THE ADVENTURES OF ASMONDENA 71 by Hamlet SONIA FACE SLAPS HER OPPONENTS TO A PULP AS ASMONDENA AND SARKA ARRIVE IN LIBYA Asmondena walked along the deck of the QGS Princess Xena to the Fricka helicopter gunship. The carrier that was stationed in the Gulf of Sirte just off the coast of Libya.It was by far the largest aircraft carrier in the world a veritable floating skyscraper! She was dressed ready to kill as always in Her Justice League outfit of skin tight black leather and thigh length high heeled boots .She was looking ready to kill a true One Woman invincible Army so tall and powerful and muscular! Next to Her was Her partner Justice Sarka Bloodyhaard .She was not quite as tall as Asmondena but still locked so vicious with Her long blonde hair dressed too in shiny black leather ready to join Asmondena in the total success of Her Mission. Next to them was the Pilot Justice Karma Hardbaster looking very similar to Sarka with long blonde hair and very tall ready to take the two of Them in the Fricka helicopter gunship to the town of Tauorga in Libya that lay ony 10 KMS away. Asmondena and Sarka had been given their precise instructions by Commander Abby Clairesdottir. Their ultimate Mission was no less than to to capture the Libyan President himself General Qaddafi himself and for Karma to take him back to Norseland for T & E (Trial and Execution) for his anti Norselandic policies following the publication of cartoons of Mohammed in the Norselandic press and the fact that Islam was banned in Norseland. However before that Their Mission was to free their ally the Black Scorpion Sonia who was languishing in a Libyan prison and faced the firing squad. Their next Mission was then to blow the prison itself to smithereens after killing all the guards in the most vicious way. Sonia was in prison in Tauorga captured by General Al Bariki .Asmondena was determine to capture and to kill him in the most ruthless way possible as Her prisoner She had been ordered to Face Slap him to death and be even more ruthless with him than She had been with the Mayor of Guangzhou (see Episode 65 )Their Mission then was to place the whole town under Norselandic rule after Al Bariki had been mercilessly put to death by Asmondena with the assistance of Sonia . Their next Mission was to move toward Tripoli and to capture Qaddafi himself! Meanwhile Sonia was in prison. She was now surrounded by three guards who had their machine guns trained right on Her. Al Bariki had just left the room and She knew that She faced the firing squad and was determined to escape .She had already escaped before and knew that She was quite capable of escaping again. She smiled at one of the guards who had his gun trained on Her. Being half Libyan She spoke fluent Arabic. 'Why don't you take My mobile phone off Me? It's here beneath My leather jacket.Don't you know that you have forgotten to take it from Me?Come on now you'd better collect it from Me as I can still contact Asmondena the invincible Norse Woman !Don't you know She is now on Her way to rescue Me? You wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of Her would you?She always wins!' it was quite cleat that Asmondena's reputation had spread world wide and the very mention of Her name caused Her enemies to fear. At the same time they felt that they had to take the phone from Sonia as even though She was handcuffed She could always speak down the phone and call Asmondena. One of the guards walked towards Her nervously .He was still holding his gun in his hand pointing at her. He shouted at Her. 'Give me phone you evil bitch!' Suddenly She stood up from the chair right in front of him towering over him!. Although they had handcuffed Her they had forgotten to strap Her down to the chair. He walked towards Her as he gazed at Her amazing Black muscular body that shoed through Her incredible muscles. She was wearing a tight black leather jacket, black leather hot pants and calf length boots completing the effect with skin tight black leather gloves. 'Come on why don't you come on and take My mobile phone off Me or are you scared? He moved towards her gun in hand thinking the gun would give him protection. He was shouting . 'Give me the phone infidel whore!' ' She came right towards him and suddenly pivoted as fast as She could .She brought the heel of Her boot smashing into his face. OWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! She then kicked hard as he went flying backwards screaming. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! He landed on the floor clutching his pain racked belly never believing that a woman could have such a mighty kick! Another of the soldiers ran at Her this time with a long knife in his hand . She easily sidestepped him being so powerful and athletic .He now had his back turned to Her as She brought Her leg right to Her left and brought the razor sharp heel of Her boot heel crashing into his face YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!he screamed in total agony. She was using Her lethal feet to give him a good Face Busting as She smashed Her boot toe into his face.He went crashing down from the left and then from the right as his head moved from one side to the other as Her boot toe went in crashing into him from side to side with deadly accuracy! OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!! He went flying backwards like a catapult as blood and teeth shot out of his mouth. The other guard was moving to the door to escape .She was really enjoying this Face Busting as he moved away. She ran towards him at him at full speed leaping up high in the air using all Her incredible athletic powers. Her razor sharp boot toe went hard into his face as blood and bits of teeth and bone went flying up in the air YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! She was new determined to free Herself as She lay on top of him .He was powerless to move beneath Her weight. 'Right undo My handcuffs now or you'll feel My boot heel in your testicles!' 'Yes certainly please don't hurt me any more!' he whined on agony from Her amazing Face Busting skills. He knew that She meant exactly what She said as he dutifully undid the handcuffs. She was now free ! She decided to use Her power to really teach him a lesson as she slammed Her right fist hard into his jaw and then slammed Her left fist in a lethal left -right combination blow More blood teeth and bone came out of his mouth as he screamed in pain and then lay in an unconscious heap beneath Her. OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! The noise and screams had alerted Al Bariki outside who came running in he .He looked in horror as he saw the three prostrate bodies lying on the floor blood streaming out of them with Her standing over them. 'Why you evil bitch al Fernand! So you've escaped again! Can nothing hold you down you fiendess from Hell !I'm going to have to shoot you now!' 'You can't win against Me Al Bariki! I'm Sonia Fernandes the Black Scorpion and I can't be beaten as you can see! I'm going to Face Slap you to death with Asmondena the Norse Woman. She's after you and theirs no escape from Her at all! The very mention of the name Asmondena made him sweat in abject terror. Just then his mobile phone rang It was Asmondena! 'Hello Al Bariki! It's your enemy Asmondena the Invincible! I'm just above you on the Fricka helicopter gunship about to land in Libya Just give yourself up to Me There's no escape!' 'What do you want Asmondena you Norsi Dragon?' 'I want to put you to death in the most excruciating way and I'm going to land now and make you My prisoner!' Sweat was pouring down his face in a torrent. He saw that he was caught between Sonia on one side and Asmondena on the other! Sonia laughed at his misery as he ran to the door and ran outside. He looked up and saw in the night sky a huge helicopter gunship hovering above him. It was like something from outer space it was so large! He could also see two figures clad in black leather coming down in parachutes strapped to motorbikes. He screamed to the driver to take him to the next town Misrata on the way to Tripoli 'Drive the car at full speed that Norsi Devilless is after me!' Sonia ran after him but decided to let him go so Asmondena could have the pleasure of capturing him. Sonia waited at the entrance to the prison .There were still 6 guards to take out .The guards looked in horror being as Asmondena and Sarka had safely landed on Their Hardanger bikes answer just outside the prison . They both got off Their bikes and greeted Sonia. Asmondena put Her arms around Her. 'I'm so glad you've arrived Asmondena !I've heard all about You. I managed to free myself I've just done some serious Face Busting and beaten 3 guards to a pulp!' 'That's great Sonia! I want you now to take care of those guards with Justice Sarka, beat them to death and then blow the prison with them in it! Sarka has brought some explosives!' 'I'd love to Asmondena I can't wait to kick some more arse with Your Colleague Sarka!' Asmondena got back on Her bike ready to take off in the direction of Misrata. She called to Sarka and Sonia 'I'M GOING AFTER AL BARIKI!' Any comments to