THE ADVENTURES OF ASMONDENA 18 by Hamlet ASMONDENA GIVES THE FINAL THRASHING Asmondena stood over the naked rump of Her victim Li the former Triad boss. Already blood was streaming down his arse and She had already removed most of his skin from his arse after giving him 10 hard strokes already.(see episode 13). He was trembling with fear and anticipation realising that he faced a really severe beating from Her and that She would be totally merciless as usual! She had just congratulated Patricia on the good hard flogging She had given Her victim Hu .He was still screaming in agony, the pain completely unendurable. Asmondena stood in front of the crowd again.She spoke fluent Chinese. 'Right I want you to watch Me thrash the former Triad boss. This is a sign that the power of the Triads is well and truly over and We have broken them completely .The Justice League and the Royal Overseas Judges will destroy the Triads wherever they are .No mercy will be shown .I will not rest until every single Triad is dead!' 'What's more all of you must pay for the crimes of the Triads .As I have said before they would not have existed unless you paid and supported them.You must now all pay for your misdeeds! Everyone of you Chines is guilty!' ' We are your new Rulers .We come from Norseland the world's Superpower and Police Woman .The New Order has begun. All of you must learn submission and obedience to Us and the Queen Goddess whom you must worship as a Divine and Holy Being .Is that quite clear?' 'YES MADAME ASMONDENA' they roared back in unison. Lynna was now standing next to the crowd. She wanted to ensure that not one single person could leave. She was looking everywhere for any signs of Bad Attitude or Wrong Thoughts! She was desperate like Patricia just to wade into the crowd and beat everyone in sight .She really wanted to show these Chinese who was Boss! Patricia stood next to Her hitting the crop against Her leg menacingly. 'God Lynna I really want to do some more beating! I really would love to show these Oslander Chinese We mean business!' 'You're right Patricia. I just want one of these f------g Oslander Chinese to show Bad Attitude and see what I will do! These people get on my f-----g nerves! 'I f-----g hate Oslander Chinese!' She said whipping Herself up into an orgasm of fury and hatred. 'Don't worry You Two. I'm sure there are plenty more Triads to kill and beat. China's is a huge country, the third biggest in the world and there are bound to be plenty more of these bastardsfor Us to deal with!' said Asmondena. 'I'd love to. Couldn't We travel around China on a holiday looking for Triads to kill and beat! We'd have a great time!' said Lynna. 'Certainly that would be a wonderful idea! I've never been out of Norseland in My life. All Three of Us could spend a holiday seeing the sights, travelling around and at the same time terrorising the country, killing, torturing, beating and flogging as many people as We liked!'It would be even better than a Sex Holiday (SH)! Wouldn't it be wonderful? 'said Patricia getting so excited at the prospect. 'It certainly would Patricia! Don't worry. After I have taken this bastard back to Our Nation that's just what we will do! We'll go on a Beating Holiday (BH) all around China!'said Asmondena feeling so happy. She then turned round to Her victim. 'Right the time has come for some more thrashing! Are you ready Li? ' 'PLEASEEE MERRCYY' he wailed. 'You're getting no mercy you bastard! You never showed any and you're getting none! ' She positioned the crop just below the last five weals. 'Get ready to count!' He did not know when She was going to strike. Without warning the blows came one after the other in terrible succession. WAAAAAAAAAAAACCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKK!!!!! WAAAACCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! ELEVENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!! TWELVVVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! THIRTEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!! FFFOPOOUUURRRTTTTTEEEEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNN!!!!! FFFFIIVVTTEEENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!! He had remembered to count every one. God help him if he forgot! Blood was now pouring out like a river on the ground. It looked as if there literally was no more skin left at all on his back at all. Tears were flooding from his face. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! 'Right you bastard there are 5 more to go You miss one and you'll get it again even harder Is everyone watching?' She shouted at the crowd. 'YES MADAME ASMONDENA!' 'And do you all agree he needs a damned good hard thrashing?' 'YES MADAME ASAMONDENA!' they called back in unison seeing Patricia and Lynna flexing Their crops making sure everyone agreed and called out or else! 'Right I'll give you 5 more just above the testicles!' WAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCKKKKKKKK!!! WACKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!! WAAAAAAAAAACCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKK!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!! SSSSSSSSSSIIIIIIIIIXXXXTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENNNNNN!!! SSSSSEEEEEVVVVVVEEEENNNTTTEEEEENNNNNN!!! He counted the 18th but She could hardly hear. 'I didn't hear that you bastard .Did you hear it?' She shouted at the crowd. 'NO MADAME ASMONDENA!!! 'the crowd shouted back as Lynna and Patricia moved towards them flexing Their crops even more making sure every single person responded the correct way! 'Well you'd better get that again!' NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! She brought the crop down even harder on his rump! WAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKK!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! EEEEEIIIGGGHHHTTTTEEEENNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!! 'Count 2 more!' WAAAAAAAAACCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCKLKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! NNNNNNIIIINNNNEEEETTTEEEEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNN!!!! TWENTYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! His rump was now in the most terrible state. There was effectively no skin left at all. It was just a horrible bloody mess! He stropped screaming and had now fainted completely strapped to Her bike, an unconscious heap. She untied him and picked his body and threw it over the back of the bike as if it was a sack of potatoes, tying securely him again. Blood carried on pouring out of his arse in torrents. She ordered Lynna and Patricia to untie Their victims.They threw Them on the ground as if they were just garbage.They lay there bellowing with pain. They then mounted Their Hardanger bikes for the journey back to Hong Kong. Asmondena faced the crowd in complete triumph savouring Their victory! 'People of Shenzhen!' 'Today We have demonstrated beyond doubt We are your Rulers.We are invincible Norse Women! We are going back to Hong Kong with this bastard to show everyone what happens to a Triad boss!' 'WE WILL RETURN!!' Any comments to SITES ASMONDENA AND PATRICIA LYNNA