THE ADVENTURSE OF ASMONDENA 79 by Hamlet DINAH BEATS HER OPPONENT TO DEATH AFTER HE CALLED HER A WHORE Squadron Leader Dinah Dominatren put Her arms around Asmomndena in total admiration at the Zlitin airbase in Libya.She had just seen Her strangle two men to death with a black leather chord as they lay sprawled on the ground at Her feet. Asmondena had ordered them to say their prayers to Allah as the leather chord had broken their neck bones completely choking them to death. They lay there dead in a heap on top of each other. Dinah was desperate to please Asmondena Her Heroine with Her fighting skills .Beneath Her lay Her victim al Hamidi She had already totally humiliated him when he had made a desperate attempt to escape from Libya heading for Malta As if it was possible to escape with the QGS Princess Xena the largest aircraft carrier in the whole world.standing in all its magnificence off the coast in the Gulf of Sirte! The whole coast and borders of the country had been blockaded by the RNAF (Royal Norselandic Air Force) Any plane trying to escape to Malta or to Italy would be literally blasted right out of the sky by the Cheetah aircraft and Fricka helicopter gunships.of the RNAF. Any Libyan car trying to escape to Tunisia or Libya to the west Egypt to the east or Chad to the south would be blasted to smithereens. The whole country was cornered by Norseland the world's Police Woman whose Mission was no less than to capture Qaddafi the President that would be accomplished by Asmondena the worlds most renowned crime fighter Herself who would personally bring him back to Norseland for trial and execution .After that the plan was no less to place the whole country under Norselandic control with the Libyan people benefiting from the enormous benefits of being the subjects of The Divine Queen Goddess. Dinah moved down and pulled al Hamidi off the ground in Her hard leather gloved hands. He was amazed by Her incredible power and strength especially compared to his diminutive submissive Arab women. Was this really a woman at all? 'Well al Hamidi it looks like the games well and truly up for you doesn't it? Not only have I forced you to land back in Libya with My superior Fricka helicopter gunship but I have just given you a dammed good face slapping as I can see just how red and sore your face is! I also forced you out of your plane by threatening you with My Magma hand grenade that would have reduced your plane to a pile of junk. It looks as if you have been totally humiliated by Me !' Suddenly without warning he opened his mouth wide and spat right in Her face. Her whole face was covered in his revolting spittle! 'You f""g Norsi whore! Why you no, leave my country now you dirty whore!' She was livid as She let him go standing right over him. 'So I'm a whore am I you Libyan peasant!' He then realised just how big and powerful She was as he hung his head and tried to walk away from Her. Asmondena was furious at Her Friend and Colleaugue being called a Norsi whore. She was standing over Her victim al Bariki who lay prostrate at Her heels about to face a good hard face slapping in the way only She knew how. He was getting more scared as he was regretting saying those words at all as he carried on steeping away from Dinah .With one move She grabbed him by the hair in Her leather gloved hand as he began to whimper at the pain of having his hair pulled right back 'You still haven't answered My question Am I a Norsi whore?' She began to increase the pressure on the back of his head and then began to pull him right down to the ground as he was groaning with pain.Tears were now rolling down his eyes as he tried to escape from Her all powerful hold on him using his hand to try to free his hair from Her grip but it was hopeless. Her arm was so much stronger than his as he began to cry out in abject pain. OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! She carried on squeezing his hair and then with one move let him go. He nearly fell over as he stood in front of Her gazing at the sight of her huge leather clad body. 'Why don't you run away from Me now?' He made a desperate attempt to run away from Her but he got nowhere as She came bounding after him and grabbed him by the shirt. She was not gong to let him go anywhere. 'What's the matter are you scared of this Norsi whore?'� Come on tell me I'm a whore!' 'Why you no leave my country?' he groaned as She held him even harder. She took him by the shirt r and this time brought Her hand crashing across his face. He let our a piercing scream of pain. YYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! 'Don't you dare tell Me to leave your country! I'm a member of the Justice Leaugue and I can go anywhere I like on earth!!!' 'Now why don't you call Me a Norsi whore?' He did not dare speak as he stood in front of Her wailing like a litter baby in total agony. She brought the full power of her hand crashing once more against has face as blood and teeth came pouring out in front of her. CRAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHH!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! � Just as he was crying She brought Her arms around his and got him into a deadly head lock. Her mighty arms gripped him tightly in a vice around his neck as he began to feel so dizzy..He made a pathetic attempt to pry Her arms off but his much weaker arms did not stand a chance against Her far stronger ones. She then began to squeeze even more. With one sudden twist She squeezed even harder as She could hear every bone in his neck crack. CRAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKK!! She held him for a minute as She realised all the life had been drained out of him on Her all powerful hold. He fell on the ground a lifeless heap . Asmondena clapped Her hands in total admiration of Her skill. Dinah stood over him in total triumph Her boot heel in his neck 'NOONE CALLS ME A NORSI BITCH AND LIVES!!!' All comments to