointed toes. She had come to the conclusion that there were many people out there who had problems in one way or the other. She had what she believed was a God given Mission in life to show pity and compassion to the victims of crime, but no mercy whatsoever to those who preyed on the innocent and lived by crime. Her new organisation she had founded called the The Black Avengers specialised in problems such as helping the victims of domestic violence and those who suffered from crime in any way, and would love to get even if only they knew how to go about it. She was offering them a way to seek vengeance through the The Black Avengers with her tough Colleague Madame Heather, a big formidable Black Domme who specialised in financial domination and worked as a Bank Manager at the NW Bank. Both of them worked as independent contractors on a case-by-case basis. They listened to the alleged wrongdoing, decided if punishment was justified, and then administered it brutally. By their definition punishment was purely physical, usually involving extreme violence; the two Black Avengers lived to inflict pain, were complete sadists and were experts in inflicting pain and what they did. Most of these bastards deserved a good beating, and that is what they would get! As Black Scorpions Veronica and Heather worked with the Justice League the Norselandic international deadly anti-terrorist force The Norselandic government had decided to declare total War on international crime, the WACT (War Against Crime and Terrorism). . Veronica knew that Norseland was the country with by far the highest standard of living in the world and that it was an extremely wealthy and industrialised nation. This enabled it to have the most advanced armed forces and security services with the best equipment in the world. The Justice League (JL)was by far the most efficient and effective anti-terrorist force in the world. It could penetrate and destroy any terrorist or crime network anywhere making the British SAS look quite mild in comparison. The ROJ (Royal Overseas Judges) were the most effective police force in the world and operated in every single country with impunity. What made them both so effective is that they were ruthless in dealing with criminals showing zero tolerance and no mercy whatsoever. Their policy was that criminals must be killed mercilessly after being beaten and tortured. It was as simple as that! Norseland was now aware of itself as a world military power. In many terms it rivalled the USA in military force. Since the demise of the USSR it had rivalled the USA and wanted effectively to become a rival power in the world. It saw itself as a Socialist state promoting social values such as justice and equality Already Norselanders abroad were not under the jurisdiction of the police in those countries but under the ROJ (Royal Overseas Judges) who could only arrest Norselanders. They could also arrest or put to death anyone committing an offence against a Norselander or Papian in any country in the world. The Norselandic Premier Patricia Ingvoll was determined to extend Norselandic power and influence throughout the world. She was determined that Norseland would be the rival power to the it was now the world's Policewoman and potential Superpower. . All world Leaders were afraid of her referring to her as 'Patricia the Terrible'. She would force world leaders to sign Treaties like the BNT the British Norselandic Treaty after bullying them into accepting them. The Treaty would give the ROJ and the JL the opportunity to operate freely in their countries arresting whom they like in return for economic investment. No anti - Norselandic behaviour or policies world be tolerated. Military action and sanctions would be taken against any government that violated the Treaties. The Norselandic Government was now prepared to topple any government that was hostile or harboured terrorists or criminals of any kind. The result was that world leaders in particular in Asian and South American countries were in total fear of Norsleand, a Nation that was now so powerful it could easily topple any regime that offended it. In particular the Norselandic Government was determined to rid the world of crime and criminals that posed a threat as deadly as terrorism. Any country that harboured criminals or did nothing about crime would be labelled a 'criminal state' . The country that was now targeted by the JL and the ROJ was Honduras. In recent years Honduras has experienced very high levels of violence and criminality� Homicide violence reached a peak in 2012 with an average of 20 homicides a day.� Cities such as� San Pedro Sula� and the� Tegucigalpa� have registered homicide rates among the highest in the world. The violence was mainly associated with� drug trafficking� In order to rid the world of the deadly menace Premier Ingvoll had decided to strike at the base of the drug cartels the Honduras gang presence. Territory was controlled by members of rival gangs, the most powerful being the� Mara Salvatrucha� and the� Barrio 18.� These gangs used violence and threats to enforce their power. Members of the community who did not pay their "war taxes" to the gangs for protection were threatened and often killed simply for their disobedience. Premier Ingvoll regarded Honduras as a criminal state in the sense that she had intelligence that the drug cstels we're bribing and had contacts with the Honduran Government. After all these years the Mara Salvatrucha� and the� Barrio 18 still operated freely in Honduras particularly .where they controlled whole areas. She knew from information supplied by the Royal Intelligence Services (RIS)the best in the world, exactly who were the leaders of the Drug cartels and exactly where they lived. She decided that the only way to eliminate the Drug cartels in Honduras was to be even more ruthless than them. The ROJ would use the same force. They would literally kill every single Drug lord cartel leader. They would strike terror into the Drug cartels themselves. The policy would be that to kill a snake you had to cut off the head! It would be called Operation Kill All Drug lords (KAD) led by the ROJ based in England.It would be carried out on this occasion by the Fearsome Five as they called themselves. They would be led by Justice Borghild Aagaard. The other 4 would be Justices Hildur Omdahl and Kadir Roorstad and of course the Black Scorpions Veronica and Heather. They would travel to Honduras and the 5 of them would kill the Godfathers and and destroy the Drug cartels whether the Honduran Government approved or not. Premier Ingvoll had been to Tegucigalpa to inform the Honduran President Juan Orlando Hern�ndez, She told him in no uncertain terms that her Nation was determined to rid the world of the Drug cartels totally. She also said that the Honduran government had done very little about it and she knew that the Drug cartels had connections in the Honduran government. She said that as a result she was sending in the JL to destroy the Drug Cartels. The Honduran Government could cooperate by signing a Treaty allowing the ROJ and the JL to operate freely in Honduras. If they refused the Norselandic Government would consider Honduras a criminal terrorist state. Any Honduran police or army resisting the ROJ or the JL would be eliminated too. She reminded him that if it came to a contest between Honduras and Norseland, Norseland would win easily! He replied by telling her that Honduras was an independent country and Norseland had no right to intervene in internal affairs of a sovereign country. If an attempt was made to send the Judges or JL in, then Honduras would retaliate by force if necessary. Premier Ingvoll replied that Norseland considered Honduras to be a criminal and terrorist state in harbouring the Drug cartels. If force was used against the ROJ or the JL, they would retaliate using force too. As for US help, Norseland was a rival power and was quite prepared to take on US forces. Veronica read all about this, being very intelligent and well read about world affairs as well as being such a brilliant fighter. She had also learnt to speak fluent Norselandic The day had come round at last for Operation Kill All Drug cartels. Veronica was dressed from head to toe in a shiny black leather cat suit as usual. She did not know how long she would be away. She could not wait to taste the warmth and sun of Honduras after the cold of England! The plan was to meet up at Stansted airport with the other three Justices. They would travel in a charted aircraft of Justice League Airways. leaving at 11 am. They would land at a secret airstrip near Tegucigalpa at 3 pm local time precisely She would travel to Stansted from Nottingham by train with her colleague Heather her fellow Black Scorpion 'You Druglord bastards!' she thought to herself. I'M COMING FOR YOU AND THERE'S NO ESCAPE! TO BE CONTINUED All comments to