Warrior nuns, part 2 by Hamlet Once it had been decided that heresy and more seriously blasphemy had been committed the Norselandic Warrior Nuns or the Sisters of Mercy as they were more formally called, would visit the accused in their home. If that were not at home or failed to keep the appointment, they would break into their house usually at night using their skills as Holy Burglars just as they had kidnapped Roland Davenport They would also act as Bailiffs seizing all the offender's personal property as Penance. The property of the accused would be used to pay for the procedural expenses all Court expenses as well as the accused's own maintenance at the Convent. The accused would be taken forcefully to the cells at the local Convent and then tied up securely where he/she would follow a rigorous routine of heavy labour and hard work until the time of their Trial came around. The date of the Trial would be fixed usually withing six days of the accused arriving at the Convent. The accused would be taken to the Court from their cell by the Court Bailiff. The Bailiff would take the accused by a dog collar semi -naked in handcuffs to the Trial Room that was a vast room with a golden throne and a massive portrait of The Queen Goddess. Once inside the Trial Room the accused would have to bend down and prostrate themselves before The Mother Superior in an act of abject submission. The Warrior Nun Prosecutor would then present them with a list of the accusations against them. The Prosecutor's role was also to humiliate and to ridicule the accused. The Court existed purely to demean the accused and to decide what sentence and punishment to carry out. Denouncers in this case Sisters Alison and Megan would be witnesses to the accusations and their role would be to discredit and degrade the accused as much as they could. The Chief Catechisitor as well as the Prosecutor would watch the victim being tortured on a full array of torture instruments that lay before them to ensure the accused suffered the most excruciating agony as Penance for their sins. The most common form of torture instrument was that of the Inquisition the Strapado. The victim would be suspended from the ceiling by a pulley in front of the Chief Catechisitor.Weights would be attached to the ankle's testicles and feet while the victim would be cropped hard by the Bailiff. The torture would continue until the victim was literally screaming with pain and begging to confess their sins. The idea was for the Confession to be true and free so that the victim would openly confess their sins. Other forms of torture would include the Rack whereby the Bailiff would tie the prisoner onto a rack in various agonizing positions while she would torture him/her by squeezing the nipples and testicles in her latex gloved hands or sticking pins into the genitals until the prisoner would be yelling for mercy begging to confess that they were a reprobate sinner and to repent and be admitted back into the Light of God. The other form of terrible torture was Tongue Lashing in which the Prosecutor would yell righteous abuse into the victim's ear literally reducing him to a nervous wreck until he would confess all his sins literally begging for the agonising abuse to cease! As for Sentencing the most favourable outcome for the victim was Suspension as acquittals were effectively unknown. The prisoner would be allowed to go home but would be subject to severe Probation whereby he would be strictly supervised by his Supervisor a PWN (Personal Warrior Nun), whereby he would be watched daily by a PWN through a CCTV installed in his home. He would have to regularly confess his sins to her and she would effectively take over his entire life forcing him through a rigorous and exacting routine of religious instruction and daily hard labour. The accused would have to wear a hair shirt at all times during his period of Probation with a large badge around his neck stating in the case Davenport: I AM ROLAND DAVENPORT A WRETCHED SINNER AND DESERVE THE PUNISHMENTS OF HELL FIRE! This had to be worn as a collar around the neck at all times as a sign of humiliation and disgrace. The most common form of punishment though was Reconciliation in which the accused would be sentenced to a rigorous period of punishment that would include severe and agonising corporal punishment administered by a strap or a cane under the supervision of a PWN..This would also include a period of hard ;labour under her supervision that would be strictly enforced until he would be turned into a physical and mental wreck under her hands, Yet the worst form of punishment of all would be to be turned over to the Police or the Judges the Secular Arm who always cooperated with the WNs.The Judges were absolutely ruthless and enforced the death penalty at all times mercilessly. There was a saying that Judges 'made the Gestapo look like boy scouts. Their favourite method of execution was slow strangulation with a leather chord that would be carried out at the Convent at which the PWN would perform the Last Rites and watch the victim go bright purple and finally collapse in a heap on the floor in total agony with a death that was worse than crucifixion! Sister Alison at last reached St Agatha's Convent with her prisoner Professor Roland Davenport accompanied by her colleague Sister Megan after driving from Oxford University where they had kidnapped him right in front of his students. Here to greet them at the entrance was the Court Bailiff Sister Marissa a strapping buxom Norse Woman fully experienced on the art of torturing prisoners She grabbed hold of Davenport's trussed up body and threw him over her shoulder as if he was just a sack of potatoes and an animal, which as a believer in Evolution he basically believed he was! 'Thank you so much Alison and Megan for your wonderful and blessed work. I will take this prisoner to his cell. The trial starts on Monday at 9 AM prompt. before the Mother Superior BLESSED ARE YOU AMONG WOMEN! 'Tusen takk Alison og Megan for deres fantastiske og velsignede arbeid. Jeg tar denne fangen til kellen hans. Rettsaken starter mandag klokken ni. spoor foorr Mora Overlegen.' 'VELSIGNET EREN DEREN BLANT KVINNER! Any comments to norselandic@hotmail.com