The structure of Norselandic society by Hamlet STRUCTURE NUMBERS LEADER GEOGRAPHICAL AREA HORDA MAXIMUM 30 SOCIAL OFFICER HANDLEDARA BLOCK OF FLATS STREET GROUP GRUPPA MAXIMUM 1000 SENIOR SUPERVISOR SENIOR HANDLEDARA COMMUNITY RURAL WARD URBAN DIVISION INTERGLOTA MAX 10000 CAPTAIN KAPTENA TOWN COMMUNE 3 COMMUINITIES BATALLION BATALJON MAX 100000 COLONEL OOVERSTA METROPOLIS BRIGADE BRIGADA MAX 1 MILLION GENERAL ALLMAAN DISTRICT CORPS KORPS MAX 5 MILLION REGENT REGRIENDA PROVINCE NATION 85 MILLION QUEEN GODDESS NATION THE JUDGES THE ALMIGHTY NORSELANDIC POLICE FORCE This explains the basic structure of Norselandic society. which in many ways resembles the Army As you can see it represents a pyramid with the Queen Goddess at the apex. Anna Christiana is the Queen Goddess and Supreme Ruler Her subjects must lie prostrate subjection whenever She appears. Criticism or disrespect of Her is treated as High Treason and carries the immediate Death Penalty.She is truly She Who must Be Obeyed and worshipped as a Divine Being! She has the power of life and death over all Her Subjects.In fact She has shown mercy and has only ordered 3 deaths since Her reign began in 1963.She relates very well to the Government especially to the present Premier Patricia Ingvoll who has been in power since 1990. At the bottom is the Horda. The Handledara is head of the Horda a group of 20-30 persons the basic unit of Norselandic society that all Citizens belong to by Law .Every male in the Horda is personally supervised by a Guardian A Female as Under Norselandic law, every adult male must have a female relative as his "Guardian' or Vaaktara As a result, Human Rights Watch has described the legal position of Norselandic men as like that of a minor, with little legal authority over their own lives. Government authorities can force men to obtain the legal permission of a Vaaktara in order to travel, study, or workThe Vaaktara is legally entitled to make a number of critical decisions on a man's behalf and his Mother and Carer. A Woman can choose as many partners as She likes who are not only Her charges but can be other men as well though She has to have the permission of his Vaaktara before embarking on a relationship.again this very much is similasr to Mosuo society in China where what makes the Mosuo unique is their practice of zuo hun, or "walking marriage". From the age of 13 as in Norseland , after being initiated, females may choose to take lovers from men within the Horda, having as many or as few as they please over their lifetime. Male companions in Mosuo society and spend their days carrying out jobs such as fishing and animal rearing, and visit the women's homes at night as in Norseland , often secretly; any resulting children are raised by the woman's family. The father and all adult men are known as "uncles" - there is no stigma attached to not knowing who a child's father is. A Norselandic man has said 'Men live better where Women are in charge: you are responsible for almost nothing, you work much less and you spend the whole day with your friends. You're with a different woman every night. And on top of that, you can always live at your mother's house.' What is life then really like for a man in Norseland?Well let us take an example .supposing my name is Stefan Largaard.I live alone as does everyone in this Nation in a one bedroom flat in a community or village called Bedersted in the province of Thisted.I work as a Tax Officer in Fliverod a city about 50 KMS away. I am a member of Horda 13 in Bedersted the Handeldara is Mistress Eleanor The full name of my Horda is Thisted/Morskobing/Bederted 13.I have a Guardian in the Horda Gemma who is my Partner and Mother Figure who takes care of me as if I was Her minor and child. At the head of every Gruppa (Morskobing) is also a Judge a Police Woman Judge Erika Kygvoll whose role it is to administer the law ruthlessly over all Her subjects, with the same powers as a Judge Dredd. TO BE CONTINUED