Stormia 2 Stormia and Wendy dragged Their wretched victim Al Rasheedy the Governor of into his office..He carried on groaning in agony as Stormia held him by the neck squeezing it hard while Wendy the leader of the Dtt had one hand around his throat in her powerful leather gloved hand and the other down his crotch.He yelled so loudly that he could be heard right across the building as he had never in his life been forcibly confronted by women especially as large and muscular as these incredible Norse Women. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! They were soon inside his office. Both were determined to find the truth anout the Hurghada massscacre. There would be no cover up this time as there had been at the Luxor massacre where the relatives of those who had died were still trying to find the truth from the Egyptian Government He yelled out another terrible piercing shriek of pain as Stormia's boot heel drove into him with remorseless force almost crushing all his testicles at once. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! 'Right Al Rameedy I have come here to Egypt to revenge the death of those Norselandic tourists who died sat the hands of those terrorists on . I will not rest until every single one of those who committed this atrocity are brought to justice and I personally put them to death in the most ruthless way possible. My Friend here Madame Wendy had Her son killed in the massacre and She wants the truth too! ' If I find that you colluded with those terrorists or even that you were negligent or that your Police were absent when the massacre took place .,then I will personally arrest you take you back to the carrier Princess Xena that is off the coast in the Mediterranean and then arrange to have you taken to Norseland for trial and execution where your body will be incinerated. Is that perfectly clear? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! YYYYESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! She grabbed him hard by the hair as he screamed even more. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! 'You had better learn the correct mode of address in future!' ' IT'S YES JUSTICE STERNGAARD!' YUS JUSTICE STERNGRAD! he said almost unable to pronounce it and still in agony as Her boot heel went driving forwards. 'And this is My Friend and Colleaugue Madame Hitemlund! 'YESS MADAME HITALUD ' he screamed calmest unable to pronunce a word still conscious of the dreadful power of Stormia boot's steel capped toe now driving remorselessly into his groin. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! 'Right you Gypo bastard We will start as We mean to carry on. I want you to show Me all the correspondence and everything you have written on this massacre. You will open every single one of you files to our scrutiny. Soon another Colleague a Black Scorpion Treasure Jones is coming to help us from the USA and She will go through every one of your files just to see what exactly you have done on this case as she speaks fluent Arabic and she loves to play rough! 'Whets more Madame Hitemlund here will be going through all your documents strarting tomorrow as I will be leaving to hunt down and kill those terorists with a colleaugue. She has a scanner called a Linguatran that had been developed by Our scientists and technology the most advanced the world has ever known and it can translate any document in any language into Norselandic so nothing can be hidden from Her"! 'Please I do everything we can to find those responsible I promise!God willing! In Sha Allah!!' She grabbed him hard by the hair in the most terrible painful grip as he bellowed once more. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! 'You'd better be doing everything possible because if I think for one second you're not doinig everything you can or you have colluded in anyway with these terrorists ,then I will put personally you in bondage, take you back to My hotel and then you will be flown to the Princess Xena where you will be locked in the dungeons ready for trial and execution in My Nation Norseland! Is that quite clear you bastard Yes MADAME STERNHARD! he wailed still unable to pronounce Her name. � Wendy moved over to him and held himby the neck diiging Her raxor sharp nais right into him. 'What's more you Gypo bastartd I want a memorial to be built for the victims of the murder in a week's time. I have all the plans ready on Me. It will be erected in the central square here in Hurghada. It will cost NM20000 (£1000 or E£10000) to erect. I have all the drawings plans with Me here. You will raise the money by ordering all the busineeses in Hurghada to contribute to the cost. 'If it's not ready within that period then engineers from Norseland will arrive and erect it and all their fees will be paid which means the total cost will be £4000 which I am prepared to collect by forcibly going around each business in Hurghada with My friends in the DTT and ordering them to pay Me £100(E£1000) each or We will bust every bone in their body. ' I am determined to get My revenge on those who killed My Son and the Sons and Daughters of My Friends .What's more the residents here are guilty and will be treated as My slaves as they did nothing to stop these terrorists and must pay for thor crimes too. Is that clear you gypo worm ? He looked at the sheer size of Her and knew She was quite capable of carrying out Her threat. 'YES MADAME HITLUD' he wailed still unable to pronounce Her name as Her nails dug into his neck almost drawing blood. Stormia then dug Her boot heels through his trousers right into his scrotum. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! 'Right you piece from now on your office belongs to Madame Hitemlund and I . I will arrange to have all the locks changed so that you can't enter. What's more you bastard you will be My personal prisoner until this enquiry is complete. ' I will be taking you back to your house where I will lock the doors. If you try to leave I have an infra red Crimfinder CCTV camera device a product of My Nation's advanced technology that enables Me to monitor you every move from My hotel room. If you try to leave your house I or Madame Hitemlund will be there. We will simply come around and beat the shit out of you and then arrange to have you taken straight back to the carrier Princess Xena immediately.' She turned round to Wendy. After I have taken this shithead back to his house You and I will go to the luxurious Hotel Alf Leila Wa Leila that serves as the JLJHQ here.It is situated right on the Red Sea and you have a luxurious room with complete en suite faculties including a personal srvant called Hassan who will be your personal slaveant whom You can treat even more ruthlessly than your Papian slaveant back home.' I'm sure you are longing to get out of Your leathers and for a long shower and a lovely three course meal and to have a slaveant to wait on You! 'I can't wait StormIa and what's more I can't wait to show Johnny Gypo who's Boss! Stormia grabbed hold of the Governor and led him forcibly ouy of his office by the ear still screaming. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Come ohm Al Rasheedy!' 'YOU'RE MY PRISONER NOW!!'