MARGARETHE MARIASDOTTIR PUNISHES JIM MCBRIDE SEVERELY by Hamlet THE GREAT DEBATE PART TWO (NORSELAND AND PAPIA) Stephen Wells Good morning everyone. This is the second of our debates this Sunday morning. My name is Stephen Wells your Presenter. In this series when we will debate matters of serious concern over the next few months. On this Sunday morning, we are proposing to continue our discussion on the issue of a particular country you may all have heard of called Norseland and the other country it shares an island with called Papia. We devote this program to the delicate issue of Norselandic Papian relations. and the issue of the British Norselandic Treaty Act (BNTA), which has led to the kidnapping of the eminent biologist Ronald Davenport. On our panel, we have four distinguished guests; Jim Mc Bride- a political activist and former Respect MP for Bradford North West (JM) Margarethe Mariasdottir-Counsellor Norselandic Embassy (MM) Lilia Moheni -London Correspondent of the newspaper Papia Honoua (LM) Hugo Swire-Minister of State- Foreign and Commonwealth Office (HS) This will be debated in front of a very lively Grantham audience. (LOUD APPLAUSE) I would like to start with a response from the lady from the Norselandic Embassy whom I refer to as Madame Margarethe as I cannot pronounce her surname. May I ask you about the treatment of Papians by the Norselandic regime? How do you respond to allegations that Norseland is an apartheid state and treats the native population the Papians as inferior beings? MM (MARGARETHE MARIASDOTTIR) I totally reject this accusation we are an apartheid state. I would like to start with a simple point that we treat our Papian children, boys and girls in a caring and loving way just like a loving mother treats her children. As the lady in the audience who has been to My Nation, unlike Mr Mc Bride, states correctly that the Papians enjoy one of the highest living standards in the world, although this is obviously much lower than their Norselandic Mistresses and Masters. This is borne out by all the statistics on income, health and education. We believe that the Norselandic People have a perfect God given right to their land, which has been developed from a wilderness to a flourishing paradise ever since the first Norse Settlers arrived from Norway in 1650. Norseland stands now as a world superpower, the most modern advanced industrial state in the world. We have transformed this once backward territory by our sheer enterprise into a veritable Garden of Eden, and we are a leading member of the G21. By the Will of God this land is Ours for eternity. SW So, you would deny the claims made by Jim Mc Bride and others that Papians are badly treated? MM I have already said we treat the Papians with loving care as their Mothers and Fathers, Mistresses and Masters from the cradle to the grave. Norseland has the most highly developed welfare state in the world and our Papian children share in those benefits. We call our relationship with them Loving Control . We rule them because it is a fact that as a people we are naturally superior to them physically, technically, intellectually and morally. The Papian people accept this, which is why there is almost no support for Mc Bride's so called Papian Solidarity Organization, a subversive organisation the Royal Overseas Judges are determined to eradicate. The Papians are a lovely peace loving people who like small children are so content to live under the guidance, protection and control of their Norselandic Mothers and Fathers. JM (JIM MCBRIDE) The fact is that the Papians do as they are told purely out of fear and force! They are no more than cheap labour and effectively slaves for their Norselandic overseers! MM I warn you Mc Bride don't provoke me. I am wearing shoes with very sharp 15 cm heels and I can easily drive them into your crutch and break all your testicles! SW I do not want this debate to descend into physical confrontation, especially as you Madame Margarethe are so much larger than Jim Mc Bride here. If either of you use physical force I will order you off the program! I would like to move the debate to the Papian lady we have in the panel Ms Litia Moheni.what do you think of the debate so far? LM I cannot totally agree with Madame Margarethe Mariasdottir, though I know I have to respect Her and have to be very careful in what I say. I would have to state that a kind of apartheid does operate in my country and in Norseland. This kind of domination and system of segregation takes four basic forms: firstly Norselandic monopoly of political power, secondly the history of ethnic cleansing whereby well over a million Papians died as a result of the forced settlement of the Norse People, thirdly control of labour and fourthly social control whereby Papians in Norseland live in segregated ghettoes where a strict curfew operates, whereby they have to be by law in their segregated hostels by 9 PM or face arrest and imprisonment which can lead to the death penalty. I am very sorry to disagree in some ways with Madame Margarethe and am afraid to do so. Having said that I wish to emphasise that we are a docile and peace loving people who accept our status and if we do not like Norselandic domination, we simply leave our country as I have done. I am quite happy settled in the UK where I am treated as an equal person, though I know I am still under the control of the Royal Papian Judges who can arrest me at any time. MM I would like to refute everything Litia has said and to tell her to watch her step as the Royal Papian Judges know where exactly where she lives and her every movement and can arrest her at any time as she well knows, especially if she ever writes an article in the 'Papia Honoua' critical of My Nation. The fact is that there is no system of apartheid in My Nation. We segregate you Papians for your own good because you are a racially district ethnic group and you need to develop separately from Us. Would you agree Litia that your standard of living betrothed on you by your Norse Mastresses is one of the highest in the world though obviously very much lower than ours? LM I am very sorry to upset you Madame Margarethe and will take note of everything you say. Please I am afraid of being arrested by the RPJ and only wanted to state a historical fact and not to criticise Norseland in any way. JM (INTERRUPTS) This is absolute rubbish! The fact is that Norseland was created by force and ethnic cleansing just like this gorgeous Papian lady has said! SW Please Jim could you confine your comments to the debate and refrain from making sexual overtures to Ms Moheni. MM I warn you Mc Bride of you continue with your slanderous remarks you will face a visit from the Sisters of Mercy just like your friend Professor Davenport! SW Thank you I must warn both of you that physical threats are not permitted on this program, even though you do feel you have been provoked Madame Margarethe. One of the main concerns with your Nation Madame Margarethe is that it operates throughout the world subject to no international law, executing terrorists and anyone critical of Norseland. Obviously, you are aware of the kidnapping of Professor Davenport by the Warrior Nuns and his imprisonment at the St. Agatha Convent. He now faces being deported to Norseland on charges of Blasphemy and Atheism which in Norseland carry the death penalty. How can you possibly justify this violent action that has no basis in British or any other law? MM The fact is that My Nation is engaged in a worldwide war against terror and evil. We wish to rid the world of all crime and to establish an Empire and Matriarchy of Righteousness a New World Order headed by Her Excellent Highness Her Holiness The Queen Goddess. We are waging a war to the death against Islamic terrorists as we are against all criminals by a policy of absolute zero tolerance. We are also engaged in a war against atheism and neo- Darwinism as typified by Ronald Davenport, who makes no secret of his atheism and his worship of Charles Darwin and his theories. Davenport has preached openly that there is no God and we humans are just advanced primates descended from other animals. He offers a miserable depressing and hopeless view of the world that the whole world is based, the survival of the fittest and 'pitiless indifference'. What is worse is that he has preached these appalling views to innocent students at Oxford and elsewhere who do not know any better. Davenport is an evolutionary biologist, an avowed member of the atheist and secularist British Humanist Association, believing that human beings and all life is the result of a blind mechanism that operates through natural selection. He has spread his lies through TV and radio programs. In his 2006 book 'God Does Not Exist' he has described all religious belief as a delusion and those who practice it are deluded and in fact inferior to him intellectually. This charlatan has been damaging the minds of his students and those who listen to him for years and he at last has been brought to justice by the Sisters of Mercy. He is now undergoing cross examination at St. Agatha Convent by Professor Sister Eva Havelstad of the University of Kristianskobing, who has written several books refuting Evolution and upholding Creationism and the teachings of the Royal Christianaist Church of which She is a leading evangelist. It is quite clear that Davenport is being ruthlessly cross examined by Her this moment in the Witness Box and his arguments have been ripped to shreds, as are all his arguments when faced with an intellectually superior opponent. SW If Davenport is found guilty what sentence will he receive? MM The most lenient sentence he will receive from the Cathechision Court is that of Suspension, by which he is given the freedom to pursue his career as a Professor at Oxford as long as he fully recants his erroneous views and agrees to stop immediately from spreading them to innocent students. He will be monitored by the Sisters of Mercy and be allocated a Sister as his Personal Supervisor. He will have to wear a hair shirt and perform penance for his terrible sins. He will have to wear a collar around his neck at all times with the inscription I am Roland Davenport and deserve Hell fire for all my appalling sins', The more severe sentence is Reconciliation, in which as a prisoner of the Convent he will have to undergo a rigorous period of punishment and hard labour supervised at the convent by the SM. However, he may have to face the decision of the court of Expulsion that the SM will expel him from Their caring embrace to the secular arm the Royal Overseas Judges. who will arrange for his deporting to My Nation where the Judges may impose the most severe penalty that of Execution for his heinous crimes. JM (FURIOUS) I would like to respond to every point this harridan has made. The fact is that the former Prime Minister Tony Blair should never have signed the British Norselandic Treaty that has enabled this invidious incarceration of Ronald Davenport to have taken place! It was one of the most appalling acts of surrender of our sovereignty ever performed by a British Government, a total and unmitigated defeat as Winston Churchill described that other act of surrender the Munich Agreement in 1938, when this country gave in to the unjustified demands in Czechoslovakia of Nazi Germany, which Norseland resembles in so many ways. The trial of Davenport is totally illegal and there have been worldwide protests from the academic community all over the world. It means this sweet lovely Papian lady lives in fear of arrest and possible execution every time she writes an article about her country and why she looks so scared every time that Norselandic She Devil Margarethe Mariasdottir speaks and who resists the demand that we free Davenport immediately, close down this so-called Convent, impose sanctions and a world trade embargo on Norseland and repeal the BNTA for good! (LOUD APPLAUSE FROM THE AUDIENCE INTERSPERSED WITH PROTESTS) (SHOUTS OF FREE FREE PAPIA!!! NORSELANDIC NAZIS OUT OF HERE!!!! FREE ROLAND DAVENPORT! WARRIOR NUNS OUT OUT OUT!!!!) SW I realise we are all becoming very heated. We must move to the end of our debate. I must ask the Foreign and Commonwealth Minister Hugo Swire. Why does the British Government not repeal the BNTA now that it has led to the illegal imprisonment and trial of a prominent academic Professor Davenport? Why also does the British allow this power to Norselandic organisations like the WN and the ROJ and the Justice League to operate with impunity in this country? HS The BNT was negotiated and accepted by the previous Labour Government. It has brought considerable economic benefits in terms of jobs and massive investment by Norseland, which we have to accept, is the most economically advanced country in the world today. As for the arrest and trial of Professor Davenport, we believe that the Sisters of Mercy or the Warrior Nuns were wrong to do this and the arrest of Davenport goes against the spirit of the BNT. We are now negotiating with the Norselandic government and the SM to obtain his early release on the grounds that the BNTA does not mean that innocent British citizens like Professor Davenport should be arrested by the Norselandic authorities such as the SM and the ROJ. (UPROAR IN AUDIENCE) SW With that we will have to bring our program to a close. Next week we will involve another Norselandic lady, which we have to as we are sponsored by a Norselandic television network called Valkyrie Services. We will debate the issue of depression and mental illness when a Practioner of CBT Cognitive Behavioural therapy will debate with a Norselandic lady a Practioner of Neuro Linguistic Corrective Therapy. I would like to thank our lively Grantham audience for their participation in this program. SEE YOU ALL NEXT SUNDAY! Any comments to