THE ADVENTURES OF ASMONDENA 84 by Hamlet ASMONDENA AND SONIA PREPARE TO ATTACK QADDAFI'S HEADQUARTERS WITH DEADLY FORCE Asmondena and Sonia loaded Their Hardanger bikes onto the Fricka Helicopter in Tauorga Libya as They were ready for the Divine Mission that lay ahead of them of attacking Qaddafi's headquarters. Asmondena was entrusted with the Mission of capturing and kidnapping Qaddafi himself making him Her personal prisoner. They both said a fond farewell to Justice Sarka who was now the Ruler of Tauorga the first piece of Libyan territory to fall to Norselandic Rule. As Asmondena sat in the Helicopter with Zana the new Regent of Libya in front of Her She felt totally prepared to deal with this bastard Qaddafi, being determined to face slap and torture him mercilessly using all Her incredible power and strength. She clearly recalled how the situation had developed when Norseland was now in the position of actually invading Libya and taking its President to Norseland for trial and execution. She recalled clearly the conversation She had with Her Supervisor VSJ (Very Senior Justice) Nicola Basson who had called Her in China in Guangzhou from, the JLJHQ in Vikingsborg after She had completed Her first totally successful Mission there. She had been ordered by Nicola to go on a Mission to Egypt. Nicola had told Her all about a terrible atrocity that had just occurred in Egypt, which She was determined revenge. Asmondena's Colleague one of the most brilliant crime fighters in the world Justice Stormia Sterngarrd was there now and after this Mission Asmondena would join Her. The atrocity had occurred in Hurgada a popular resort on the Red Sea where terrorists had opened fire on a coach load of tourists in which 70 tourists were killed, 30 of whom were Norselandic. This was an atrocity far worse than the Luxor massacre of 17 November 1997 and demanded bloody revenge. The Operation had begun that was to be called Killallterrorists whose object was no less than the violent death of every single terrorist in Egypt. Asmondena had wanted so much to be with Stormia confronting and killing terrorists mercilessly .No one could kill the Subjects of The Queen Goddess Herself and get away with it! She had been ordered to capture with Stormia the leader of these Islamic terrorists whose name was Al Hamidi for trial and execution to Norseland from his hideout in Qena in the Nile Valley. Asmondena was also determined to deal severely with anyone who harboured or showed any sympathy for the terrorists, as She knew well from Her knowledge of Chinese 'that a fish can only swim in water' that terrorists depend on the support of the local popoulation. Asmondena had been ordered by Nicola to burn down the houses and if necessary kill those who harboured or showed any sympathy, even verbal sympathy for terrorists. If any peasant so much as gave these terrorists a drink She would torture then to death and burn down their house and all their property in the way only She knew how!! What was more if the Egyptian Government was in any way involved with these terrorists then they would pay the price as the Justice League was quite prepared to take action against Egypt just as it was prepared to invade Libya! Yet it was as Asmondena was flying from China to Egypt that She had heard all about the change of plans from Nicola.The news had come that the cartoons of Mohammed had been published all over Norseland with the tacit encouragement of the Norselandic Government.In Norseland Islam was completely banned as it degraded women and did not acknowledge the Divinity of The Queen Goddess who had to be worshipped at all times. This had resulted in riots across the Muslim world where Norselandic embassies had been attacked. The Norselandic Government had reacted instantly demanding that each country pay compensation of £500,000 each or face the full wrath of the Justice League. Every country had agreed to pay the compensation in full, even Syria, knowing that effectively Noresland had displaced the USA as the world's superpower being the world's new Matriarchy and Police Woman that was quite prepared to extend the Matriarchal Empire of The Queen Goddess right across the whole world � All the countries knew what terrible retribution faced then from the JL and were prepared to pay every penny of the compensation with the only exception of the rogue state Libya. Not only had the embassy been totally burnt to the ground in Tripoli but this had been done with the full support of the President Qaddafi who had ordered all Norselanders our of the country This was a terrible blow to Libya as the Noselanders had given so much to help the country and were mainly Nursing Officers and teachers and being professionals and highly qualified were naturally almost all Women. They had all been safely airlifted to the Princess Xena the largest carrier in the world by Fricka Helicopters that lay just off the coast in the Gulf of Sirte commanded by VSC (Very Senior Commander) Abby Clairesdottir. The Norselandic Government led by Premier Patricia Ingvoll, had sworn bloody vengeance against Qaddafi and was determined that he should be brought to Norseland to be tried and executed. What was worse was that he had let out a whole tirade of anti -Norselandic abuse calling for a Holy War or jihad against the infidel Norselanders .He had called The Queen Goddess and Premier Ingvoll 'infidel bitches' and had even dared to call The Queen Goddess 'a Bitch from Hell'. He was even prepared to lead an attack of suicide bombers against Norselanders anywhere in the world. The Norselandic Government had retaliated by calling Qaddafi 'World Public Enemy Number One' and had ordered his arrest, trial, and execution for Treason and Blasphemy. The Person who had been chosen for this momentous and Divine task was none other than Asmondena Herself with Her brilliant and extraordinary fighting skills known, as She was the world over as the world's greatest and invincible Crime Fighter, Her very name striking fear into terrorists and criminals all over the world. In Her task Asmondena would be assisted by Sonia Fenandes a brilliant fighter and wrestler who belonged to the Black Scorpions an organisation of American Black Women led by Ramona( see Episodes RAMONA), totally dedicated to the elimination of terrorists and criminals throughout the world. It was an organisation that admired Norseland and supported the JL everywhere as Norseland was the Female dominated Nation and as the world's Matriarchy. Ramona Herself had been made an Honorary Norselandic Citizen and had been summoned to the Divine and Holy Presence of The Queen Goddess Herself the greatest honour in the world. Sonia had been in Libya ready for the Norselandic invasion. She was half Libyan and half American. She spoke fluent Arabic fluently and wearing a burqa had actually posed as a Libyan woman. Her father was a Tuareg who were the native population of Libya. She really resented Qaddafi not only because all Her father's property had been seized in the 1969 revolution but also because the Tuareg society was basically matriarchal and women never wore the veil or the burqa that was actually worn by the men.In Tuareg society women effectively ruled and were far better educated and in most case stronger than the men than the men.As a result they had incurred the wrath of Qaddafi who being a staunch Muslim believed in the subordination of women. She had already been captured by the Libyan forces as Her leather boots and gloves of Her BS uniform were visible under Her burqa. She had been thrown into a filthy cell by the Libyan commander Al Bariki. She had escaped easily from the cell using Her incredible fighting skills only to be captured again by him who had called Her a n---r bitch. She had finally taken Her revenge when after Asmondena had captured him She had face slapped him to death in the final blow sure he died a most agonizing death. Asmondena looked down. She could see the desert beneath Her and the lights from an oasis beneath Her. It was clear that They were about to land in Bar Wailit an oasis in the desert. Zana turned round to speak to Asmondena and Sonia. 'We are about to land and very soon You will be attacking Qaddafi's headquarters I have burqas for You both to wear so You can be disguised as Libyan women until You attack the headquarters. Soon Qaddafi will be Your prisoner Asmondena. You can beat him and face slap him as hard as You like but please don't kill him as he has to be presented before VSC Abby on the Princess Xena. ' 'The invasion is now proceeding with total success and Libya will be under Norselandic Rule in a few hour's time without even a hair of Our heads being touched. A few kilometres away Justice Selene Sonderhjem had taken over the town of Misrata all on Her own after threatening to fire a heat seeking Hilda missile at the mayor's headquarters.' 'Even better to the east the city of Benghazi the second largest city is in Our hands. Justice Helene Hellstriker has fired a Hilda missile straight into the army headquarters killing all inside and reducing to to ashes. With Her colleague JSO Katarina Viktorhaard She will force the whole of Cyrenacia to be under Norselandic Rule using Their Hilda missiles and Their Gym Kata skills in unarmed combat against the Libyan forces!' 'After We have dropped You and Sonia off, Lydia and I will go to Tripoli where We will demand the immediate surrender of all Libyan forces or We will begin a terrible ROT (Reign of Terror) using Our Hildas and Gym Kata skills that could lead to a massacre and reduce the whole city of Tripoli to a pile of rubble!' 'Capture that blaspheming, treasonous bastard Qaddafi Asmondena and show no mercy!!' 'MAY THE HOLY AND DIVINE BLESSINGS OF THE QUEEN GODDESS BE WITH YOU!!!!! Comments to