Tanya 3 by Hamlet Tanya awoke that Saturday morning feeling still tired after only 4 hours sleep after mercilessly screwing Christopher all night with her strapon at the Great Westen hotel in Cleveland ohio.she really felt tired and felt I needed to sleep more.she looked down and could see Christopher still dead to the world. It was 7 AM and I got up, had a shower and thoroughly cleaned my magnificent muscular body. I dressed as usual in leather completely in jacket, trousers and boots.I put mascara in my eyes and shiny lipstick on-I really did look a magnificent sight! She then called room service for breakfast which was coffee and toast.Like yeaterday She fed him like a little baby pouring the coffee down his throat and making him swallow the toast. She went don to the r4cep[trion striding across the dining room in Her wonderful leather outfit.Everyone seemed to stare at Her in awe I went back to the room and ordered Christopher to take all his belongings and mine down to the reception. . As wthey wwre were about to drive off in her Hardanger motorbike with Christopher on the back holding onto her she noticed 4 rather suspicious looking guys getting into a green car just up the road.They looked quite similar to the construction workere she had beaten up the day before-of course they would not be exactly the same as those 2 gorillas were almost certainly in extreme pain if not in hospital at the moment! As She turned She noticed the green car following her .I had worked out what was happening -the cvonstructioin company whose workers she had beaten up were determined to get their revenge on Her! She spoke to christopjher . 'It looks like were being followed-! They look lije rfriends of those construction workers I beat up yesterday! We turned round to route 271 with the car right behind Her .I was looking forward to a fight right in the middle of the road itself! She suddenly felt a hard object in her back.I turned around-it was the 4 gorillas who had been following Her .I was right -they all came from the security company that was supposed to protect the Professor against me, but had failed miserably! 'OK Lady you're coming with us and so's your friend the Professor-you've just beaten up 2 of our friends and we don't take too kindly too that.One of them cant walk again and the others got a busted jaw and may never speak again! 'Oh good that's really good news-they got exactly what they deserved and the same things going to happen to you!' They were completely thrown by my confident manner-mentally and physically they were no match for me! The gorilla began to sweat -he just could not answer me'Now look here lady were all armed-my friend has a machine gun hidden in that case.You and your Professor are going to end up at the bottom of Jamaica Bay!' 'Typical cowards-hiding behind guns and even a machinegun! Well I'm not the slightest bit frightened of any of you!' Again he could not answer as I was too clever fo him.He just shouted 'Just keep walking lady and shut up!' He pushed his gun in my ribs.I walked forward I smiled at the Professor and told him not to worry as I would protect him as my Patient.We walked towards the car. Then suddenly I stopped walking.I turned round to the gorilla who was poking a gun in my back 'Do you mind taking that ridiculous gun out of my back you ridiculous worm.You know perfectly well you're not going to use it and that I haven't the slightest intention of coming with you' He was overwhelmed by my imperious manner.I walked towards him. 'I wonder if our cock is as big as that gun.Let me have a look!'With that I grabbed his trousers, put my leather gloved hand forward and squeezed him by the cock and balls.He let out a scream and dropped the gun.I picked it up at once. I turned to his friends.'Well the tables have turned already .I now have a gun and your friend is about to lose his balls.Now be good boys and just drop your guns now' He really was in absolute agony and tears were nw rolling down his eyes. 'For Gods sake do as she says-drop the guns.I really am about to lose my balls!' he screamed. His friends dropped the guns.I let him go after giving his balls a good squeeze- he rolled on the ground yelling in agony. I walked towards his two friends.They did not know what I was about to do-they just stood there looking so ridiculous.Suddenly I ran towards them as if I was about to do the long jump.My leg reached out and the steel tip of my boot connected hard with the next gorilla's groin.He let out a piercing yell and literally took off into the air and went crashing against a car across the road. YAHHHHHHHHHHH! he screamed and was then completely out cold. The next gorilla did not know what to do.I walked slowly towards him and then unzipped his trousers and exposed his cock.A crowd had now gathered around and were loving the sight of a Big Black Woman beating the daylights out of a bunch of hoods. I then grabbed his ball sac and he yelled out loudly.I turned him round so he could face the crowd and twisted his arm right round his back.The pain was overwhelming.I twisted and could hear the crack of bone.I twisted his ball sac and could hear the sound of broken testicles.He let out another scream of agony and then fainted on the ground with all the crowd watching. There was only one gorilla left to take care of.He stood there quivering with fear wondering what he could do.I walked casually towards him. Suddenly he grabbed the Professor.'Look Lady if you make one more move the Professors dead meat! I was furious at the sight of some gorilla pointing a gun at the head of one of my Patients-my Property.I continued walking towards him not showing the slightest fear.I knew the gorilla was absolutely petrified. 'Come on give me the gun like a good boy-you know you're too much of a coward ever to use it!' I walked slowly towards him.His hand started shaking at the sight of a huge Black Dominatrix coming straight towards him not showing the slightest fear.I was holding my cane that I still had fixed in my belt pocket.With one sudden movement I took the came out and brought it down on his hand pushing the Professor out of the way in the same movement. YAAAAHHHHHHH! he yelled with a scream that was almost loud enough to be heard across the airport. As he was rolling on the ground in agony I pulled his trousers right down to expose his prick to the crowd.I was getting obsessed with exposing these gorillas to the public!I positioned my cane right on his ball sac.I held it there for one minute.With one mighty blow I brought the cane hard down onto his testicles and could hear a loud crack as it was obvious he had lost the use of them for life! YAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH! he screamed with all his might.The pain was so excruciating he rolled over and fainted in a heap. The crowd let out an almighty cheer.Photographers had appeared and were flashing their cameras.They had never seen such an outstanding display of fighting skills.I was totally and utterly triumphant.2 of the gorillas were writhing around the ground in agony still yelling with pain while the other 2 were out cold .Not one hair of my head had been scathed! I was amazing! A reporter from the New York Post told me the Sunday Edition would carry the headline BIG BLACK WOMAN BEATS THE SHIT OUT OF FOUR HOODS! I realised that we had to board the plane as the flight had been called.I walked past the cheering crowd and the flashing cameras holding the Professor by the neck.It was obvious to everyone he was my prisoner.As I took him onto the plane all the passengers looked in awe-the sight of me as a big Black Dominatrix holding the wimpy Professor was a wonder to behold. As we sat down together I spoke to him. 'I know you've been through a hard time being waylaid by those gorillas.Don't worry they were no match for me the Black Dominatrix.As you can see it was no contest.I could take on 20 of them and still have been victorious-you see Professor I'm invincible! Now I want you to pay me now for your course in Corrective Therapy, all my expenses and the cost of the flight.Altogether you will write me a cheque for ##'800. I know you are still in considerable pain.I will massage your wounds and then give you another injection so that you can sleep for the rest of the journey' He immediately wrote me a cheque.I then took him to the toilet took his trousers down and massaged his wounds for about 30 minutes at the same time feeling his miserable prick and wanking him. When I got back to our seats I was exhausted.I turned over to the Professor and took his trousers down so that everyone walking past us could see ! By the time we woke up we had arrived in London-local time was 10 PM We went through customs and I located my car.By the time we arrived back in Abingdon it was 12.30 AM It was too late to take the Professor home so I let him sleep in my flat for the night.As we entered my 2 cats Whiskas and Friskas were so pleased to see me, but surprised to see this stranger.I fed them .I then made the Professor strip naked and then tied him up securely to the sofa.I gave him 2 sleeping tablets.Before he went to bed I said to him. 'Good night Professor -tell me who am I? 'You are the Invincible Lisa-THE BEAUTIFUL BIG BLACK BOSSY BRUTAL BUSTY DOMINATRIX!' I kissed him on the cheek, put the gag in his mouth and went to bed.