DAVENPORT INSUBORDINATE IN COURT by Hamlet Mother Superior Athena addressed the Cathecision Court at St Agatha's Convent in Eastry in Kent and spoke to the defence counsel Samuel Harrison. "Right Samuel Harrison I will allow you to counter Senior Sister Eva the Prosecutor's case by presenting arguments for the defence." "Senior Sister Eva will then present the moral arguments for the existence of God" "You will ensure that your arguments are relevant and you will not use this Catechision Court for your atheism or for insults against our Christianaist religion." Samuel Harrison stood upon before the Court. He had to be very careful what he said and had to ensure Athena did not sentence him for the crime of 'Blasphemous Speech.' "Well err Mother Athena my arguments basically are for morality and against the existence of God are proposed in my book I would recommend this Court to read the Moral Landscape. It aims to create a third path between secularists who state that morality is subjective e.g. moral relativists and religious moralists who stress that morality is determined by God and Scripture." "I contend that the only moral framework worth talking about is where morally good actions pertain to the increase in the wellbeing of conscious creatures.". Mother Athena intervened forcefully. "I'm sorry Harrison but you are advised not to make a mockery of Our Faith. I and my Sisters find this grossly offensive and if you continue like this, I will find you in contempt of court You may proceed but be very careful what you say or you might spend tonight in a prison cell in the Convent. You are present in a Convent remember and you will speak with respect!" Harrison began to tremble with fear realising he could face incarceration together with Davenport. 'I'm, err sorry Mother Athena I just want to say I would like to return to what my opponent stated in her cross examination" "You will address the Prosecutor as Senior Sister Eva, Harrison or you will definitely spend tonight locked up in bondage in the cells!" Sister Eva stood before the Court looking so muscular and powerful dressed from head to toe in the Warrior Nun's habit of shiny latex and high heeled boots Meanwhile Davenport clutched his bruised face reeling in such pain from the stinging slap he had just received from the Court Bailiff Sister Marisa. He felt so self-conscious standing there in just his underpants his puny frame exposed to the whole world He shouted at the Mother Superior foolishly not realising the effects of his insubordination. '" This court is a complete farce! It just demonstrates the total stupidity of all religious beliefs! It shows that religion is a source of conflict and a justification for faith which is belief without evidence!" "Religious belief is probably the greatest evil in the world and is responsible for most of the wars in the world. Faith is the great cop out, the great excuse to evade the need to think and evaluate evidence!" "I refuse to answer any more questions posed to me by this absurd kangaroo court! This court has no jurisdiction in this country and is based on fascist religious police state Norseland thousands of miles away in the Pacific Ocean!" "I have been taken here by force and illegally kidnapped by your so- called nuns in the middle of my lecture at New College Oxford, who proceeded to beat up my two security guards in front of all my students and then take me in bondage to a van to this Convent where I have been held in a cell as a prison purely for my personal beliefs!." "We happen to have freedom of speech in England something you Nazi nuns don't understand!" "What is more I have been subject to constant violence from that bitch of a nun next to who has slapped me across the face on numerous occasions and has threatened to put me on the strapado a device that was used in the Inquisition in Spain 400 years ago! "What is more no prisoner in an English court has to stand in his underpants throughout his trial!' "As for morality do you really believe that the only reason you are good or moral is to gain God's approve or to avoid his disapproval? "That's not morality at all that's just sucking up to some higher morality ,.apple polishing, looking over your shoulder at the surveillance cameras in the sky or the wiretap inside your head, monitoring your every move, even your basest thoughts ,a kind of North Korea or more appropriately a Norseland in the sky! " "RELEASE ME NOW YOU ECCLESIATICAL NASTY BITCHES!"! Mother Athena was appalled by what she has just heard by Davenport's insubordination and this diatribe. "Davenport you have just wrecked your whole case and I'm more likely to find you guilty you evil miscreant! One more outburst like that you worm and you will spend the rest of the Trial tied to the strapado! I've have never heard such insubordination in my entire life!" Sister Marisa the Court Bailiff dug her razor-sharp nails into his neck as he let out another piercing stream in front of the whole work that was watching the Trial to hear.as blood began to flow down his stomach. "You deserved that didn't you you piece of shit and any more trouble I will tie you to the strapado and gag you for the entire Trial!" she shouted in his face. He began to wail lie a little baby. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! "YYYESSSSSSSSSSS SSISSTER MARISA!!!!! Mother Athena addressed Sister Marisa in English and Norselandic "YOU HAVE MY FULL PERMISSION SISTER MARISA TO DEAL SEVERELY WITH THIS DESPICABLE GOD HATER!" "DU HAR MIIIN FULLT GJENNOMFOORING SYSTUR MARISA FOR AA HANDLE SV��RT MED DENNE OPLYSELIGE GUDDHATARI!" Any comments to norselandic@hotmail.com To be continued