THE ADVENTURES OF ASMONDENA 16 by Hamlet LYNNA BEATS BRUTALLY Lynna was now ready to beat Her victim Cheung mercilessly. She had him strapped down hard onto Her Hardanger motorbike. She had tied down his cock and balls and tied them securely up to the sides of Her bike.His head was down and his arms forcefully tied right behind his back. She was determined to show no mercy to this Oriental Oslander! Cheung was not Triad unlike Li whom Asmondena had just given 10 strokes to. Yet he had to be given a beating for showing Bad Attitude something that could not be tolerated at all. It was Asmondena's view as well as Lynna's that criminality was something that had to be nipped the bud ,just as it said in the Bible that murder always starts with something small like anger. That was why absolute Zero Tolerance had to be enforced. (Matthew 5:22). The fact was these people might not be Triads did not really matter. The fact was that they had paid money to the Triads and had co-operated with them . Also the fact that the Triads had existed at all meant there had to be something wrong and corrupt about this society and these people. Asmondena and Her colleagues did believe in collective guilt!They were prepared to punish the whole population if necessary! What was more these Chinese as well as the whole world had to be taught a simple lesson, that a New Order had entered the world that of Norselandic Domination and in this world The New Order would be imposed ruthlessly and mercilessly. It was effectively a New Order of Female Domination as well, as Norselandic Rule was synonymous with Female Rule. These Chinese had to be taught submission and obedience to The Queen Goddess and that the slightest criticism of Her Divine Being or Her Queen Dom carried the Death Penalty that would be enforced mercilessly! It was a New Order in which having Bad Attitude alone would be a criminal offence in itself. The JL (Justice League) and ROJ (Royal Overseas Judges) were expert mind readers and could tell anyone who was even thinking the wrong thoughts! Norseland was now the World Police Woman/Man. Norselanders were the Mistress / Master Race and everyone had better accept it! These Chinese had to learn their place or else! Under the CNT( Chinese Norselandic Treaty) they had effectively surrendered their sovereignty to Norseland and The Queen Goddess totally. Meanwhile Patricia walked up and down the crowd in Shenzhen on the border with Hong kong cracking the whip against Her heel. This was the first time She had been out of Norseland in Her life. Like all Norselanders She thought that Norseland was the most wonderful place on earth, the centre of the Universe and that all foreigners or Oslanders were really subhumans and animals, inferior beings to be used and abused. Also like most Norselanders She knew very little about the rest of the world having a very parochial attitude and knowing almost nothing about the world outside. Norseland was an island in the Pacific Ocean with Hawaii the nearest landmass over 200 miles was almost as remote as Australia. She had total contempt for these Oslander Chinese regarding them as compltely inferior physically and mentally .She looked at Her size compared to theirs .It was the difference between a tiger and cats as the Chinese saying went. How could any people be so pathetic and weak! The job given to Her by Her Supervisor Asmondena was to supervise the crowd making sure they stayed exactly where they were, not moving at all. If any Chinese even tried to escape She would beat them within a centimetre of their lives. She already had Her victim Hu trussed up, on the motorbike ready to be beaten savagely without any mercy at all! Lynna was now ready to begin the beatings She could see Her helpless victim sweating in absolute terror. He obviously did not realise that when he came to watch the beatings and to see the Triad boss being beaten mercilessly, that he would become a victim himself. There was no doubt that he had to be an example, that he had to be beaten in front of the crowd as an example that the New Order had begun and that no Oslander Chinese was safe .The New Order had to be enforced by absolute terror if necessary. Lynna was desperate to begin the beating going wet with excitement delighting in Her sheer power as a massive powerful and superior Norse Woman and that She belonged to the strongest people on earth, the Norse Men being the second strongest! Asmondena walked over to Her colleague. 'Lynna beat this bastard to within a centimetre of his life. These people must be taught who are the Mistress Race and they must obey or else. Give him five stokes and then another five. Make him count every single one or he gets it again even harder than before. No mercy must be shown .We must demonstrate Our total power to these people!' 'Certainly Asmondena. These people must realise that we are their Rulers even it has to be beaten into them ruthlessly .I'm desperate to beat him. I don't care if he dies .I just want him beat him senseless. I never knew beating could be so much fun!' She stood in front of the crowd revealing Her magnificent muscles, Her tanned body, Her long blonde curly hair coming below Her waist, Her black leather riding outfit with Her studded collar, Her leather gloves, Her leather hot pants and calf length boots with razor sharp high heels that really revealed Her wonderful body.God She was a magnificent sight! . She was strong enough to take on 20 of these Chinese at once without one hair of Her head being even touched! She revelled in Her absolute superiority! She positioned Her crop moving it up and down Cheung's rump. She could see the sweat falling from his face and dropping on the ground This was all part of the fear to make the victim as terrified as possible not knowing when the crop would strike! Without warning Her crop came crashing down 5 times in succession! CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCKKKK!!! CRACCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!! CRAAAAAAAACCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!! CRAAACKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!! CRAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! ONNNNEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! TWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! THGREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! FFFFFFFFFFFFOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRR!!!! FFFFIIIIVVVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! 'That was great Lynna You are brilliant beater! 'said Asmondena. 'God You're great, please draw blood Lynna! 'called out Patricia getting so excited determined to wade into the crowd now with Her crop and beat everyone in sight. She could not wait for Her turn! Lynna positioned the crop right on top of the last 5 weals She was now desperate for the sight of blood .She wanted to see torrents flowing down his arse. She brought the crop right up in the air and struck down hard. WAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCKKKKKKKK!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!! WACKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!! WACKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! Blood came spurting out of his arse like a fountain almost hitting Her in the face. It came running down right to the ground ! He just remembered to count in time. SSSSSSSSSSIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX!!!!!! SSSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEEEEVVVVVVVEEEEENNNNNNNN!!!! EIGHTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!! NNNINNNNEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! TTTTTTTTTTTTTTEEEEEEEEEEEEEENNNNNN!!!!! He was now unconscious his backside just a bloody swollen mess! The whole crowd could see the state of his backside as they gazed in terror. 'Did you see what was done to him? The same could happen to you!' shouted Asmondena to the crowd. 'YES MADAME ASMONDENA!!! ' They yelled back! Asmondena went up to Patricia who looked desperate to do some beating! 'I know you're desperate Patricia.' 'YOU'RE NEXT!!' Any comments to SITES LYNNA ASMONDENA or or go into PATRICIA LADY PATRICE