Spuastar's mission by Hamlet Madame Supastar read out the letter she had received in response to Her letter to the residents of West Ham Road ordering them to vacate their properties by March 2Nd or face the consequences. She spoke to Jasmine and Lydia the two Personal Bankers standing in front of Her. 'Well you will be pleased to know that everyone in West Ham Road has taken advantage of our generous offer. The properties have to be vacated by today. There is one exception a Mr. Fred Walker. There's always one bastard who does not cooperate! I will show you a copy of his very rude ignorant letter.' 41 West Ham Road Stratford London E15 Ms Supastar I am sorry there is nothing you can do to make me vacate my property.This is a free country not Nazi Germany! Who the hell do you think you are! You're only a f---g bank manager! I do not want a mortgage with your f-------g bank and am quite happy with my existing bank account with Barclays. You say you're prepared to get physical. What the hell do you mean? If you carry on making physical threats against me or threaten me in any way I will write to your Head Office and complain.I will also call the Police to report you for harassment! Just leave me alone you f----g bitch! Yours Fred Walker 'Well this is my reply!' NWB THE WORLD'S MOST HELPFUL BANK STRATFORD BRANCH I write to reply to your very offensive letter. You did not address Me in the correct way to start with.You address me as Madame Supastar in future!What is more you do NOT threaten to report Me to the Police or to Head Office or you will be in even more serious trouble! Let me repeat Myself. I will go to any lengths to obtain your property and to make you open an Account with NWB.It that includes physical persuasion rather than reasonable discussion that is your choice. I am prepared to offer you a very generous settlement at favourable terms, one that all your neighbours have taken up I might add. As you have not taken up My very generous offer then I will have no alternative but to visit you at your workplace with one of My Personal Bankers and use physical persuasion on you.This visit will take place at any time today work place without warning. I am prepared to go to any lengths to obtain what I want. YOURS SINCERELY MADAME SUPASTAR THE MANAGER 'Well Jasmine it's March 2nd and time for this bastard to move out! I've found out from the Bank database that he works at the Bus Garage in Stratford.He works there as a Supervisor ,though not for much longer! ' We're going to visit him now.After today he will be homeless and a cripple!' 'I can't wait to get my hands on that shithead Madame Supastar !' said Jasmine 'Let's go Jasmine!' 'Let's kick his arse!' Madame Supastar and Jasmine strode out into the morning sunlight looking so confident and powerful.They were dressed from top to toe in their shiny black leather outfits. They were determined to teach Fred Walker a lesson and for all of Stratford to know about it. No one would defy the NWB in future and gat way with it ever again! Madame Supastar spoke to Jasmine as they walked down the road together. 'Remember that working for the NWB as a Personal Banker is not just a job lik working as a cashier .It is a life time commitment.You are a Personal Banker 24 hours a day 7 days a week.Every time you go out even to a pub you must be looking for customers for the NWB.' 'Every single time you talk to someone you must ask them who they bank with and why they don't open an Account with the NWB it will soon be the largest and most profitable bank in the world.You must be proud to carry the NWB logo you at all times.' 'You must always begin the conversation by using friendly persuasion as I do.If it's a man you're talking to you can massage his prick whispering in his ear 'We also offer you a really good wanking if you open an Account'.However if friendly persuasion does not work then you must use physical persuasion.Bringing the boot heel hard down on his foot followed by a good hard slapping works wonders. After I have used some physical persuasion they always sign the form on the dotted line!' 'Now let's beat the shit out of this bastard who dared to defy the NWB!' Jasmine was now more fanatically devoted to the NWB than ever.She wanted to serve the NWB and Madame Supastar day and night for ever! They drove to where Fred Walker worked at the bus garage. They both got out of the car clicking the sides of their boots with their leather crops making themselves look as formidable as ever. Madame Supastar went right up to one of the Bus Inspectors towering above him . 'So where's Fred Walker?' 'Oh he's that man over there!' he said in rather an easygoing way. She grabbed him by the collar. 'Look here I'm the Manager of the local NWB .Do you understand? You address Me as Madame!' 'Sorry Madame I did not know' he said bowing his head in fear. Fred Walker was a small fat man who looked as if he never took any exercise.He was dressed in the bus inspector's uniform. ''Are you Fred Walker.I am Madame Supastar the Manager at the NWB and this is My Colleague Personal Banker Miss Jasmine. I to talk to you now!' She said in a tone that was so stern. 'What do you want with me?' he said rudely looking at us both as Madame Supastar and Jasmine stood over him.' I'm busy at work.I told you I don't want to open an Account with your bank and I'm not moving house. Now go away!' Madame Supastar brought Her mighty hand down crashing hard across his face. SLAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPP!!! OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! 'he yelled as blood came dripping down his face. 'No one but no one speaks to a NWB Manager like that! 'She screamed holding him by the collar and making sure everyone at the bus station could hear. 'What's more people who refuse the NWB'S generous offers should be treated like dogs for being so stupid!' With that She put a dog collar tightly around his neck until he could hardly breath. She then put handcuffs tightly around his hands until blood was almost pouring out. 'This is my Personal Banker Miss Jasmine .Her job is to deal with disobedient bastards like you!' She turned round to Jasmine 'Don't worry Jasmine darling! You will have an opportunity to deal with this bastard too!' 'I can't wait to get My hands on him Madame Supastar.People who don't take up our offers should have the shit beaten out of them!' 'Right Jasmine let's take him to his office for a Session well teach him obedience!' Jim was now crying in pain and fear especially as a crowd had now gathered watching him being led away by a collar his hands tied and surrounded by two big leather clad Women! Madame Supastar marched him by the collar to his office as he continued to whimper in front of everyone.She was determined to make an example of him! She was soon inside the office of the Bus Station.She threw him on the chair pushing Her boot heel hard into his crotch.He yelled out in pain so loudly the whole of the street could hear him! 'Please please Madame Supastar and Miss Jasmine I'll do anything you say I'll move out now! I'll open an account with the NWB!Just don't hurt me any more!' 'You certainly will you piece of shit!I'm ordering a removal company called Pickens to pack up all your possessions.You of course will have to pay as you failed to respond to the Bank's generous offer to pay your removal expenses.Where should I tell them to dump your belongings?' 'I suppose I could stay with my mother in Chelmsford Madame Supastar.' he whimpered. 'I don't care where you go as long as you vacate your property by today which is what I ordered you to do.Now give me your keys!' He obediently gave them to her knowing full well the penalty for disobedience. She rang the removal company.They said they would call around to collect the keys at once and would be able to move everything out in an hour.Naturally the bill would be sent to his mother's address. 'Now wev'e sorted that out there's the other matter out of opening an Account with the BD.Sign this paper now.Jasmine untie his hands!' She untied his hands that were now bleeding and sore.He signed without hesitation. 'Now give me your credit cards I know you have one with Barclays!' He took it out at once from his wallet not daring to disobey. She took a pair of scissors out and cut it up in front of him. 'As the penalty for disobedience you will not be receiving a NWB Credit Card at preferential interest rates.You really have been very stupid refusing our generous offers haven't you Jim?' 'Yes Madame Supastar!' he whimpered again. 'Right Jasmine would you like to get physical with this piece of shit! I'd like you to give him 3 slaps across the face.This will give you some practice in slapping as you will be slapping plenty of people in your career as a Personal Banker!' 'I'd love to get My hands on this piece of shit.Madame Supastar!' 'Right Jasmine I want you to move your leather gloved hand gently at first up and down his face Then I want you to bring your hand crashing down hard.He has to count every slap or he gets it again Get ready!' Jasmine moved over him and did as She was told moving Her leather gloved hand up and down his face.He sat there sweating not knowing when She was going to strike.Then suddenly Her hand came crashing down across his face. SLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHH!! OOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNEEE!! Almost at once her hand went crashing down again. SLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!! He just about remembered to count. TWWWWWWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOO!! She was smiling really enjoying the absolute pleasure of inflicting pain. She moved Her leather-gloved hand again over his face. He was now blubbering like a child not knowing when She would strike. With one forceful move She struck hard laughing wit sheer joy. SLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! He sat there a quivering physical wreck blood pouring out of his nose and mouth.He had well and truly learnt the price of disobedience and defiance! Madame Supastar and Jasmine kissed each other passionately gloating over the success of the First Mission. 'Madame Supastar that was the greatest fun I've had in My life.I'm going to be so happy working as a Personal Banker beating the shit out of people who defy the NWB !' 'You will make a great Personal Banker. It's a wonderful career beating and torturing people who deserve it and getting paid for it too Jasmine!' Madame Supastar then turned to Fred who was still crying with pain. 'Well Fred you could by now be moving into a brand new modern house with a NWB mortgage at preferential rates, a loan to spend on anything you likel and a NWB Credit Card at low interest rates.' 'Instead you are almost a cripple black and blue all over your face.Your face is covered in blood You might have to take a month off work sick.What's more you're homeless and may have to spend the rest of your life living with your mother! You're a f----g stupid idiot! 'WHAT ARE YOU?' 'I'm a f----g stupid idiot Madame Supastar !'he agreed acknowledging Her total physical and mental superiority. A phone call was received from the removal company that all Fred's 's belongings were packed up and dumped outside his mother's house in Chelmsford. His house was now ready for demolition and the site would be turned into luxury flats Madame Supastar turned to Fred. 'That was a totally successful Mission.I'm taking your dog collar and handcuffs off!' NOW GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!' Any comments to norselandic@hotmail.com