TAMIKA PULVERISES HER OPPONENTS TO A TOTAL BLOODY PULP Tamika felt so proud of Herself that She had scaled a wall on Her own climbing into Her enemy Sir Brian's house in Galth�ry France although She had unlike Me no experience of mountain climbing at all. She attributed it all to Her amazing sheer physical strength that She had been born with and which She had cultivated through years of practice, of hours spent in the gym bodybuilding and through Her long years as a Dominatrix in which She had so much practice in beating and torturing clients .this is what she would now do to these goons who confronted Her only She would this time be prepared fight to the death. Each one of them deserved to be beaten and killed in the most excruciating way possible. After all they had been prepared to kill innocent children not caring who they killed as long as they could kill Me the Big Boss Lady Mistress Pleasuredome and Tamika. Nothing else mattered to that bastard Sir Brian but to save his own skin. God he would have to pay dearly for his crimes for having dared to defy Me and My authority as if anyone could defy Me ! He had also dared to refuse to pay Tamika even daring to call Her a 'Black Bitch' and had run away from Her before She could capture him the bloody coward! Yet first She had to deal with these contemptible goons in the way that only She knew how .She adored fighting and had won every fight in Her life that She now considered Herself to be effectively invincible as someone who just could ever be beaten in any fight at all. Certainly these goons would be no problem for Her. They looked as of they could never stand a chance against Her being only capable of firing at innocent people with guns! They all had their guns trained on Her and yet She could see all their hands trembling. They had never seen a Woman of such physique in their while lives! She looked so frightening with her muscular body totally clad in shiny black leather! She had just managed to scale a 20 foot wall with one hand holding a rope and the other holding a torch something all of them would be quite incapable of! What was more they were still all overcome with the shock of seeing their fellow goon having a knife thrown by Her go straight through his throat and falling in a bloody heap in the ground. 'Come on you bastards who don't you shoot Me? You've all got guns aimed at Me. I might be the toughest Woman you've ever seen in your lives but bullets can penetrate even My skin! 'She laughed at their misery as they walked away from Her not knowing what to do She spoke to them again in Her excellent French. 'Venez vous encul�s! Pourquoi vous ne me frappez pas? Vous tous ont des fusils me vis�s? Peut-�tre je suis la dame la plus dure que vous d�j� avez vu en vos vies mais les balles ne peuvent pas p�n�ter m�me ma peau !' 'We're going to kill you! Hold still you bloody Black Bitch!' the goon said a big fat man his gun facing Her. 'Nous allons vous tuer vous salope foutremente noire!' 'I'm standing right in front of you you fat ugly bastard ! Why don't you fire or are you too scared of a big tough Dominatrix like Me? 'Je me leve juste devant vous, vous salaud gros laid! Pourquoi ne me d�cochez ou �tes-vous effray� d'une dominatrice forte comme moi?' � Before he knew what was happening She ran towards him. She raised Her lovely powerful right leg and moved it forwards with full strength. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMM!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Her boot heel smashed hard into his stomach and sent his whole body flying backwards slamming into another goons as they both crashed in a heap together. She walked calmly towards him holding him up by the collar in Her strong leather gloved hands. 'Get up you punk!!'She said as She hauled him off the ground 'Se levez vous vous punk!' Another of the goons came behind Her but She was far too fast for him. She turned round and executed a perfect right cross move that smashed into his jaw and sent him tumbling too the right of Her . SMAAAAAAAAAACCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Just as he tried to regain his balance She sent a left book and another hard right hook smashing into his unprotected face' SMACKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! He fell on the ground screaming in pure agony as blood spewed out all over the floor. There were 3 more goons to go. One of them came towards Her with a serrated knife in his hand 'You're going you get this through your stomach you nigger fiendess!' 'Vous allez le recevoir par le ventre vous monstre n�gre !' He had the pointed end of the knife right at Her face determined to kill Her .She moved with lightning speed and easily ducked out of his way as he went flying forwards. She slammed into his stomach hard with Her fist left and right. THUDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!! THUDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! He bent over doubled up in pain his rib cage smashed completely She pulled him up ready for the bone crushing uppercut that followed as with deadly force Her mighty fist smashed into his face. SMAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHH!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! He literally took off into the air under the appalling impact of Her fist that seemed to be made of pure steel. 'Don't you dare pull a knife on Me!' 'N'osez vous tirer un couteau sur moi!' He landed next to his two friends as the unconscious heap became even higher! � The remaining 2 goons began to run backward realizing they stood no chance against this formidable Black Glamazon. 'Come back you f------g cowards!' 'Revenez vous putain de l�ches!' One of them was trying to escape from Her bit it was hopeless. She leapt on top of him just like the Pantheress She was. He was now lying on his back unable to move a cemtimeter. She yanked his head right back and with one move had Her legs of steel right around his neck squeezing him in as terrible vice like grip he was in excruciating pain . ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! The other goon stood there transfixed as he saw the python crush she had on his head that was impossible for him to loosen' 'Come and scream for me you wimp!' 'Venez et criez pour moi vous baudruche!' ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!! 'Please stop I can't take any more!' 'S'il vous plait arr�tez je ne peux pas prendre aucun plus!' She moved and with one move crushed into his head with Her cranium crushing legs.She could hear a loud scream as all the bones in his neck were crushed. He lay beneath Her a dead heap. CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKK!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! The other goon stood over her gun in hand. 'I'm going to shoot you now you evil murdereress!' 'Je vais vous tirer vous mauvais meurtier!' She leapt up from the ground just like the all powerful Pantheress She was. She moved once more with deadly precision. Her fist went straight into his nose with total force. SMAAAAAAAAACKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! She broke his nose as blood came down like a river almost in Her face. 'That's for pointing a gun at Me!!' 'C'est pour me pointant un fusil!! ' SMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACKKKK!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! She smashed right into his left eye that began to swell up at once and change red purple and black. SMACKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! T'hat's for being a stupid goon!' 'C'est pout �tiant un voyou b�te!!' She drove Her fist hard into his face as his lips began to increase there times their size 'And that's for working for My arch enemy Sir Brian!' Et c'est pour travaillant pour mon enemi num�ro un monsieur Brian!!!' SMAACCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! He fell on the ground in a bloody heap yelling in agony. She grabbed hold of him and threw his body on the heap with his 4 other friends. She had been totally victorious as usual. She watched as all 5 of them writhed in torment on the ground as blood began to flow in a torrent from their broken bodies. Not a hair on Her head had even been touched! She decided to call me on Her mobile. 'Pleasuredome I've just beaten the crap out of 6 goons! They will all be dead soon!' I'M COMING AFTER SIR BRIAN NOW!!' Any comments please to Norseland@hotmail.com