THE BUCCANEERA RAPE AND PILLAGE LIKE THEIR VIKING ANCESTORS by Hamlet Major Esteban Quintero stood in front of the troops in Los Angeles.absolutely furious. 'So you let that Norsi bitch Astrid the Whipmistress that demoness from hell escape did you? Madre de dios are you complete fools or just complete laggards? How many times have I told you that there are always to be no less than four men in attendance at the main gate and ten others patrolling the perimeter of the hacienda grounds! 'As� que dejaste que esa perra Norsia Astrid la Maestra del L�tigo, se escapara de esa demonio del infierno ? Madre de Dios, �son ustedes completos tontos completos rezagados? �Cu�ntas veces ustedes han dicho que siempre debe haber no menos de cuatro hombres presentes en la puerta principal y otros diez patrullando el per�metro de los terrenos de la hacienda! Suddenly a messenger came bounding towards the Major. 'Major I've just heard terrible news! The Buccaneera have just attacked the town of Santa Monica it's the worst raid yet. The whole town is burning, the whole population have been taken back in longboats to the Bothnian Islands. There have been mass gang rapes of the men and women. What is worse is that the Buccaneera are heading straight towards Los Angeles! They are determined to capture the Alcalde himself There is nothing we can do about these Norse Folk! No wonder we say in Mass every day 'From the fury of the Norse Folk good Lord deliver us!' '�Mayor, acabo de escuchar terribles noticias! Los Buccaneera acaban de atacar la ciudad de Santa M�nica, es la peor incursi�n hasta el momento. Toda la ciudad est� ardiendo, toda la poblaci�n ha sido llevada de regreso en lanchas a las islas de Bothnia. Ha habido violaciones masivas en grupo de hombres y mujeres. Lo que es peor es que los Buccaneera se dirigen directamente hacia Los ��ngeles. Est�n decididos a capturar al propio Alcalde. �No hay nada que podamos hacer con estos n�rdicos! No es de extra�ar que digamos en misa todos los d�as: "�De la furia del pueblo n�rdico, buen Se�or, l�branos!" The Major was seething with fear realizing that he faced capture and being taken as a prisoner to the Bothnian Islands himself . 'Stay here and watch the gates! The Buccaneera will probably attack tomorrow night! I'm going to the Alcalde's Mansion now!' shouted the Major in terror �Qu�date aqu� y vigila las puertas! La Buccaneera probablemente atacar� ma�ana �noche! �Voy a la mansi�n del alcalde ahora! ' He rode to the Alcalde's Mansion to find him in a state of complete panic. He was supposed to be the Governor of California and the only thing he was concerned about was saving his own skin! 'Major the Buccaneera are coming and we are going to be killed and taken as slaves to the Bothnian Islands.I'm going to have to escape to La Paz in Baja California I'm in real trouble!' 'El Mayor Buccaneera vendr� y nos matar�n y nos llevar�n como esclavos de las islas de Botnia. Voy a tener que escapar a La Paz en Baja �California estoy en problemas! His wife Inez was laughing at him as she became excited and frightened at the prospect of a debauching by a muscular Buccaneera. 'I thought you were the Governor of California and you are running away from the Buccaneera like a little bird you coward! ' '�Pens� que eras el gobernador de California y que est�s huyendo del Buccaneera como un pajarito cobarde! 'You don't know what these Norselanders are like. Do you know what it's like when they catch Spanish women? Do you realise you could be gang raped? Why aren't you packing and coming with me you stupid woman? 'No sabes c�mo son estos noruegos. �Sabes c�mo es? cuando atrapan mujeres espa�olas? �Te das cuenta de que podr�as ser violado en grupo? Por qu� �No est�s empacando y viniendo conmigo, est�pida mujer?' 'I need more time to pack. I've got so many shoes and dresses Besides I want to know what these Buccaneera are like I'm sure they won't harm me really as long as I submit to them.I know they have ther biggest Cocks in the world!.' 'Necesito m�s tiempo para empacar. Tengo tantos zapatos y vestidos. Adem�s quiero para saber c�mo son estos Buccaneera, estoy seguro de que realmente no me har�n da�o siempre y cuando me someta a ellos. �S� que tienen los Pollos m�s grandes del mundo! ' 'You seem to be so excited by these Buccaneera Don't you realise they are just a bunch of cutthroats, barbarians' murderers and pirates! 'Pareces estar tan emocionado por estos Buccaneera �No te das cuenta de que son solo un mont�n de gargantas, asesinos de b�rbaros y piratas!' 'Well I hear the men are gorgeous and have enormous members!' replied Inez becoming wet with excitement at the prospect of a Norse Screwing! 'Bueno, �escuch� que los hombres son hermosos y tienen miembros enormes!' 'Well you can stay here and be gang raped by a bunch of Norse Men you whore! .I'm packing up and leaving now! 'Bueno, puedes quedarte aqu� y ser violado en grupo por un grupo de hombres n�rdicos que prostitutas �Estoy empacando y me voy ahora!' 'Don't you realise that wherever you go in America the Buccaneera will find you,. you can run but you can't hide from the fury of the Norse Folk! ' she laughed in derision. "No te das cuenta de que donde quiera que vayas en America, la Buccaneera encontrar� t�,. �puedes correr pero no puedes esconderte de la furia del pueblo n�rdico!' Meanwhile the Swordmaster Diderik the Debaucher and his partner Astrid the Avenger were riding as fast as they could from Santa Monica to Los Angeles. Their Mission was to capture the Alcalde and take him as a prisoner to the newly established Nander Detention Centre in the Bothnian Islands that lay only 20m Kms off the coast of California where he would face a lifetime of torture and hard labour. Diderik lived up to his name as a debaucher of Spanish women only in most cases the Spanish women readily submitted to his gigantic Cock .He looked really stunning in shiny black leather with a black leather stetson a leather face mask ,skin tight leather jacket and leather trousers and knee length boots. He had long flowing blonde hair tied in a pony tail. Next to him rode his Partner and lover the Swordmistress Astrid. She looked even more stunning dressed exactly like him in shiny black leather with platinum blonde hair The only difference was that his gigantic bulge was between his legs whereas hers was in her chest. She spoke to her lover as she kissed him passionately' 'Come on Diderik Darling let's go to the Alcalde's Mansion in Los Angeles. I want to capture him personally and take him on a longboat to Nander Island for life detention Meanwhile darling I understand he has a wife Inez who is desperate for a Norse Cock I want to hold her down and watch you debauch her mercilessly in six positions. After that we will burn down the Alcade's Mansion! We will drive these Spanish weeds out of California just as we drove them out of the Bothnian Islands!' 'Come on My sweet Darling Diderik' Kom igjen Diderik Elskan , la oss gaa til Alcaldes Hoofddingjasetur i Los Angeles. Jeg oonsker aa fange ham persoonnuulega og ta ham med paa en langbaat til Nander Eyja fpr livsfengsling I mellomtiden kj�re jeg forstaar at han har en kone Inez som er oorv�ntingarfullur etter en Norse Kuk. Jeg vil holde henne nede og se paa at du avkaster henne naadeloost i kynliif stoodur. Etter det vil vi brenne ned Alcades Hoofddingjasetur! Vi vil kjoore disse spanske ugrasene ut av California akkurat da vi kjoorte dem ut av de Botniske Ooyene! ' 'Kom igjen min soote Elskan Diderik' 'We will show no mercy! 'Vi vil ikke vise naade! 'LET'S RAPE AND PILLAGE SWEETHEART!! LA OSS VOLDEKT OG PILLER KJ��RESTE!! Any comments to TO BE CONTINUED