TANYA CONFRONTS MOBSTERS AND ESCAPES FROM CAPTIVITY by Hamlet Tanya strode over to the door and knocked loudly. "Wadia want?" came from the other side. "I have to go to the bathroom." she said. "Shit!" growled the man on the other side of the door. They could hear the returning in the lock . "Okay, Sweetie pie, let's go." he said. Tanya checked up and down the hall as she was escorted to the bathroom. On the hall there was a bathroom like she would find in a fancy hotel. There were other men on either end of the hall, but only this one who had been sitting in a chair by the door to the room in which they were being held. As they reached the door, Tanya turned and faced him. She put her left arm around his shoulders Tanya finished in the bathroom and the man was escorting her back. As they with her hand resting on the back of his neck. Tanya smiled at him. He was a fairly large man, about six feet one inch and around two hundred pounds. "Thanks, honey, I really had to go bad!" she said still smiling. The other mobsters had moved out of sight at the ends of the hallway. Tanya saw that out of the corner of her eye. Since they were gone, she put her plan into action. Her right fist snapped up and crashed into the man's jaw. The fist travelled only ten to twelve inches, but driven by her powerful arm and shoulder muscles, it was more than enough. SMAAAAASSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! The man was out like a light. Only Tanya's strong left arm and hand kept his head from snapping way back and prevented him from slipping to the floor. She lowered him into the chair. To everyone on either end of the hall if they happened to look, it would appear that he was sitting in the chair guarding the door. Tanya took his keys and gun and whispered in his ear "My name's not Sweetie pie" then slipped back into the room Johnny looked up as she re-entered the room. Tanya handed him the pistol and the keys. "Where did you get these?" he asked with a puzzled look on his face. "The guard outside the door is taking a little nap, and I'm keeping these for him" she said with a grin. "What if he wakes up?" Johnny asked. "I don't think he'll be doing that for thirty minutes or so. I gave him my special sleeping pill." Tanya answered. "We have plenty of time. How is the best way to get out of here?" "We can't take a chance on the elevator." Johnny said. "The stairs are to our left, so we can try to sneak out that direction and see what happens." He cracked the door open. He could see the guard in the chair outside the door, and it seemed that the mobsters on that level had settled down, none of them were visible from the door. "It's clear for now." he whispered to Tanya. They quietly slipped out the door. Johnny glanced down at the guard as they left the room. There was a large purplish lump forming on his jaw, and he was obviously not taking his "nap" by choice. Now he knew exactly what kind of sleeping pill Tanya had administered. Johnny just shook his head in wonder at this woman. Quietly they moved down the hall toward the stairs. No sound or movement could be detected. They reached the end of the hallway and the stairs. There was one man stationed there. Johnny levelled the pistol at him and very quietly told him not to make a sound. The man was surprised by their sudden appearance and momentarily obeyed. He was just about to open his mouth to sound the alarm when Tanya stepped forward and drove her fist viciously into his unsuspecting belly. Instead of a shout the air rushed from his body in a soft whoosh. Before he could recover, Tanya brought her other fist up in a powerful uppercut smashing into his chin. The man's head snapped back, his knees gave way, and he started to fall. CRAAACCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKK!! Tanya caught him and lowered him carefully to the floor. Johnny shook his head in wonder again. "I guess he got the same sleeping pill that you gave to the guard on our room." he commented. "He was going to yell, and you couldn't shoot him, the sound of the shot would have the same effect. That was the only thing left to do to keep him quiet." Tanya answered. The crept down the stairs without any further incidents. There was a side door close to the stairs, and they slipped through it and out of the house. Carefully they made their way around to the big parking area in front. Johnny scouted around and found that only one man was on duty in the parking area. They tried to stealthily approach him, but when they were about ten feet away, the man turned and saw them. Tanya stood up. "Hi, Honey," she purred and slowly advanced on him. The man appeared to be mesmerized for a moment, which was all Tanya needed. She was standing right in front of him. Suddenly her knee rose up and smashed into his groin. The man groaned and dropped to his knees grabbing at his balls. It was easy for Tanya to grab his head and shove it forward so she could smash her knee into his chin and put him away. SMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASHHHHHHHHHHHH!! "I hope I didn't rip my leather trousers." she said to Johnny as she shoved the unconscious thug out of the way. They found the van and opened it with the keys. This is where Johnny's experience paid off. Tanya would had jumped in, fired up the motor and raced out as fast as the van would go. Johnny got it started, coasted out of the parking area with the lights still off, and didn't really step on it until they were well clear of the compound. Johnny couldn't tell exactly where they were, but he knew that eventually, the road should lead either into town or an intersection with a main road. They rode in silence for a while. Finally, they crossed a road whose name and number Johnny recognized. He broke the silence. "I know where we are!" he exclaimed happily. He turned on the road and headed for home. By the time they reached Johnny's house just outside Las Vegas it was nearly three in the morning. "I guess I missed the bus back to my hotel" Tanya said. "Stay here tonight, I have plenty of room, and I'll take you back to Salt Lake City tomorrow." Johnny said. Tanya agreed. Johnny opened the door. From the entry foyer Tanya could see the house was one big open area with a large stone double sided fireplace right in the middle. Various seating arrangements utilizing sofas and chairs were on both sides of the fireplace. There was a dining area and she could see a very modern looking kitchen just past it. Johnny led her to the stairs to the second level. There were four bedrooms. One of them was set up to be Johnny's office with computer, fax machine, the works. "That's my bedroom at the end of the hall." Johnny said pointing. "You can use this one, it's the guest room.". He showed Tanya into a well-appointed large bedroom with a bath. Why don't you take a shower and relax? There's a robe hanging up in there. Meantime I'll see if I can rustle up something for us to eat Tanya sighed. She was tired. "I think I'll take you up on that" she said. The bathroom was exceptionally large for a guest bath. Tanya turned on the shower and undressed. She cast an appraising eye in the mirror again. She ran her hands over the huge muscles of her thighs, up over her rippling hard belly to her breasts. Her hands lingered there for just an instant before running first one hand then the other over the bulging muscles of her arms and shoulders. She said to herself in Norselandic. "After all, he saw me knock out those guys. No little American Barbie Doll could have done that". "Han maa ha en anelse." "Tross alt saa han meg slaa ut de gutta. Ingen smaa amerikanske barbie duukka kunne ha gjort det." She stepped into the shower letting the hot water flow over her tense muscles slowly washing the tension away. She was feeling refreshed when she stepped out. There was a large white terrycloth robe hanging on the back of the door. She put it on and headed downstairs, padding along on bare feet. She could hear sounds coming from the kitchen and the smell of frying bacon and scrambled eggs reminded her how hungry she was. She had not eaten dinner. Johnny had taken a quick shower and changed too. He was wearing a navy-blue polo shirt and khaki shorts and was conscious of her physical superiority to him. He waved as Tanya entered the kitchen. She saw the two plates and silverware were laid out on the kitchen table. "Food's almost ready. Why don't you get the bread out of the box up over the 'fridge and drop it in the toaster over there?" he pointed to the toaster. There was fresh coffee already made in the Braun coffeemaker sitting on the counter and two mugs beside it. Tanya did as request and just as Johnny finished the eggs, the toast was ready. He brought over the two skillets one filled with fluffy scrambled eggs, the other with crisp bacon. Tanya poured the coffee, and they sat at the table. It was obvious they were both famished because they wolfed down their food in silence. They finished in record time, and both let out a big sigh almost simultaneously. "Tell me how you got into the casino business and what the hell is going on now." Tanya requested Any comments to norselandic@hotmail.com TO BE CONTINUED