Tanya by Hamlet Tanya remembered the lovely night She had spent with her lover Christopher in Marion Ohio as She rode at full speed towards Chicago. He seemed to have recovered from the earlier belly punch as they pulled into his house. She took his hand and gently stroked his cheek. He looked up at Her with a pleasing smile as he in turn stroked Her face. "How much did you see? Did you enjoy it? Uh Uh?" Shaking his head yes as he spoke while smiling at Her.. As She looked up at Christopher, naughty thoughts had begun to pass through Her mind. While walking towards his house he had placed his hands on Her pumped biceps feeling the large balls of muscle sitting on Her arms with oversize veins running across them giving them a firm squeeze before running his hand across Her wide shoulders and down Her arms. He gently pulled Her into his arms holding Her close. She didn't' expect this, not at this particular moment. She was still covered with puke and blood from beating the crap out of the idiots that hit Her bike earlier. . She had begun to playfully run up the steps to his front door. She had turned and faced him as he reached the top, smiling at him in the same instant. Turning Her hips quicker than he realized what was going to happen next. Catching him completely off guard with a punch to his belly. His upper body tumbled forward as he immediately wrapped his arms around his tummy. With the grace and quickness which the punch was thrown, She took him into Her arms, kissing his forehead whispering "I will take care of you as I always do" as She planted a soft kiss on his neck. Breathing heavily and scooping him up. She carried him to the door of his room with Her strong veiny arms. She could feel the warmth and tenderness as it built up inside of Her tight and muscular tunnel as Christopher inserted the key in the lock. She firmly kicked the door open and entered as Her shoulders brushed against the door. Christopher was looking up at Her, making eye contact which kept Her from taking Her eyes off his. She gently laid his body on the bed. As she looked down at him respecting and admiring the man that She had a few moments ago punched in the tummy... He lay there looking as if he had walked off the front cover of a magazine. That caused Her to get even more aroused. She leaned over him licking his waiting thin lips. She touched his mouth with Her ruby red painted thick warm lips. At the samer time running Her hands down the centre of his chest, gently but firmly parting his lips with Her tongue. She was purring like a animal in the wild seeking attention from its mate. Christopher responding as his eager tongue met Hers. Their tongues slowly but playfully intertwined causing Her to get more aroused. Christopher kisses were very stimulating, very passionate. Her nest becamme soaked with the juices which were freely flowing out of Her soaked tunnel as he slowly tugged on Her awaiting tongue. He pulled it slowly past the margin of his lips, causing Her entire body to shake and tremble with pleasure. She in return slowly� maneuvered� Her tongue giving a little resistance which caused him to slowly but firmly give way to Her returning tug. Now pulling his tongue within Her mouth at the same time turning Her head as She desperately tugged on it, Her hands wandered over his entire body. She started from his neck stroking it slowly with Her left hand, then running it passionately down the centre of his chest causing chills to run through his now aroused body once more. As She slowly run Her hand down his tummy stopping at his navel for a moment encircling it with the two fingers on Her left hand. Now moving Her hand to his waist. She now came to rest on his belt and the waist of his pants hindering Her from advancing in the fashion that She wanted too at this instant. She continued to run Her hand down his body dropping it to his crotch which came to rest there for few moments. Her hand now started to stroke his manhood as She released his tongue. She pulled Her mouth away from his dragging Her lips across his firm lips. She moved Her mouth closer to his right ear moaning slowly into it, then purring like a wildcat which at that instant had just finished mating. She ran Her hand upward slowly, slowly dragging it across his stomach and above his navel continuing up the centre of his chest. Her long nails sending chills and ecstasy throughout his body. Now moving up his neck, She came to a stop under his chin. Her lips finding his once more began to part his, Her tongue now darting in and out of his mouth. She took Her lips and tongue away from him and stepped backward. Her hands now took the tail of his sweater as he lifted his upper body for Her to pull it slowly and skilfully over his chest up to his chin then, over his head. They almost gave way to the noticeable weight of Her body. Looking deep into the most passionate eyes She had ever seen in Her life. She began to unbuckle his belt. She firmly tugged at it. Using force to undo the buckle and the button on his pants slipping down his fly inserting Her hand inside feeling the mass that had been there since the incident took place on the highway. Gently massaging and carefully stroking him. Smiling while soft moans came from within his throat. His eyes filled with lust and are now barely open. Before he realized it. She had his pants to his ankles and began to take off his shoes then, his socks. Gently removing his shoes one at a time. Quickly taking the legs of his pants, pulling them off slowly and passionately removing his shorts throwing them on the arm of a chair with his pants. She began to pant like a beast being driven by nothing but pure lust ready to be mounted by its mate. She want this to last. The only way it could was to put off mounting him with Her long rubber strap on. She now began to lick his neck moving slowly to his right ear being careful not to miss a spot. She gave every inch of his neck up to his ear soft long licks. She began to nibble on his earlobe moaning and purring once more before She removed Her mouth from this particular part of his body. As She nibbled on his earlobe his hands came to rest on Her cheeks. One hand on each side softly, squeezing and releasing Her butt as if it was a orange, from which he was trying to extract its juices. She began tracing the length of his neck with Her lips. Breathing heavily on it as She moved Her lips to the base of his neck. His hands slid slowly up Her back. Stopping and resting every few inches as if to absorb the splendid feel of Her muscular, sexy, strong back causing Her juices to flood Her already every erogenous zone. She yelled out to him as She began to move forwards in one thrust with Her huge rubber strap on. GET READY TO BE SCREWED HONEY!! Any comments to norselndic@hoail.com