THE ADVENTURES OF ASMONDENA 23 by Hamlet NORSELAND RETALIATES AGAINST CHINA . As soon as She had fought and beaten the 10 Police, Asmondena freed Her colleagues Lynna and Patricia. They all embraced each other feeling so glad that They were now free. The Three Women looked at the 10 Police all writhing in agony on the floor realising that soon all of them would either be dead or cripples for life after the terrible beating that they had received from Asmondena who had really truly shown once more how invincible She was! She realised that their screams had almost certainly been heard right across the Police station and that Police reinforcements would soon arrive .She had been told by Senior Judge Diva that help was on its way and that the JL (Justice League) were coming to attack the police station led by Justice Christina Mooren with Her colleagues Justices Colette Nelson and Aron Maddron and JLSO Kara Lynsson. Asmondena decided to call Christina in Her mobile. 'Hello Christine it's Justice Asmondena here. I have just beaten the living daylights out of 10 Police but I'm sure reinforcement are coming! Where are You now?' 'You always win Asmondena.Don't worry Asmondena just hold on, We're on the Pearl River now approaching you. We will soon be in Guangzhou .We will be with you shortly!' The arrest of Asmondena ROJ Lynna and JLSO Patricia had caused a very serious international incident between Norseland and China.The Norselandic Premier Patricia Ingvoll had written to the Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jia Bao demanding that the Three Women be freed at once or there would be very serious consequences. It was made clear that Their arrest was a very serious breach of the CNT( Chinese Norselandic Treaty). Premier Ingvoll had actually given Prime Minister Wen 24 hours to release the prisoners or serious action would follow. It was clear that the arrest of the prisoners had caused serious strains within the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) and the Chinese Government leadership with sections of the CCP demanding an end to the Treaty as it was a gross violation of national sovereignty .It was clear from reports from the Norselandic Ambassador in Beijing Ms Lara Ibsson that the very position of the Prime Minister was in danger. .What was even worse was that demonstrations were taking place outside the JLROJ Justice League and Royal Overseas Judges) HQs in Hong Kong Beijing and Shanghai demanding the expulsion of the JL and the ROJ from China. Premier Ingvoll had told the Chinese Ambassador Jiang Sochu in no uncertain terms that any attempts to attack the JL or the ROJ would be met by an immediate violent response .No country could attack the world's Superpower and Police Woman which Norseland now was and get away with it! As a result Premier Ingvoll had ordered the aircraft carrier QGS Hippolyte to sail to the South China Sea to threaten Hong Kong and Guangzhou She was prepared to send in more carriers from the huge Norselandic Navy the RNN to threaten Shanghai and Beijing if necessary, The QGS Hippolyte was one of the largest carriers in the world. It was commanded by Senior Commander Cynthia Rothrod one of the most brilliant Commanders in the world as well as being an expert fighter which was a qualification need to be a Commander. She had stationed the carrier near the island of Tungsha Tao about 120 KMS from the Chinese coast. She had a huge contingent of the JL on board ready to lead an all out assault anywhere .She knew that the JL could beat any Chinese resistance easily and would be prepared to occupy anywhere in southern China including the whole of Guangdong Province if necessary with Her as the Governor! Cynthia liaised with Senior Judge Diva in Hong Kong at the to rescue the Three Women. It would be called Operation Thora.It would involve four JLs led by Senior Justice Christina Mooren, and Justices Colette Nelson and Aron Maddron and JLSO Kara Lynsson taking a speed boat from Hong Kong speeding up the Pearl river and landing secretly in the city of Guangzhou. They would then go by motor bike through the city and attack the Police HQ rescuing the Three Women. Christina was to stay in constant contact with Cynthia and Diva. If the Chinese sent in reinforcements especially from their enormous army, then Cynthia would order a full scale aerial assault in the city which would lead to the city being placed under Norselandic control with Her as the Governor. The four JLs assembled at 8 PM in Hong Kong harbour after taking their instructions from Diva who was Herself under the command of Cynthia .Cynthia was now moving the QGS Hippolyte off the Chinese coast until it was only 10 KMS from the harbour itself and She was quite prepared to move into the harbour and land the JL in the city itself should anti Norselandic protests continue Christina stood in front of the Three others. They were all dressed in shiny black rubber outfits. The real purpose of these outfits was to strike complete terror into Their enemies The only part of Their anatomies that was visible were Their mouths .The tight black rubber exaggerated Their bodies. In the case of the Women Christina, Colette and Lynna Their enormous breasts and huge muscles. In the case of Aron it also exaggerated His massive member that bulged forwards looking so proud and arrogant! They had all exposed their gorgeous bodies to each other as They changed together. Christina was the strongest of all with Her incredible rippling muscles. She looked so gorgeous in Her long blonde curly hair and Her tanned complexion. Next to Her was the Deputy leader Colette. She was wonderful too with Her straight blonde hair and Her beautiful tan. Equal in strength were Aron and Kara. Aron was a typical gorgeous Norse Man with massive muscles and a huge member which all His colleagues admired .All of them enjoyed putting His member inside Them. He realised still that however strong He was, He could never be as strong as the Women . He had a fight with Kara who was still a JLSO and had She effectively beaten him. She was lovely too and Her muscles were growing every day. Christina stood on the speedboat in front of them. It was 9 P.m. in Hong Kong and They should arrive to rescue The Three Women in an hour's time 'Right each of us is a One-Person Army.We will be victorious! 'LET'S PREPARE TO ATTACK!!' Any comments to