THE TAMIL TIGRESSES by Hamlet BANU GNA RAA The three friends Banu, Gna and Raa all sat together in the Uma restaurant Nagapattinam .It was a Friday night after school and they were so happy to be together .as they were all close school friends, In fact since the age of 13 they had been members of an all Girl gang the Tamil Tigresses or the Mean Girls , ( The Puli Paṉmai or Carācari Peṇkaḷ in Tamil). They knew they could spread terror and fear in the whole neighbourhood where they lived. They were about to tuck into their favourite feast of chicken chetinad, urlai roast meen kozhambu and archuvitta sambar at Umas. Nagapattinam� came to prominence during the period of� Medieval Cholas� (9th-12th century CE) and served as their important port for commerce and east-bound naval expeditions. . It was settled by the� Portuguese� and, later, the Dutch under whom it served as the capital of� Dutch Coromandel� from 1660 to 1781. In November 1781, the town was conquered by the� British East India Company. A majority of the people of Nagapattinam were employed in sea-borne trading, fishing, agriculture and tourism.� Kayarohanaswami Temple� � was the major Hindu pilgrimage site in the town Banu who knew she was the biggest of the three dressed as usual in a tight black leather jacket. skin tight leather trousers, leather gloves and knee length boots She had been a Tigress like them most of her life and was proud if it and loved to control other people. As a Tigress she always wanted what other pupils had at school. whether it was clothes, looks, boyfriends or even grades., As a Tigress she was willing to go to any extreme to hurt and if necessary, beat the person that had what she wanted. For instance, as a Tigress she would spread rumours, boycott a fellow pupil's parties, talk behind their back, use extreme force if necessary or even take steps to destroy her target's relationships and grades. Tigresses also refused acknowledge anything good about other people due to their envy and hostility. . As a Tigress she would be overly concerned with her hair, her clothes, her face, her make-up and her weight. Likewise, she would pick at these things in other pupils pointing out everything from acne and weight issues to clothing choices and hairstyles. Tigresses would even withhold friendship based on these issues. When a Tigress would talk, she would usually talk about other pupils in a mocking and demeaning way. Tigresses were often obsessed with what others thought of them. They considered how everything looked to others including where they lived and how they dressed, to what car they drove and which boy they befriended. They also had a strong desire to be at the top of the social ladder. As a result, they would do anything to get there including using other people. It was not uncommon for a Tigress to befriend someone based solely on where she lived and how they dressed. Additionally, Tigresses would bully others who threatened their status. For instance, if they perceived another pupil as a threat to their status or popularity, they have no qualms about attacking them in the most violent way him in order to eliminate the threat. .One sure-fire way to spot a Tigress was to look at how she related to other pupils. If she was regularly in little skirmishes with other pupils or was surrounded by drama, there may be more to it than just normal conflict. Tigresses often were more like enemies than friends backbiting and gossiping about the pupils they claimed are their friends. . Often, Tigresses would have an exclusive group of friends that they do everything with. They may even dress alike at times. You would know a group is a clique by the fact that it was so hard to be accepted by the group. Additionally, there were usually unspoken rules to be part of the group like a person's looks hairstyle or clothing choices. Lastly, Tigresses were not interested in making friends with new pupils or hanging out with anyone who was different or not part of the group. Tigresses were very controlling. In their relationships, they were clearly the ones in charge. As a result, other pupils willingly followed their lead or risked being forced out of the group. Meanwhile, other Tigresses were followers. They would do anything to remain part of the group including becoming bullies. To these Tigresses, what others in the group thought and said was a priority to them. Because these Girls often feared losing their status in the group, they would often bully others to fit in or be accepted. . Tigresses like Banu would definitely become Mean Women. What was worse was that Banu was a reall Tigress and none of the methods dvised to deal with worked Tigresses Loke her came in three varieties. Mean. Nasty. Vicious. Banu Gna and Rae were best friends, and not pleased when Sachdeva a boy came into their circle. Instead of welcoming him, the three Girls teamed up against him, circling him like a pack of female wolves. One of the Girls would distract him, and the others would come up from behind and swipe his possessions, abuse him and rip up his homework. If Sachevan faced them head on, sometimes the Girls didn't attack. But as soon as he turned her back, they would snap at him . An observer said, "When they saw him, he just bugged them. 'They were immediately hostile determined to break and humiliate him." Any comments to