MADAME TATJANNA CRUELA'S FIRST SESSION WITH AN ALCOHOLIC by Hamlet Tatjanna Cruela held Donald's face hard in her leather gloved hand at Mc Donald's in front of all the customers "Donald as a Corrective Therapist I like to control English wimps like you. The more control I have over a foreign man, the happier I become. I like to inflict physical pain on my submissive men, and I will train you to serve me as I want. " "I will soon control you completely. As my patient your only desire will be to please me, no matter the cost. Make no mistake Donald, I will enjoy controlling you, using you for my many pleasures as a Therapist. Even I don't know what I will demand of you, but whatever I demand of you, you will obey, and you will love me for it." For the first time he saw Tatjanna Cruela's blue eyes flashing, full of passion, looking deeply into his very soul. She also tightened her grip on his thigh, increasing both the pleasure and pain. "Also," she added louder than he thought necessary, "I think I can find a use for your modest endowment." "You've been warned Donald. You will follow me home now" she ordered him, her eyes burning into his. "Yes," he croaked. "Yes Madame Tatjanna Cruela and don't forget that comes after every sentence or you will feel my hand crashing against your face" she emphasized louder than before. "Yes Madame Tatjanna Cruela!" he answered. She smiled at him, knowingly and with affection. She gave him directions to her home. He escorted her to her car, arm in arm, opened her car door, helped her in and gently closed the door. He walked briskly to his car. He followed Tatjanna her home in a village called Codnor just outside Nottingham. Tatjanna Cruela indicated the common area where he would park his car. Then, as instructed, he slowly followed her to her home, noting the street, her place on it and an intricate wooden sign on the side of her house which read "Tatjanna Cruela - some very good craftsmanship he said to himself . Then, also as instructed, he returned to the common parking area to await Tatjanna Cruela's call - his summons to serve her. All the while he was trying to sort through his emotions and impressions. Tatjanna Cruela was certainly a beautiful and sexually attractive woman. Her natural authoritative manner drew him to her. She seemed unbothered by his marriage or his lack of experience. But what to make of her 'warning'? He could still just drive away. His phone rang. It was Tatjanna Cruela. Decision time. "You may now come to serve me, Frank," she said in a casual tone. "Yes, Tatjanna Cruela," I answered. "Yes, Madame Tatjanna Cruela!" she replied with an edge in her voice. "Yes, Madame Tatjanna Cruela! I am sorry I forgot," he answered nervously. "I have ways to 'help' you remember Frank. I am waiting. When you arrive at my home - open the sliding glass door, enter my living room, close the sliding glass door, lock it, and pull the blinds to exclude wandering eyes. Don't keep me waiting," Tatjanna Cruela said with purpose in her voice. "Yes, Madame Tatjanna Cruela," he replied, somewhat shaken. He mounted the three front steps of Tatjanna Cruela's front wooden deck and opened the sliding glass door. He entered the living room, closed the door, locked it, and pulled the blinds. It took several seconds to adjust to the diminished indoor light and to locate Tatjanna Cruela sitting serenely on her sofa. . She was dressed in a noticeably short, black leather skirt which ended well above mid-thigh. Her feet were adorned by thigh length boots. She was a vision and his cock responded accordingly. Her clothes and her legs crossed provocatively at mid-thigh emphasized Tatjanna Cruela's impossibly long, toned, smooth legs - inviting speculation as to the treasures which awaited beneath her short, tight skirt. His face must have betrayed my thoughts as a slight smile emerged on Tatjanna Cruela's now blood red lips. Her lips matched her toenail polish, her fingernail polish, and her high heeled boots. "Take off all your clothes Donald " she said matter of factly. "Crawl with them to the wooden bin in the kitchen. Inside you will find a lock and a key on a gold chain. Place your clothes in the bin, lock it and crawl to me with the key and chain around your neck." No bravado. No threats. No rewards. Amazingly simple instructions, simply given in an everyday voice - the thought flashed through his mind. She must do this often. Once more off balance, he began to take off his clothes - all of them. Tatjanna Cruela watched with interest and a mild hunger in her eyes. He descended to the floor to remove his socks and shoes. He clumsily carried his burden as he crawled along her floor. He noticed the wooden chest for the first time. Made of solid oak, stained and lacquered, it had a solid clasp with a hinge to accommodate a lock. But its most amazing - and disturbing - feature, was the inscription burned artfully into the lid 'Property of Tatjanna Cruela'. Almost in a trance, he gently opened the lid and found - as described - a small, sturdy brass lock and a brass key hung on a delicate gold chain. He removed these, placed his clothes neatly in the chest, closed the lid, inserted and closed the lock. Approaching Tatjanna Cruela perched regally above him, he had an excellent view of her long legs and her high heeled boots - lightly tanned and well-muscled - right leg crossed over left at the thigh -. "Kneel and spread your legs", she said. He raised up and spread his legs. Hr right foot nestled between his legs just inches below my completely exposed cock and balls. She noted his gaze and said, "Yes Donald , I intend to use my crop on you today." Without thinking he blurted out, "Please remember I can have no marks on ..." His objection was cut short as her right leg muscles tightened under her smooth skin and launched her boot heel directly into his balls and cock. He gasped with shock and pain. She hissed in obvious anger, "Don't you dare lecture me you bastard!" Her leg muscles contracted again and shot her foot into his groin a second time. Again he gasped with shock and pain. Stunned, he did not even move to protect myself from her assault. Her leg moved in the now familiar painful pattern as her boot crashed a third time into his cock and balls. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Barely able to breathe, unable or unwilling to protect himself he knelt before Tatjanna Cruela docile with tears welling in his eyes and spilling down his cheeks. 'Donald the torture is about to begin. By the time I leave I will want at least 3 ejaculations from your stem! With that she dragged her leather gloved hands up and down his stem. then dug her nails hard into his testicles. She put her hand across his mouth as she did not want to hear any more screaming. After about 20 minutes spunk was coming down her leather gloves. 'That took a long time-it's the drink isn't it that's why you can't get hard. Its call Brewers Droop. Do not worry -when I have finished with you you will be giving me spunk in less than 5 minutes. And remember-this little stem is mine and only mine. It does not belong to you at all. So, if I catch you playing with it again you are in real trouble. Understood?" "Yes, Madame Tatjanna Cruela! he cried out. '" Let us start again I want some spunk!". With that she straddled him again so he could not move. She held his mouth again in her powerful hands and wanked him hard with strong forceful movements. He came again in slightly less time. '" Not much life in this pathetic thing is there? "No Madame Tatjanna Cruela 'he was forced to agree. She then ordered him to stand up. '" I see you are absolutely terrified of me. Well that's the right attitude." "Well now I'm going to take you upstairs and thrash you severely. As I said Corrective Therapy involves intense physical pain. I'm an absolute sadist. Do you know what that is Donald?" "I think it mean that you like to inflict pain Madame Tatjanna Cruela' he replied still sweating 'Yes, it does -it means that I get an enormous thrill and excitement from inflicting the most terrible pain. I'm going to start by giving you a mild thrashing-although that will be painful enough. You must remember that when I thrash you not only am I thoroughly enjoying myself, but I am curing you from your alcohol addiction. Do you understand you piece of shit?" YES, MADAME TATJANNA CRUELA!!! Any comments to TO BE CONTINUED