THE TRIAL OF ROLAND DAVENPORT part 2 by Hamlet MOTHER ATHENA CORRESPONDS WITH DAVENPORT Extremely Senior Mother Athena. The Mother Superior of St. Agatha Convent in Eastry Kent, read the letter she had just sent to Professor Davenport. She was prepared to show him mercy provided he was prepared to recant his views and repent from his sins. St. Agatha Convent Eastry Kent CT14 0HX Dear Professor Davenport, I am writing to you as the Mother Superior of St Agatha Convent a Sister of Mercy or a Warrior Nun. I am deeply involved in a Holy War against crime and terrorism. I am at the same time involved in a war against the five evils; atheism, evolutionism secularism, humanism and relativism. Relativism which you espouse encourages crime and immorality, by teaching that there are no absolute moral values. Only belief in God, which you reject, is the sound foundation for objective moral values. Moral values are concerned with what is good and evil. As St.Anselm stated so long ago, God is by definition the greatest conceivable being and therefore the highest good. Indeed He is not only perfectly good, He is the locus and paradigm of all moral values. He alone provides the standard by which all actions are measured. He is by nature all loving, generous, faithful, all loving and perfect. I therefore demand that you cease your atheistic teaching immediately and stop polluting the minds of students at Oxford and all over the world. If you agree to a complete recantation of your false views, then in my mercy I will allow you to return to Oxford as a lecturer, as long as you agree to recant your erroneous views and promise on oath never to repeat them. I would of course arrange for you to be monitored by a Nun and I would appoint her as an Overseer to supervise your activities and she will be given my permission to arrest you at any time, breaking into you house or your lecture room. You will be forced to wear a hair shirt and a badge around your neck with the inscription for everyone to see; 'I ROLAND DAVENPORT AM A WRETCHED SINNER AND REPENT OF ALL MY SINS AND DESERVE THE PUNISHMENTS OF HELL FIRE' If you refuse to recant you will be forcibly captured and kidnapped in front of your students and taken to the Convent by two of my Nuns to stand trial before Me and the Catechision Court. If I find you guilty I will pronounce a very heavy sentence on you. You have a simple choice Davenport. Either you recant at once or you face trial; and severe punishment. Yours in righteous anger, Mother Superior Athena Mother Athena then read his insulting reply. New College Oxford Holywell Street OX1 3BN Dear Athena, I am in possession of your rude and offensive letter. I have no intention whatsoever of standing trial at your convent. You have no right whatsoever to come into this country from your neo fascist state Norseland in the Pacific Ocean and force me to recant my views, which are based on scientific truth and evidence. Go back to your Police state Norseland and leave us alone you evil bitch! I refuse to submit to your religious nonsense and will continue to stand up for scientific truth. Your religion is about turning untested belief into what you deem is unshakeable truth through the forceful power of institutions like your convent. Religious faith is the great cop out, the excuse to evade evidence. Faith is belief in spite of evidence. I will continue to speak up for Darwinism and evolution by natural selection and against religious bigots like you. I have shown your letter to the Police and have hired a security company to protect me from your so called nuns. The Catholic Inquisition was fortunately abolished in 1834 and you a complete religious maniac will never revive it! Your letter demonstrates what I have always stated, the absolute evil of religion! Yours Roland Davenport. She read back the letter She had responded to him. Dear Davenport, You are in very serious trouble. Not only do you insult My Nation Norseland, the world Superpower and Police Woman, you also demonstrate your ignorance of My religion. You have forfeited My mercy as you have refused to repent of you grievous sins. As a result I am sending two of my Nuns to New College Oxford to kidnap and arrest you, handcuff you and bring you forcibly if necessary semi naked to stand for trial at the Cathechision Court at the St .Agatha Convent before the whole world. Your only choice is to surrender yourself for arrest and incarceration! Yours in fury, Mother Extremely Senior and Superior Athena.