THE NORSELANDIC DIET by Hamlet WHY NORSELANDERS, ESPECIALLY THE WOMEN, ARE BY FAR THE HAPPIEST HEALTHIEST AND STRONGEST PEOPLE ON EARTH A TYPICAL BRILLIANT CONFIDENT HAPPY HEALTHY MUSCULAR SELF- ASSURED AND EXTREMELY STRONG NORSE WOMAN A rich and balanced diet The Norselandic diet is extremely diverse It mainly includes freshly squeezed fruit juice, large amounts fruit, rice, vegetables, seaweeds, organically cured fresh meat and of course, fish. These make a versatile and balanced diet, not to mention that it does not contain any junk processed or high-calorie foods at all. Junk food like burgers pizzas, fish in batter and fried chicken are totally illegal just as are all drugs and cigarettes and all spirits. Also, the Norselandic diet values freshness and usually they will eat the current season's ripened product, for example, seasonal fish. Weather is also very important, as the climate is warm and sunny all the year round and the main meals are salads, soups and plenty of seafood. Norselanders believe that the right foods to eat are the simplest foods that grow from the earth in their most unadulterated and organic farm-fresh fruit and vegetables ,raw nuts, grains, beans, pulses and certain proteins such as tofu together with plenty of fresh fish and organic chicken and beef. This is called in Norselandic the Diet of Abundance or Kostholdet med Overflod that they can eat all day long and makes them feel wonderful and so healthy and powerful. � 2.Cooking methods The traditional cooking methods in Norseland are mainly steaming, grilling, and stewing, and when it comes to frying, using only minimal olive oil and low-fat margarine that are used in a special frying pan. Also, Norselanders slice vegetables to make them look better and also to cook them faster, and vegetable broth is usually used as a base for various recipes. The amazing benefit of these cooking methods is that they preserve much of the food's nutritional properties, making it both tasty and healthy. When it comes to spices, Norselanders are very cautious because they want to keep the food light and prevent placing a burden on body organs. The core of the Norselandic cuisine is based on the perfect combination of flavour, colour, and aesthetics. 3.Breakfast In Norseland, breakfast is the day's most important meal. Norselanders firmly believe one should breakfast like a Queen They know as highly intelligent peope that one has fasted for several hours and the body needs food and digestibve energy When one eats a proper breakfast it is like giving oneself an energy injection which is why Norselanders are never over weight ,have incredible memories and brains that never seem to age, Norselandic breakfast usually contains many different dishes. In most cases, you'll find fruit juice, camomile and peppermint tea without milk, fresh fruit, muesli ryvita and crisp bread, omelettes, freshly cured ham and fish. This means that not only you should learn from Norselanders by never skipping breakfast, but also imitating them by making sure you eat a rich and diverse meal that kick-starts your day the healthy way and help you stay happy and beautiful just like all Norselanders.are. 3 - The culture of eating The Norselandic eating ritual consists of eating slowly and digesting properly, they avoid decorating food because they want to preserve its natural taste and appearance. Different dishes are never combined on one plate and you'll always find each food served separately in its own place. Plus, the plate should never be loaded. This might be just the best way to never overeat again! No wonder how these people stay so strong and healthy all their lives. 4. Brown bread and rice and no white bread Everyone knows that the Norselanders eat lots of rye bread ryvita and rice. It's actually an important part of all meals. It should be highlighted that the rice is particularly cooked without any butter or salt. And so, eating no mealy foods plays an essential role in helping this Nation maintain their strong figures, healthy skin, and very long lifespan 5. There are almost no sweets for dessert In Norseland, dessert is rarely eaten, and you'll usually find only a little of it. In this amazing Nation, expectations of sweets are extremely different from the rest of the world. That also explains why Norselanders have such perfect white glistening teeth and cavities and fillings are almost unknown. This might be very surprising but there are almost no sweets, chocolates or cakes in a Norselandic diet. They have even made ice cream with rice, and it's known as moochen . Most Norselandic desserts are low in sugar and fat. They might not be particularly appealing to your taste but they will certainly take good care of both your health and waistline. They concentrate on eating fresh tropical fruit mangos, pineapples, apples, apricots, guavas and papaya by the ton all day long! Diet is not the only reason why Norselanders are so strong and healthy. They also take hours of exercise outdoors and indoors and are spotlessly clean and disciplined but will write about these points later! Any comments to