THE ADVENTURES OF ASMONDENA 8 by Hamlet LYNNA DISPLAYS HER FIGHTING SKILLS It was now Lynna and Patricia's turn to do battle after Asmondena had totally overwhelmed 20 Triads.Thay stood there ready for action both dressed totally in leather eager to get Their hands on these Triads and beat them to a pulp! Before the fight was to begin Asmondena decided to calll Li on Her mobile. 'Well Li it looks as if the game is well and truly up There are 20 of your Triads lying here on the ground dead and dying .My friends Lynna and Patricia are now ready to deal with the other 20.After that I'm coming after you personally There's no escape you bastard!' 'You cannot kill me We are more than you!' he said. 'Look here you arsehole I've just beaten and killed 20 of your Triads and I'm coming after you it's as simple as that .What's more if I see you trying to escape I'm coming after you!' It was clear She had put the fear of God into him .She was determined to break into the house and to make him Her prisoner Nothing could stop Her now! She walked up to Lynna and Patricia Her fellow Norse Women. 'Right Lynna I want you to beat these bastards to death just like I did and I don't want one head of your hair to be touched That goes for You too Patricia .I want You both to win easily and to show no mercy whatsoever. If You are hurt in this fight you are in big trouble Is that clear?' 'Yes certainly Justice Asmondena! 'They both replied knowing full well She was in charge of the Operation. Lynna stood there looking so impressive .She had long blonde hair that was curly and came down to Her waist She was wearing a skin tight leather jerkin and tight leather hot pants .She also wore calf length boots with razor sharp heels. Around Her belt She carried knuckle dusters and knives to make Her look really ferocious .She was not as good a fighter as Asmondenaq being a Grade 2 in Gym Kata but She knew She could win any fight especially against Chinese and Triads! She walked right up to them chopper in hand ready for action. 'Right which one of you wants to go first?' They gazed at Her wonderful tanned body and long curly hair that was like a mane around Her totally transfixed. This was a real Tigress! 'Come on you bloody cowards I want a fight!' She moved straight towards them waving Her chopper in the air Before they could do anything She brought it right down into the face of the first. Blood came shooting forwards in a torrent. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! She carried on moving fast She turned round and brought the chopper side ways This time She had cut the fingers of the next one off cleanly. He yelled in sheer agony as he rolled on the ground bellowing in pain. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Nothing would stop Her now as She shouted out the Valkyrie yell so full of Her own power and confidence. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! WOOOOOOO!!!! She charged into the next one cutting right across his neck as blood came pouring towards Her almost in Her face. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! The other 6 did not know what to do faced with this massive onslaught .They moved backwards but nothing would deter Her as She continued to shout the Valkyrie yell W000000000000000000000000000000!!!! One tried to attack Her but it was hopeless .She brought the chopper down almost slicing right through his arm AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! She charged towards 2 more She thrust forwards into the stomach of the first as Her chopper went right through to the other end. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! She moved forwards gain cutting hard into the testicles of the second AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! There was nothing to stop Her fury now She ran right towards the rest There were 4 remaining They tried to move backwards but were stopped by Asmondena and Patricia who stood right in their way. There was no escape at all as Lynna ran forwards brandishing the sword. She brought it down on the first cutting his arm clean off .It fell on the ground as blood came gushing out of his arm. He yelled in agony rolling round on the ground. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! 3 of them stood in front of Her not knowing what to do. One made an attempt to hit Her but She just kicked high in the air knocking the sword right out of his hand .He made an attempt to move but She just cut right across slicing his testicles right off YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Lynna ran towards the next 2. They tried to move away but Asmondena completely blocked their way within Patricia to the side. Either way they would be cut to pieces! Lynna moved fowards. With one move She had tripped up Her opponent on the ground She then brought the chopper hard down into his stomach. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! There was one more to go. Not knowing what to do he ran towards Patricia. She moved at once cutting him right across the stomach. He fell on the ground in abject pain .Blood was pouring right out of his stomach. Lynna stood over him Say your prayers! With one move She brought the chopper slicing down across his head! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! She looked in total triumph as She stood over 10 dead and dying bodies the blood oozing forwards with bits of body all over the ground. Asmondena walked up to Her ' That was great Lynna You really showed Your fighting skills! She went up to Patricia. Come on darling Patricia. KILL THE REST OF THEM! LYNNA ASMONDENA and PATRICIA