THE ADVENTURES OF ASMONDENA 24 by Hamlet THE RESCUE OPERATION THORA BEGINS Christina boarded the speed boat as the Leader of the Operation Thora .It was night time in Hong Kong harbour and there was the magnificent backdrop of the city behind Her, with all the lights from the buildings and the boats anchored in the harbour. She was accompanied by the Three Justice Leaguers Colette, Aron and the Support Officer Kara. They were ready to begin Operation Thora.The Operation would involve travelling up the Pearl River from Hong Kong and landing in Guangzhou 110 KMs away, then riding in Hardanger motorbikes towards the PSB (People's Security Bureau) Headquarters to rescue the Three Women Asmondena, Lynna and Patricia Just as Christina and Her Three Colleagues were about to set out, there was a radio call from the Commander of the Operation Commander Cynthia Rothrod. 'Christina it's Senior Commander Cynthia here. I want You to stay where You are and not to proceed. I am sending You a Chinese speedboat from the Chinese Navy which We have just captured. It will be driven by an Asian Amazon Eva Cheung who will be dressed in a Chinese naval uniform Do not proceed until She arrives!' 'Yes certainly Senior Commander Cynthia ' She replied as obedient as ever to Her Superior's orders. Cynthia was in the control room off the QGS Hippolyte. Her Intelligence services had intercepted a message on the Chinese naval radio warning them about Operation Thora .It was clear that they in turn had intercepted the Norselandic radio and had been able to find out all the details of the Operation. The whole plan of the Operation had to be changed. It was clear that there was someone in the Chinese military who could speak fluent Norselandic and intercept all the messages in Norselandic! The news of the possible attack had reached the upper levels of the Chinese Government.It was on the front pages of the Chinese pressThe Prime Minister Wen Biao had called on the Chinese people to' unite and resist the encroachments of barbaric Norselandic imperialism'. Meanwhile back in Guangzhou, Asmondena had freed Her two Colleagues Lynna and Patricia from Their cells after killing the dirty prison warden Wang and then fighting and beating 10 Police. Their screams could be heard from such a long distance away and had alerted the rest of the Police. The PSB Headquarters was now surrounded by a whole unit of the Chinese military police equipped with tear gas, guns and explosives.They were quite prepared to blow up the whole building if necessary with the Three Women inside. If captured The Three faced the certain death penalty. The Chinese Government did not want to 'lose face'. Killing these Three Women was their top priority. They were definitely Public Enemies Number One! A Chinese naval speedboat had moved towards the Hipployte in the South China Sea .It had dared to challenge the might of the RNN (Royal Norselandic Navy) one of the largest carriers in the world near the islands of Tungsha Tao, demanding why the carrier was in Chinese territorial waters. A fight had taken place in which the JL led by Justice Livia Larring had easily won. Cynthia had ordered all 6 of the crew to be captured and taken on board as prisoners. They were now all tied together in bondage in the carrier's hold, wearing just their pants to humiliate them even more under the control of Justice Livia Herself. The QGS Hippolyte was now sailing towards Hong Kong and Cynthia knew that it faced a possible Chinese counterattack. To prevent this She had a fleet of 20 Cheetah aircraft on board probably the best and fastest aircraft in the world, commanded by Squadron Leader Thea Benningsson.. Thea being a brilliant Aviatrix knew that one Cheetah aircraft could knock out at least 10 of the most advanced aircraft of the PLAAF (Peoples Liberation Army Air Force), The most advanced of all was the JH7 (Jian Hong) Fighter bomber which even though it was very advanced was still no match for the Cheetah! In the same way Cynthia being an expert on naval matters had studied the Chinese navy the PLAN (Peoples Liberation Army Navy). She knew that the PLAN had no serious aircraft carrier force, whereas Norseland had the largest aircraft carrier force in the world next to the USA..Even though the PLAN was growing it still could not match the RNN in size and strength. Confident of victory, Cynthia summoned the Asian Amazon Eva into the Commander's Office on board the carrier.Cynthia had a wonderful view of the lights of Hong Kong in the distance as She sat at Her desk She looked really stunning in Her RNN Commander's uniform. It consisted of a black leather hat, leather jacket, a tight skirt and high-heeled boots She also carried a sword and a whip at all times to demonstrate Her fighting skills. As a Senior Commander She was a Grade 1 in Gym Kata and was an invincible fighter just like Asmondena. Eva Cheung knocked on the door. She looked as amazing as ever with Her long black silky hair and Her tight black leather cat suit and high heeled boots. She was a wonderful martial artist and had never lost a fight in Her life The Asian Amazons(AAs) were a dedicated fighting force of Women led by a half Chinese woman Weiling, always fighting on the Norselandic side wherever The Nation fought. They had already played a brilliant operation in defeating the Americans (see Angela the Norse Woman and Valkyrie 89-93 and Episodes 2-5) Eva had been flown from the JLJHQ in Hong Kong by helicopter after conferring with Her Friend Senior Judge Diva, who was in charge of the ROJ (Royal Overseas Judges) in Hong Kong and southern China. As She entered Cynthia embraced Her as They kissed together. 'It's so good to see You Eva! 'said Cynthia. Although Eva was very tall and strong by Chinese standards, She was still no match for the size of Cynthia or any other Norse Woman for that matter. 'I want You to take part in a vital Operation of which I am in charge called Operation Thora.It involves no less than the rescue of Three Norse Women . Two of Them Asmondena and Patricia are Justices and one is a ROJ Lynna.It will be led by Justice Christina and She will be accompanied by 2 other Justices Colette and Aron and a Support Officer Kara.' 'You are to drive the speedboat with Your Colleagues that We have captured from the Chinese Navy up the Pearl River to Guangzhou .You will be disguised as a member of the Chinese Navy the PLAN .We have captured 6 of the crew and Justice Livia whom You will meet shortly is supervising the prisoners. One of the crew was a woman and you will wear her uniform and carry' her identity card. ' 'This is going to be a very dangerous Operation but I am confident of its success. If there are any problems and You meet serious resistance I will send a squadron of Cheetahs and helicopter gunships in led by SL Thea and blast the place to smithereens! I would love to land there and beat those Chinese to a pulp personally! How dare they threaten to kill Our Nationals!' 'If it is necessary for further assistance to be provided, the carrier will sail up the Pearl River and I will order an attack on the city of Guangzhou Myself. I can't wait to mount an attack on the city and place it under Norselandic control with Me as the Governor.I would love to impose the New Order on those Chinese police and military and teach them who's Boss 'Do you understand what You have to do?' 'Yes certainly Senior Commander Cynthia I agree with you that my people will really benefit from being under Your beneficial Rule' 'Right You are to drive the speedboat to where the 4 Justices are now They are on the west side of Hong Kong Island at Pok Ku Lam .They will set off a purple flash and You will ring Justice Christina who is the Leader of the Operation as You approach.' 'Right get ready now. You can change in the corner' Eva changed in front of Her Superior Cynthia, putting the Chinese navy uniform over the black leather cat suit She was wearing Cynthia then summoned Livia to show Eva down to the bottom deck. Livia looked gorgeous, as did all JLs with Her muscular body, in Her tight black leather uniform and leather hat and vicious looking high heeled boots, carrying a whip with steel thongs at the end. .She towered over Eva who looked slightly ridiculous in comparison to Her in the ill fitting green cotton uniform of the Chinese Navy. The speed boat was awaiting Her at the bottom deck.As they walked down They passed Livia's prisoners who looked so pathetic half naked with their heads bowed in complete submission.All of them were clearly petrified of their Captress Livia! Livia kissed Eva goodbye and wished the Operation total success. Eva then took control of the speedboat and took off leaving the carrier behind. It was now 9 PM and She looked at the stars above Her and the lights of the city in the distance, feeling apprehensive of what lay ahead. She sped from the Pa Tai Islands where the carrier was moored across the bay until She was in sight of Hong Kong Island itself. She drove along the coast and turned past Ocean Park and soon She could see a purple light flashing in the distance. She called Christina on Her mobile as She had been ordered to do. 'Justice Christina its Eva .I've been ordered by Senior Commander Rothrod to drive the speedboat to Guangzhou' Good I know You are coming We will meet You soon' replied Christina' She moved the boat towards the landing and soon landed the boat safely on the shore. She felt so fortunate She had not been stopped so far by the PLAN. She moved towards Christina and They embraced passionately. Christina then introduced her to the Three others. 'Good to meet you Eva! LET'S MOVE FORWARD TO GUANGZHOU! Any comments to