THE ADVENTURES OF ASMONDENA 54 by Hamlet ASMONDENA TORTURES WU TO DEATH Wu lay on the ground as Asmondena stood tight over him in Her shiny black leather cat suit with Her magnificent thigh length boots and high razor sharp heels. She was such a gorgeous, impressive sight with Her long flowing curly blonde hair that came down to Her waist and was tied tightly behind Her in a pony tail. Her tight leather cat suit revealed Her huge rippling muscles and enormous breasts.He felt so wretched and inadequate compared to Her with his bony naked body and his shaved head as he lay on the ground with Her holding him by his dog collar. She had put him through sheer unmitigated Hell and now he was to face even more misery .Ever since She had taken him into his own office to be tortured, he had been through Hell and now he was to face even more. What was even worse in many ways was the Mental Humiliation that had effectively reduced him to a complete and total nervous wreck after She had been screaming in his face, yelling at him mercilessly and insulting everything about him, reducing him to a total and complete gibbering imbecile. The humiliation had started with Her rippling his clothes off as if they were just so much rubbish ripping them off his miserable body exposing his naked frame to Her. She had insulted his feeble body making him fell so totally useless and inadequate especially compared to Her demonstrating without doubt Her overwhelming superiority over him making him bellow just like the little baby he was! She had slapped him across the face something that She specialized in being an expert Faceslapper .What was worse was there were more of these dreadful slaps to come and he knew that his nose was about to be broken completely as well as all his teeth were going to be removed under Her all powerful hand. Being slapped by Her was worse that being his across the face by a steel baseball bat! She had challenged him to a fight knowing that he stood no more chance against Her than he did against a fully grown Tigress. She had punched him in they gut showing almost breaking all his ribs demonstrating without doubt Her massive strength and power. He felt as if almost every one of his bones had been completely broken as he had roared in sheer torment never having experienced such total power in his life .God these Norse Women were so strong! He was used to Chinese women who were so sweet and demure not Tigresses like Asmondena! She had thrown him against the wall as if he was just a little kitten. Where did She get this strength?He knew he had no choice but to accept it as Her Nation Norseland was now the world's Superpower, Matriarchy and Police Woman, about to take complete control of the city Guangzhou where he had once been Deputy Commander of Police and was now reduced to being a complete worm about to be executed by Asmondena Herself. He condemned himself for his complete stupidity in leading a rebellion against Her Will as if it was ever possible to win against this incredible invincible Glamazon! He had experience the added humiliation of having every centimeter of his hair shaved off by Her. She had not cared how much She had hurt him, She just wanted to inflict as much pain on him as possible reveling in the abject misery he was suffering. Blood was still streaming in a torrent down his face as his whole head was covered in bruises from the terrible Barber Torture he had just endured. What was even worse in many way was the fact She could not stop insulting him .She was an expert in so many forms of torture Tongue Lashing being one of Her expertises reducing a victim to a complete mental case making him scream like a little infant unable to stop himself! He had experienced Her terrible power when She had put him through Body Scissors and had sat on his face with Her massive body which felt like steel clamps going right around his neck it was as if Her whole body was literally made out of steel itself! Was She really made of flesh and blood he wondered or was She some being from another planet? She now had a dog collar around his neck and was holding him tightly by a leash until he was almost unable to breath at all .She had Her lovely face next to his ugly face as She held hen hard in Her leather gloved hand. He was sweating profusely terrified out of his wits knowing that he was totally and completely under the almighty power of this huge Glamazon .He could feel the cold leather of Her gloves and Her razor sharp nails digging hard into his skin .All he was conscious of was the sight and smell of black leather as well as the perfume that exuded from Her incredible body! 'God you're an ugly bastard! I never thought anyone could be quite as ugly as you! It's not long now before I will wipe you off the face of the earth just like an insect! You know now what I'm going to do to you. No punishment is harsh enough for those who dare to rebel against My Will .There is nothing I detest and loathe more than defiance and disobedience you piece of trash!' She was reducing him to an even worse gibbering wreck as She was screaming right into his face covering him with Her spittle. His face was now drenched in his sweat and Her saliva. She knew that She did not actually gave long to put him to death as Senior Commander Cynthia Rothrod was on the QGS Hippolyte and was only 5 Kms away on the Pearl River .Asmondena knew that She could not still be torturing him when Cynthia arrived as Cynthia would expect every thing to be ready for Her to assume full control as the Governor of Guangzhou . Asmondena knew that tomorrow She would be leaving Guangzhou to go eastwards to Fujian Province to Fuzhou to take command of Operation Killallthetriads. She would never rest until every Triad and criminal in China was well and truly dead! He could feel Her leather gloved hand move menacingly up and down his face as She pulled him towards Her with the leash with the other hand. 'Right you evil ugly turd .I'm going to start with your f-------g revolting face breaking everything I can see, your nose, your mouth, knocking out all your teeth, breaking your jaw .There's nothing I love more than some good hard Faceslapping .You will be completely at My mercy and even worse you do not know when I'm going to strike. Do you accept your punishment you piece of filth?' YES MADAME ASMONDENA!' he screamed shaking with terror almost as if he had an epileptic fit knowing he had to agree with every single syllable She uttered or else. 'Right I'm going to break every singe bone in your bloody face .I want to knock out every single one of your teeth .I want to break your nose until its unrecognizable, then I want to work My way tight down your bloody body and I want to finish off by shoving a steel poker right up your bloody arse!' 'NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!' he screamed in utter terror. 'What's more I want you to fell lots of pain too. If you pass out on Me I will just shove your face in a bucket of freezing water!' Her leather gloved hand went up and down his face. He could feel the leather go right up and down his face as he was sweating in a torrent. Suddenly She struck. It was worse than being hit by a steel cricket bat as his face shot right round feeling as if it was going to come right off his shoulders! CRAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Blood came flooding out of his mouth going down his stomach and onto the floor. The pain was absolutely dreadful. Before he had even time to recover She struck again with even more force .This time his head swung right round almost going behind his back. He let out an ear piercing scream as tears of sheer agony came down his face. CRAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! More blood and ten of his teeth went flying across the room! He was about to pass out completely. She sensed this as She grabbed hold of his head and shoved it down hard into a bucket of freezing water. She held him down until he was almost drowning. She pulled him up by the hair as he was choking and spluttering completely drenched. 'Right I want to take the rest of those teeth out!' 'NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! He yelled She positioned Her hand was more moving it menacingly up and down his face as he was now shaking like a madman. This time She struck with even greater force crashing Her steel like hand hard across his face .His face literally did look as if it was going to come off his shoulders as it literally spun round his back. CRASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! More torrents of blood came flowing down his mouth as the rest of his teeth went shooting right across the room. She looked in triumph at his bloody toothless mouth that made him look even more revolting to Her than ever! 'Right it's your nose next!' She positioned Her fist ready to strike into his nose, ready to reduce it to a bloody pulp. Yet just then She noticed he had gone whiter than ever. She let him go and he fell onto the floor with a loud thud. She felt his pulse and there was no life in him. He was dead through internal injuries, blood loss and heart arrack that the Mental Humiliation she had given him .He lay on the ground a bloody dead heap! She felt quite angry. How dare he die on Her before She had a chance to smash his nose break his rib cage, his testicles his legs and finish off by shoving a steel poker up his arse! He was just far too physically weak to take Her mighty blows. She kicked him across the room with Her boot as if he was a foot ball and he landed on the other side hitting the wall. Just then Christina walked in observing the bloody dead mess that was the remains of Wu's body. 'Asmondena sorry to disturb you!' 'SENIOR COMMANDER CYNTHIA HAS ARRIVED!' Any comments to please MY HEROINE ASMONDENA or even better or Go into Lady Asmondena. A Face Slaps Lesson. The only difference is that being Norselandic She has blonde hair!