THE ADVENTURES OF ASMONDENA 74 by Hamlet SARKA ASSERTS TOTAL NORSELANDIC CONTROL OF A LIBYAN TOWN While Asmondena s chasing Her enemy Al Bariki, Sarka walked around the prison in Taourga putting semtex into every single corner and crevice. She was now going to blow to smithereens the prison where Her Friend Sonia Fernandes had been captured .Any prison that held captive a Black Scorpion or Justice Leaguer deservedly had to be blown off the face of the earth! Both She and Sonia had asserted Their total authority by beating 6 guards completely to death. A huge crowd had gathered outside the prison where they had witnessed the beating .Sarka had told them that She was Justice Sarka Bloodyhaard the new Ruler of Tauorga and that the town was now under Norselandic control. It was clear to the locals that Norselandic rule had begun as they could see the vast hulk of the Princess Xena in front of them like some spaceship rising from outer space a gigantic floating skyscraper the most terrifying sight they had ever seen .It was commanded by VSC(Very Senior Commander) Abby Clairesdottir .It had a huge fleet of Cheetah aircraft that could reduce any Libyan city or town to complete rubble as well as having the world's most advance nuclear weapons that could obliterate the whole country with ease. Sarka as the new Ruler in Tauorga had addressed the crown as they stood in awe of Her power and leather clad superiority .They were used to women as inferiors as drudges to men wearing veils and taking the second place in mosques as their religion demanded. Now here were Women who seemed to come from another planet who were totally clad in black leather and were bigger and more powerful than any man. Sarka had introduced Herself and Her Colleague the all powerful Black Scorpion Sonia Fernades to them. They had shown them Their superiority after They had beaten the guards to death without even a hair on Their heads being touched at all. She had told them that She came from a superior Nation thousands of miles away in the Pacific Ocean called Norseland the richest Nation the world had ever known where Women were dominant and ran every aspect of life and every single institution. She had told them that their religion was banned in Her Nation because it degraded Women and refused to acknowledge The Divinity of The Queen Goddess .That was why the cartoons of Mohammed were published quite unashamedly . More would be punished as it was regarded as quite right to insult the Islamic religion and Muslims had no right to protest at at all. She has also told them that She had come to bring the benefit and riches of civilisation to them from the world's Matriarchy and Police Woman and Superpower .They would now be brought into a New Order under the protection and care of The Divine Queen Goddess Herself. They would enjoy all the benefits of free education. running water and transport that ran on time It would be totally and completely different from the American and British occupation of Iraq which the Norselandic Government had condemned .Norseland was willing to take action against the USA the only country in the world willing to do so and which had led to the Hawaiian War in which Norseland had emerged victorious as the new world Superpower. In return they would have to show total obedience and subservience to Her on point of death as the Representative of The Queen Goddess .Her very word was Law. Sarka had to be obeyed without question .If She gave an order to clean Her pants it would have to be obeyed without question or the death penalty would follow which She would personally carry out. After all Islam tolerated public amputations in public so what was the difference only She would kill even more viciously! She told them that they would now fall under the Holy Law of The Queen Goddess .She would eventually order them to worship The Queen Goddess if necessary even though worshipping a human Goddess was banned under Islam. Soon it was time for the switch to be turned the whole prison would go up in an inferno and it would be reduced to complete and total rubble. With one move She pressed the switch in front of the crowd .An almighty explosion erupted as the whole prison literally took up in the air .The noise colds be heard at leapt 20 KMS away in the towns of Misrata and El Khoms and to the east as a definite warning that a New Order had begun and that all the old ways had gone for ever! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!! Soon the noise died down and all that was left was a pile of dust and rubble This was what would happen to any building that held a Black Scorpion the allies of the Justice League as prisoner. The whole crowd looked in amazement and horror at a once impregnable prison being reduced to a heap of dust. 'Now you will all go home !Curfew has begun !From now on I will not allow anyone on the streets after 6 PM. If I see a single person on the streets aftet 6 PM from now on I will personally strangle them to death with a leather chord and leave their body in the streets for all to see. I demand instant obedience to My Will and will not tolerate any disobedience Now you will all go home and I want lights out at 10 PM Is that clear!' 'YES MADAME JUDGE SARKA!! 'they all yelled as if one voice. As they all left She turned to Sonia. 'Come on Sonia let's go to the Mayors office and take over this town once and for all!' 'WE ARE THE NEW RULERS!!' Any comments to SARKA WWW.MADAMESARKA.COM Only She has blonde hair! SONIA WWW.SONIARULES.CO.UK