TATJANNA CRUELA AND HER CAPTIVE THE PROFESSOR by Hamlet The Professor could feel his heart drop as he treaded into Tatjanna Cruela's Dungeon. His hands cuffed behind his back felt sore. His Captor and Domina was behind him, pushing him along. He did not dare look back. When they reached the centre of the dark chamber, she stepped in front and motioned him to stop. In the dim candlelight, he could just make the feint outline of his Captor. Tatjanna Cruela was over a foot taller than him but felt much taller. Her blonde hair stopped just above her shoulders. She grabbed his upper arm and yanked him down to his knees. He looked up, she towered over him. "Oh, this is going to be fun," she laughed. Her voice felt sweet in his ears, made his skin crawl. It was high pitched with the presence of a deep voice. "You have a name, don't you?" she asked. "Yes, it's"" "he started. Her hand whipped across his face. He nearly toppled over from the force of it. CRAAASHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! "Wrong. You have no name. Not in here." She paused, briefly, and knelt down to his level. "You know, when I say things, you should reply 'Yes Madame'. That is how I know you are listening. Can you be a good listener? Can you do that for me?" With every sentence her voice grew sweeter and yet more assertive. "Yes, Madame," he replied. He faced down and blinked away the few tears that had begun to form in his eyes. His face still stung red. "Good." she said softly. It was still dark, but he could feel the warmth of her smile. . 'Right Professor you will read me this drivel you wrote about me in the Nottingham Post.' His hand shook and he began to read his letter stuttering with her presence overpowering him He read before her his voice shaking in fear. TIME TO PUT AN END TO THIS VIGILANTE AND MENACE! To the Editor Nottingham Post Dear Sir, I am writing to complain in the strongest terms about the behaviour of a Norselandic lady who calls herself Madame Tatjanna Cruela. In my view the activities of this lady should be brought to a halt immediately! In the past few weeks, I have found out that this bitch has smashed up a pub and beaten the owner of the pub up so badly he is now a complete invalid. She has practised something called Corrective Therapy, that has no scientific basis whatsoever and is just a means of sadism and inflicting pain and suffering on another person. Who the hell gave this foreign bitch the right to do this? I am not a racist-in fact, I teach foreign students. Yet she seems to think that just because she comes from a fascist police state like Norseland and is clearly bigger than anyone else, that she has the right to take the Law into her hands! I believe that Corrective Therapy should be declare illegal in this country. I have written to the local MP to put pressure on the Government to that effect. I also believe that the full weight of the Law should come to bear on this Norselandic bitch (sorry to sound racist but she drives me to it!) and she should be sent to prison for her crimes. Failing that the citizens of Nottingham should have her thrown out and sent back to that police state where she comes from. There should be an Injunction against her ever returning to the UK again. Let us be rid of this evil sadist for ever! I have sent a copy of this letter to the MP and to the Chief Constable of Nottinghamshire Police. I expect action to be taken against her now! Yours sincerely. John Davies Professor of Criminology University of Nottingham She held him by the throat in her leather gloved 'After reading this letter from you I was bloody furious as I am with you now. I was so bloody angry! How dare you criticise me or Corrective Therapy you bastard! I nearly ripped up the paper I was so livid. 'I decided I would fix you bastard for good. You are such a coward as well-you do not even have the courage to contact me personally and had to write the letter to the Editor of the local paper. You did not even dare write your address because you knew I would visit you at your home. Well you shithead-you can run but you cannot hide! I will get you and when I have finished with you as my prisoner in my Dungeon, you will wish you had never been born! 'I sent an e mail to the Editor of the Nottingham Post telling him I was coming after you and so everyone else would know. I would visit you personally at the University,' 'I am going put you through a severe Course of Corrective Therapy, starting with a severe Tongue Lashing and a Thrashing. I am going make you confess your sins in front of me and beg my forgiveness You will write an apology to the paper stating what nonsense you have written ' You will now read my reply! Again, his hands shook as he read out his response to her letter Professor Davies 'I have just read the rubbish you have sent to the Editor and I'm absolutely furious! You are a pathetic coward-you cannot even write to me personally and you are afraid to give your address because you know what I will do to you you. How did you ever become a Professor writing drivel like that you worm brained fake!' 'Yes, I am a total sadist. I thoroughly enjoy beating up bastards like you and seeing you scream for mercy!' 'Corrective Therapy is certainly scientific. It totally changes people's lives and rids them of disgusting habits. It will certainly work when I practice it on you and rid you of all that drivel in your head!'. 'Your attitudes make me absolutely sick. You are a typical bleeding-heart liberal. You worry about the 'Rule of Law' and criminal's rights but do absolutely nothing to help the victims of crime.' 'And yes, I am proud of smashing up that pub-you go on about Nottingham being so clean. So why do you tolerate shitholes that are a blight on the community! 'As for the Police they know and are pleased that someone at last is prepared to stand up to criminals like I do. I actually have a letter from the Commander of Nottingham Police to that effect.' As for the MP I treated him when I was a physiotherapist. Although I inflicted great pain on him, I cured his arthritis. He realises this now and also realises how popular I now am in Nottingham. Complaining to the Police and the MP will do you no good at all. You should have checked your facts out before you complain your arsehole!' 'Beneath your liberal drivel, you are also a complete racist. Yes, I am immensely proud of being a Norselandic Woman and of my Nation. We Norselandic Women excel at whatever we do, and we don't tolerate pathetic windbags like you!' 'You talk about driving me out of town. Well Professor it looks like you're going to be driven out of your job and the town if you dare carry on like this You shouldn't be teaching students you pea brained charlatan!' 'Do not worry Professor I am coming after you and there will be nowhere to hide from me Madame Tatjanna Cruela! As they say you can run, but you cannot hide! YOURS IN FURY MADAME TATJANNA CRUELA She held him in a vice like grip in the leather gloves 'Right Professor! ; LET THE CORRECTIVE THERAPY SESSION BEGIN! ' TO BE CONTINUED Any comments to norselandic@hotmail.com