THE ADVENTURES OF ASMONDENA 42 by Hamlet RAMONA AND THE MAGNIFICENT SIX PREPARE TO ATTACK THE REMAINS OF THE CHINESE FORCES After She had taken Li to Asmondena back to Ramona to be tortured and beaten to death, Ramona was ordered by Asmondena to go back to the city of Guangzhou itself and to assist in beating up and if necessary killing the remaining Chinese army that had not yet surrendered .Ramona could not wait to do some more Fist Fighting and smash Her fists across more enemy faces! She rode down the main road in Her really impressive Black Scorpion outfit.of a tight black leather basque, tight shiny long black leather gloves and thigh length boots with their 6 " heels that made Her look bigger and more impressive than ever. She roared down the road on Her Hardanger motorbike at full speed. She then received a message from Asmondena who was now in effective charge of the whole Operation as She was senior to Christina who was in charge of Operation Thora .The aims of that Operation had now been completed with the freeing of Asmondena and Her Colleagues from prison .It was Asmondena's task now to secure the full surrender of the Chinese forces so that the city could now be placed under Norselandic control with Commander Cynthia Rothrod as the Governor in charge until all the Six Terms had been met by the Chinese Government(see previous episode). As She rode along She received a message from Asmondena Herself. 'Ramona I have just beaten the Commander Li to death with My mighty fists and he is lying on the floor a bloody dead mess. This will be a lesson to any Chinese who think they can mess with the JL (Justice League)! We are invincible! ' 'I have received a message from My Colleague Lynna. She has just told Me that almost all the Chinese army and police have surrendered. They have been ordered to lie prostrate all along the road so that they lose face to the local population who can see them being well and truly humiliated!' 'However a hard core has hidden in the Provincial Headquarters led by a Deputy Commander Wu.I want You and the Six to flush them out and kill them all if they continue to resist.I want You to bring back Wu back to Me to be beaten to death just like I beat Li to death .No one defies the JL and Me Asmondena the Crime Fighter and get way with it. I just loathe disobedience to My Will of any kind!' 'Certainly I will bring back that bastard! How dare anyone defy Your Will! I will go to the Provincial Headquarters and flush them put as You ordered. How dare any of these Chinese dare not to surrender!' She rode along the to the Headquarters .Along the streets were the prostrate bodies of the Chinese army and police who had surrendered. They were being supervised by Vanessa who was methodically strip searching every one of them. She was determined to humiliate every one of them totally as She would slowly take each one's underpants down in Her leather gloved hands and then ram Her fist up each arse pretending to feel for any concealed weapons .She would them squeeze their prick and balls methodically determined to humiliate each one as much as possible .She was really enjoying Herself rejoicing in their utter humiliation especially in front of the local population! Ramona was soon outside the Provincial Headquarters where the remaining Chinese police were making a futile attempt to escape from the wrath of the JL. She could see flames coming from the top of the building after Per had fired a rocket from the Fricka helicopter gunship just to terrify the army and police inside. She was greeted by Lynna .Next to Her stood Her Colleague Patricia. Next to Them were the occupants of the gunship Per, Eva the Asian Amazon, Aron and Karla .They were all ready for action! Lynna stood outside with a loud speaker. She was so glad to have Ramona's assistance as an invincible fist fighter! She called out on Her loudspeaker. 'Wu and the remaining police and army. I am Judge Lynna Crossing and am ordering you to surrender now .We are all brilliant fighters ready to kill you all if necessary .You don't stand a chance against Us. Most of your colleagues have sensibly surrendered and I recommend for your sakes you surrender too as you have been totally defeated .We know you are hiding in the tunnel and We can easily get you out' SURRENDER OR ELSE! She waited for the response. She had given Wu Her mobile number for him to contact Her. She at last received his response 'We no surrender, you get out of our country you Norsi bitches !We fight on!' 'Well Wu you're going to have to accept that your stupid defiance and calling us Norsi bitches has cost you and your colleagues your lives .What's more you will be taken back to our Leader Senior Justice Asmondena and She will beat you to death!' She turned round to Her colleagues. 'Right they have refused to surrender. We will now go in and show no mercy at all first of all I will fight, then Ramona, Patricia, Per , Eva, Karla and Aron. We will be Ramona and The Magnificent Six! .I don't want one hair of Your heads to be touched!' All Seven ran into the building shouting the Valkyrie yell at the tops of Their voices. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Any comments to