THE ADVENTURES OF ASMONDENA 40 by Hamlet RAMONA TAKES HER PRISONER TO ASMONDENA Ramona rode along the road on Her Hardanger bike to the Police Headquarters to take Her prisoner to Her Boss Senior Justice Asmondena. The crowds looked at Her in real awe as She was so big and muscular and had the Police Commander Li strapped tightly to Her bike. He looked so wretched with his legs and head strapped together on the bike completely under Her control. As She rode along She could see the crowds in Guangzhou look in admiration at Her as Li was completely helpless on the motorbike unable to move a centimetre. As She rode on She could see the crowds gazing at Her transfixed not having seen a Woman of Her size and strength before. She wanted to show Her power to these Chinese that She and the Norse Women were now the Bosses! As She was riding forwards She could see hundreds of Chinese police and army running in all directions in terror. It was clear they were running for their lives desperate to escape the fury of the Three Norse Women Lynna, Patricia and Vanessa who were chasing after them at full speed determined to catch them. In the distance Ramona could see Lynna who was the Senior Officer in the Operation. Behind Her came Patricia and Vanessa. They were all shouting the Valkyrie Yell at the tops of Their voices. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Lynna approached with loudspeaker in Her hand. She had been told by Christina the Leader of the Operation Thora to order the Chinese troops to surrender or face certain death. If they weren't killed in street fighting by the Three Norse Women they would be almost certain to be blasted out of the sky by Per overhead in his Fricka Helicopter Gunship. They did not stand a chance! She greeted Ramona as She came towards Her with Commander Li strapped down. God what a sight he looked as more blood came flowing from his mouth and nose after the terrible battering he had received from Ramona. 'God he really does look in a state Ramona! You really battered him black and blue!' 'I certainly did Lynna. I also did it to show these Chinese that We are the Bosses from now on. I know that they will soon be under Norselandic control. Even though I am Black American and not Norselandic and of course never will be, I love Norseland passionately and will do anything to help create Norselandic control!' 'You're quite right ramona .Unfortunately as a Black Woman You can't be fully Norselandic but You can apply for Honorary Nationality which does give You the right to reside in My Nation. Also You are a Big Black Woman and in Our Nation We really do admire BBWs for Their strength and power especially as We are a Matriarchal society!' 'I'd love to reside in Your Nation, it would be such an honour for Me!'said Ramona. Lynna had been ordered to demand the Chinese surrender She called out. 'I am Judge Lynna Crossing of the ROJ. Chinese police and army you have been totally defeated. We Justice Leaguers as well as the Black Scorpion Ramona have thoroughly beaten you without a hair of Our heads even being touched. You must come forwards with your hands on your heads. You must then discard all weapons and lie on the pavements prostrate and face down in submission' ' Any resistance will be severely dealt with and result in your instant deaths. You are also warned that if you try to hide in any building or in a civilian's house. I will order the Helicopter Gunship to fire a rocket straight at the building that will result in everyone inside being killed at once .You have a choice!' 'SURRENDER NOW OR ELSE!' As She spoke She could see at least 30 police come from side roads to surrender with their hands on their heads realising that resistance was futile. As they lay on the pavement Vanessa was ordered to meticulously strip search them .going right into their arses and putting Her leather gloved fingers up their crotches in case there were any hidden weapons. Meanwhile Ramona took Her prisoner to Asmondena who was at the Police Headquarters .She threw him over Her shoulder as if he was nothing just an object to be thrown around at Her will. She walked into Li's former study and threw him in front of the desk where Asmondena sat looking so majestic in Her tight back leather cat suit.Their roles had been reversed.The former commander was now the prisoner! 'Here is your prisoner Li Asmondena.As You know he was once the Commander and this was his office and now he's just a bloody mess .I've beaten him hard with My fists Asmondena .I hope You don't mind.' Ramona knew that however good She was at Fist Fighting She could never be as good as Her Boss Asmondena! 'That's fine .You've done a great job as always Ramona. I love Fist Fighting too as a Grade I in Gym Kata Don't worry!' 'I WILL BEAT THE BASTARD TO DEATH!' Any comments plesae to