THE ADNENTURES OF ASMONDENA 31 by Hamlet ASMONDENA DEMONSRATES HER FIGHTING SKILLS ONCE MORE Asmondena stood ready for action .She was about to confront 9 Chinese police and soldiers who stood in Her way. She stood there with Lynna to one side and Patricia to the other ready to do battle. She had already struck one of the soldiers cutting him right across the face with Her chopper taking off most of his nose and half his mouth. She already stood right over him with Her razor sharp boot heel going hard into his neck. Blood was now pouring out of his neck and he faced Her mighty heel digging into him. He realised that soon he would be dead from blood loss and by his throat being cut open by Her boot heel. Her colleagues Lynna and Patricia had already told Her they were desperate for a fight. They had been stuck in this cell being fired at by these Chinese soldiers. Now they were desperate really to take Their revenge! Upstairs only a few metres away on the roof were Christina the Leader of Operation Thora, Ramona the Black Scorpion, Colette the Deputy Leader and Vanessa the Pilot all ready for action and to teach these Chinese a lesson they would never forget .Outside was the helicopter manned by Per with Aaron, Eva the Asian Amazon and Kara on board ready to blast the enemy off the face of the earth! Asmondena walked towards the guards. Even though their goons were pointed at Her they did not dare shoot at Her . They were overwhelmed by this mighty tall leather clad Norselandic Glamazon.She still had a chopper in Her leather gloved hand .They had see Her strike before and they could see Her incredible skill. Her victim was still writhing in agony clutching his bloody face as he had lost most of his nose and mouth .His screams could be heard by most of his colleagues above the roof. She turned to Her colleagues 'I'm really itching for a fight! I'll take on four more ,Lynna you can take on 3 and Patricia you can take on 2.' 'God I'm desperate to do some killing !'said Lynna 'So am I!' said Patricia 'I really want to do some chopping!' Asmondena then moved towards four of them.They wanted to shoot Her but there was something about Her sheer power and presence that prevented them. With lightning speed she struck She brought up Her mighty leg and struck hard bringing Her boot heel hard into the first soldier's face. He literally took off from the ground screaming for all he was worth as he landed in a heap falling with a terrible thud on the ground. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! She moved again with lightning speed She had taken the knife out of Her belt. With just one move She sliced right across the next one's throat. He let out a blood curdling yell as blood went splashing across the room! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! She did not hesitate for a second but moved again against Her next victimShe pulled him right towards Her he had no choice but to submit to Her superior power With one move She drover Her fist hard into his face.The fist went like a steel baseball bat crashing hard into his face driving right into his mouth knocking out every single one of his teeth and half his nose. Blood, bones and teeth came pouring out His whole mouth had been totally broken and busted for good. He screamed and screamed in sheer agony. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! She held him for a short time and then let him go He fell flat on the floor yelling for all he was worth The screams from her victims were like the screams of Hell itself! There was one more victim to take out before Lynna and Patricia moved in .She moved towards him .He moved way terrified of Her 'Drop you gun now! She shouted He hesitated not knowing what to do .His hands were really shaking as he looked up at this Glamazon standing right above him ' 'What you need is damned good face slapping!' With that She dragged him towards her by the neck. He was totally unable to resist Her great strength. He had no choice but to drop the gun. 'Right hold your ugly face still !' Before he knew t Her steel like hand went crashing across his face It really did feel like being hit by a massive steel baseball bat as his head literally turned behind his shoulders and he felt as if it was being dislocated from his face! CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Blood was now pouring out of his face in a torrent. He felt that every bone in his face was broken Teeth started to fall out of his mouth, the pain was excruciating. She was about to slap him again but saw that he was unconscious from the sheer pain. She let him go and He fell with a terrible thud on the ground He would soon be dead from internal injuries as he lay an unconscious heap in front of Her! She stood there in total triumph as She looked at Her wretched victims writhing in agony. She saw Her Colleagues Lynna and Patricia gazing at Her in admiration, desperate to finish off the remaining 5 before they would be flown out to freedom in the helicopter above once more Asmondena had demonstrated the truth of the Chinese saying A TIGRESS CAN KILL A HUNDRED CATS! Any comments to