ANGELA PREPARES TO PUT HER PRISONER THE GUERILLA LEADER THROUGH A JUDICIAL PUNISHJMENT SESSION by Hamlet Angela stood in the Dungeon of the Queen Goddess Ship Dominatia that was like an immense floating skyscraper situated in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Colombia's near the town of Buenaventura.It was commanded by Very Senior Commander Xena Bitchasdottir. She was about to torture Her victim the Colombian guerrilla leader El Peligro whose organisation La Fuerza had kidnapped a Norselandic doctor Dr Vaasterup who had been later feed by Ramona the Black Scorpion and was now given intense medial care on board the Carrier. Angela's Mission to Colombia was now over and he was now ready to return to Norseland for Her next Mission. As Her sex slave I would soon meet Her again as I was now staying in Norseland with Her Sister Peggy. Once again She had been brilliantly successful with Her Colleagues of the Royal Overseas Judges Tanya and Gemma and the Black Scorpion Ramona. El Peligro and all the guerrillas had surrendered as soon as Tanya had beaten six of the guerrillas to a pulp realising they had been complete and totally defeated and there was no point on continuing the fight. All the guerrillas had been captured and lay naked in the dungeons at the bottom of the carrier the QGS Dominatiaready for VSC Xena to decide their fate which would be almost certain death. They had witnessed Tanya's fighting skills .They were about to face the wrath of Ramona who had already beaten them when El Peligro had decided they did not stand a chance against these Judges and the only sensible course was surrender as the only alternative was death at the hands of these invincible Women. El Peligro had been taken to the Carrier by Angela personally. He had been ordered to wait in the corridor while Angela prepared for his Session of Judicial Punishment in the Dungeon of punishment situated right in the hold at the bottom of the Carrier probably the most terrifying ordeal anyone could go through. There was no time wasting, no discussion, no lingering; once the prisoner was waiting outside the Session had begun. He had followed Her feeling so wretched and beaten knowing that he was now Her personal prisoner. As he entered shivering with fear, the lighting was strange and dark and his eyes found it difficult to focus but his eyes would become accustomed to the light in time. He was ordered to lie prostrate before Her dressed as She was always totally in tight black leather cat suit with a leather mask and higher heeled boots. He obeyed knowing that She had utterly and totally defeated him. He had no other there was nowhere to run a hide This was a Carrier in the vastness of the Pacific Ocean and there was no jungle to hide run. He was totally intimidated while She ordered him to lie naked and helpless before Her power .He was conscious of the overwhelming darkness and Her overwhelming aroma of leather and perfume. El Peligro had to learn like everyone else in the world quite simply that no one but no one could treat the Nationals of Her Nation and be allowed to get away with it! What was more She had told him that She had his son Javier as Her personal prisoner and that She felt like giving him a good beating and punishing him as Her personal prisoner too! She has told El Peligro that if he was prepared to surrender to Her now She would punish him with only 15 strokes of the crop which would hurt enough but if he resisted She would beat him even more severely to a complete pulp in which he would suffer the most excruciating pain at Her hands. The choice was his! Although he had surrendered he had resisted and for this he was about to pay the terrible price of 50 strokes of the cane and crop! There were six ROJ and Ramona who had attacked the guerrilla camp near Medellín and there are exactly 48 of them from the information She had received from the Skandi Helicopter. That meant each of is will take on 8 guerillas .Tanya would go in first, followed by Ramona, then Gemma ,then Elena ,then Yvette. Finally it would be Her after beating to the death 7 guerillas She would personally capture El Peligro and make him Her personal prisoner. She had told them. 'I want this Operation to be a total and complete success with every guerrilla dead if they do not surrender and not one hair of Your heads being touched at all. Remember You are all invincible Gym Kata fighters! That means You are in deep trouble if You receive even one injury and You could face immediate dismissal and expulsion. Is that clear?' It was pitch dark cold dark and forbidding in the Dungeon. El Peligro had been reduced by Her to a complete nervous wreck, terrified to beyond his wits knowing that he faced torture and beatings by Her before being flown to Norseland for trial and execution. The music he heard was droning and melancholy, it was tuneless, there was almost no melody. Yet he did not have time to listen to the music now: he had been ordered down to the floor. He obeyed without question. She dragged him up by the hair and ordered him to face Her. She had taken him into the dungeon to receive his sentence. She pulled hum up right up to Her as he screamed in agony. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! "Right El Peligro you piece of shit you will not be allowed to speak unless spoken to, you will call Me Judge Spiteful at all times and you will keep your head bowed at all times. I will then strap into the bench or whipping frame and given a minute to collect your thoughts and for silent prayer. While you ponder your fate I shall practice My swing with either cane or the crop" '"You will be expected to accept punishment with fortitude and stoicism you subhuman .You are getting 50 strokes as hard as I want to give them to you. The strokes will be given at an even tempo with time to count each stroke. You will count every single stroke .Whichever ordeal you're ordered to endure be warned it's a very severe session! And I will totally dehumanise you!' 'HAVE MERCY JUDGE SPITEFULA!' he wailed revealing what a complete and coward he was! "You're getting no mercy you bastard! You showed none to Dr Vaasterup and you're getting none yourself! Am I unnecessarily cruel El Peligro you piece of dirt? Of course I am. As there are no witnesses to the punishment I can add on extra strokes if I want without anyone knowing - for My own amusement!' "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO JUDGE SPITERFULA!!!!' '"As for your Human Rights? Don't waste your breath mentioning that word because quoting that will definitely earn you extra strokes if you even mention that word! You have no rights here because you're prison scum and an ex guerilla and will be treated as such. If you want to complain about your human rights being violated, then you'll have to complain to Me! And if you want to call to God for help? Well rest assured that God is not going to come to help the likes of you; only I can help you and I'm not a liberal minded do-gooder so I'm not going to help you either!" "THINK YOU CAN TAKE THIS YOU PIECE OF GARBAGE?"