THE ADVENTURES OF ASMONDENA 46 by Hamlet PREMIER PATRICIS RESPONDS WHILE RAMONA PREPARES TO BEAT HER PRISONER. Asmondena sat at the table in the Commanders Office looking so impressive in Her shiny black leather Justice League uniform. She sat there with Her feet on the table feeling so pleased with Herself drinking a glass of wine that had been brought to Her by one of the Chinese civilian staff at the police headquarters. .They were now the slaves of Her and Her Colleagues in the Justice league. She had the largest room all to herself while next door Christina the Leader of the rescue Operation Thora occupied the office of Deputy Commander Wu the same person She was waiting to torture to death.She was famished with hunger and had just ordered one of the slaves to bring her a meal of 4 crabmeat and sweetcorn soups,one roast duck with pineapple,one beef with ginger and spring onion,one king prawn chow mein and two chicken rices .she wanted it to be served immediately and it had better be properly cooked or else! She was reading the reply to the letter sent by the Chinese Premier to the Norselandic premier Patricia Ingvoll She had replied to the letter almost immediately. OFFICE OF THE PREMIER STEFANSHOLM Dear Premier Wen I am in receipt of your letter in which you accept the Six Terms that My Nation has imposed on you and the surrender of all your forces. You have done the sensible thing .If you had not accepted them I would have had you kidnapped to My Nation by the Justice League where you would be taken to Me personally. I would nave put you through a BTLS(Belting and Tongue Lashing) personally and then ordered you to be tortured to death at the JLJHQ. I would have then ordered a full scale helicopter gunship attack on Guangzhou and other selected Chinese military targets thousands of civilians would have dared and all Hell would have been let loose! Thank goodness for yourself and your country that you surrendered! I acknowledge your respects to Asmondena Sternsson and Her forces that have completely defeated yours without a hair of their heads being touched! She is an incredible and invincible fighter and no criminal can ever stand a chance against Her! She is an excellent Justice Leauguer and I am so pleased with Her in the work She had done fighting crime and your forces who have dared resist. I have recommender Her for the Golden Award to be presented by the Queen Goddess Herself for Her great work. As for your forces in Guangzhou who have not surrendered they will pay for their stupidity. As you know 9 are at least dead having been put through the Gym Kata and Fist Fighting skills of Lynna and the brilliant Black Glamazon Ramona .As for Wu Ramona is about to bring him back to SJ Sternsson to be tortured to death .The others had better surrender or else they too face certain death from the other JLs and Eva the Asian Amazon. As for your remarks that there will be severe resistance is this a threat? If there is resistance in China to the 6 terms the JL/RCOJ will deal with it severely and totally eliminate it just as we have eliminated the resistance in Guangzhou. As for your comparisons with the Six Terms and the Treaty of Naming this is nonsense The Treaty of Naming took place as a result of the Opium war with British illegally forcing the Chinese to consume drugs like opium and led to misery, poverty and war that did end in 1949. They have still suffered since then as a result of Mao and the Cultural Revolution and the Great Leap Forward. The Six Terms have been imposed on China as a result of your illegal imprisonment of three of Our Nationals. They were all engaged in legitimately pursing the Triads and criminals as consequence of the CNT(Chinese Norselandic treaty) Our rule in Guangdong and Fijian provinces will bring the benefits of Our Civilisation and free the local population from crime .We will also bring them the benefits of Our Welfares State including minimum wage, advanced free health care and education. If you dare compare us with the British on 1842 to the situation now I will personally come over to Beijing and give you another BTLS! As for your request to pay the compensation in My Mercy I will allow this The payment of Y 13 million can be made in 2 installments but they had better be paid on time or else if the payments are nor made exactly on time then I will personally order the JL into Beijing and any other city that has art treasures and will order the art treasures to be seized to the value of the compensation .What is more if payment is late there will be compound interest charged so payments had better be on time! As for your request to pay compensation under Term 2 to those who have to leave the Norselandic enclaves We are prepared to pay 50% compensation provided you pay 50% With this generous payment We expect them to be rehoused in better accommodation than they were living before .We will make sure they will move to cleaner homes with proper sanitation and electricity. As you can see the benefits of Norselandic Civilization will have been that they have to move out of their homes to clean decent accommodation .The inhabitants of these Provinces will benefit so much from Norselandic Civilsation they will not want to return to Chinese rule! I expect all the Terms to be adhered to rigorously or there will be very serious trouble That means you allow SJ Asmondena Stermsoon to go anywhere in China to hunt and kill criminals as She is expert in doing, you will open your territorial waters to the RNN (Royal Norselandic Navy) and lift all restrictions on Norselandic goods and you will acknowledge Our Nation as the word Superpower Police Woman and Matriarchy! The Regents will be taking up their positions within a week of the date of this letter. Judge Clara Hardattotir will take up Her position within a week of the date of this letterin Guangzhou and Judge Gabrielle Vastergaard will take up Her position in Fuzhou Fujian Province. Senior Commander Cynthia Rothrod will take up Her position as Governor of Guangzhou .The Governors of those Provinces Huang Huahua in Guangdong and Lu Zhangong are expected to give up their positions and vacate their offices so that full Norselandic authority may be established You will keep to the Six Terms and do as I tell you Wen or else! Yours in authority PREMIER INGVOLL THE PREMIER OF THE NATION Meanwhile Lynna was so pleased to receive the news of the surrender .The remaining Chinese forces were in full retreat being pursued relentlessly down the underground tunnels led by Patricia Eva the Asian Amazon, Per, Karla and Aron. Meanwhile Ramona was holding Wu by the collar with her fist ready to strike hard. He was shaking with fear knowing full well the game was up and he had to surrender to this huge Black Glamazon. 'Well Wu you've lost miserably and I'm going to take you to My Boss Asmondena who's going to torture you to death!' Before I do so 'I'M GOING TO GET A DAMNED GOOD BEATING! Any comments to