THE ADVENTURES OF ASMONDENA 37 NORSELAND IMPOSES A HUMILIATING TREATY ON CHINA The Chinese army and police were now in full retreat .It was clear that they realised that they face certain defeat at the hands of the JL (Justice League). The whole Police Headquarters were now completely clear of police. All of them had retreated into the centre of the city. They were in full retreat running as fast as they could down Jeifang Bei Lu that led into the centre of the city. Christina had ordered them to be pursued by Ramona the Black Scorpion. Lynna .Patricia and Vanessa all of whom were desperate for a fight and to kill as many of the enemy as possible It was Ramona's task to capture the Commander Li himself and bring him back to Asmondena who would personally torture and execute him for his crimes.These Chinese had to be taught a lesson that they could not arrest and imprison Three Norse Women and get way with it! It was clear that vicious street fighting was about to take place in which the citizens of Guangzhou would witness their police and army being beaten to a pulp by these three Norse Women. It was like a kung fu film in real life! Christina the Leader of the Operation was now determined that the whole city be placed under Norselandic control. She intended to contact the Commander of the QGS Hippolyte Herself Senior Commander Cynthia Rothrod and have the whole city placed under Norselandic control until full indemnity and compensation was paid. This was also the order of the Premier Patricia Ingvoll Herself.She intended to meet the Chinese premier Wen Jin Bao. Her purpose was to renegotiate the CNT (Chinese Norselandic Treaty) to give Norselandic forces and the JL a free hand to operate in China itself The new Treaty would make the Treaty of Nanjing 1842 that ended the Opium War look mild in comparison! Premier Ingvoll had already worked out the main provisions of a treaty (known as the Six Terms)and had made it known that She would personally visit Beijing and force Premier Wei to signit. Premier Ingvoll had written to the Chinese Premier informing him that She would be visiting Beijing to impose these humiliating terms. OFFICE OF THE PREMIER STEFANSHOLM SAT JULY 30 2005 Dear Premier Wei I am coming to Beijing on Monday 1 August to see you so that you can sign the New CNT Part 2 .It imposes onerous terms on your country even worse than the Treaty of Nanjing in 1842. You have brought this situation on yourself by illegally imprisoning three of Our Nationals.Most reprehensible of all you have imprisoned one of Our Nation's leading crime fighters Senior Justice Asmondena Sternsson. As you know your army and police are in full retreat and face a massacre by our brave JL as well as a Black Scorpion and an Asian Amazon in Guangzhou .I am ordering you to surrender now as the fighting will almost certainly be extended to the streets of Guangzhou itself and many innocent civilians will be killed. The main provisions of the Treaty known as the Six Terms are as follows: 1.The Chinese Government be made to pay compensation of 13 million Yuan (£ 1million or NM 20 million) or the JL will go into China itself and take way property of that value by force even if it meant seizing priceless art treasures and taking them back to Norseland itself if payment in full is not made within a month of the date of this letter. 2.The JL and the RCOJ (Royal Chinese Overseas Judges) will take control of the two southernmost provinces of Guangdong and Fujian to eliminate the Triads totally and to impose law and order if necessary by terror.This will last initially for one year. Senior Justice Gabrielle Vatergaard will become the Regent of Guangdong province and Senior Justice Clara Hardadottir will become the Regent of Fujian province with Her Headquarters in Fuzhou .The Chinese Government can still operate in those provinces but would effectively be subordinate to The Regents. The Chinese police would also be subordinate to the JL/RCOJ. In these provinces Norselanders would be first class Citizens and the Chinese would be second class All Norselanders will have to be addressed as Madame or Master on pain of severe corporal punishment or death which the JL/RCOJ will freely administer. A Chinese would have to give up his/her seat to a Norselander. Norselanders would not be subject to any Chinese laws at all in these provinces .They would effectively be Norselandic colonies. In Guangdong province Guangzhou will be under full Norselandic control with Supreme Commander Rothrod as the Governor for one year. There would be Sub Regencies created in three other parts of the province in Zhanjiang in the west Shangtuan in the north and Shantou in the west. In Fujian province Sub Regencies will be created in Xiamen in the south and Sanming in the west, Fujian province is especially targeted as it is a source of much illegal Chinese labour throughout the world and where criminal gangs like the Snakeheads operate feely exploiting poor Chinese who work as cheap labour in restaurants abroad. Within these cities and towns special Norselandic Enclaves will be established where they would be reserved for Norselanders only All the Chinese will have to move out and would only be allowed in as MWs(Menial Workers) to serve their Norselandic Mistresses and Masters . These Enclaves will almost certainly be extended to other main Chinese cities especially to Shanghai where there are plans to build a huge Norselandic enclave in the north of the city near Furan University 3. As for the rest of China the JL will operate freely rooting out criminality an Operation called Operation Killallthetriads under the supreme control of Asmondena Sternsson. She and Her chosen team that will consist of 6 handpicked JLs as well as the Ramona the Black Scorpion and Eva the Asian Amazon will have free rein to operate all over China killing Triads and criminals freely showing no mercy. 4. All Chinese coastal ports will have to be open to the RNN (Royal Norselandic Navy) who will operate freely in Chinese territorial waters. All restrictions on Norselandic businesses will be lifted and all tariffs against Norselandic goods will also be lifted The Chinese will have to acknowledge the superiority of all Norselandic Mistresses and Masters 5. A quota of Chinese labour will be sent to Norseland to work as MWS. No more Chinese will go to the UK or USA to work in filthy conditions in restaurants or as cockle pickers like the ones who died in England in Morecambe bay. Instead they will work in decent conditions under their Norselandic overseers and RCOJ being paid the minimum wage where they would be extremely wealthy especially compared to conditions in Fujian province. 6.China will have to acknowledge Norseland as the world's Superpower and Police Woman and Matriarchy and all Chinese will have to show respect to the Queen Goddess . Chinese foreign policy will have to follow Norselandic foreign policy .China will have to vote in the Security Council in the UN as instructed by the Norselandic Ambassador Madame Lorene Orderlund who will order the Chinese Ambassador how to vote on every issue .Of course Norseland as the worlds Police Woman will soon be the sixth member of the Security Council! You had better sign the Treaty or you face good Belting from Me as well as full scale military retaliation against your country! SIGN OR ELSE! Yours truly, PATRICIA INGVOLL THE PREMIER OF THE NATION All comments to