ANGELA THE JUDGES AND RAMONA PREPARE FOR A FULL SCAKE ATTACK ON THE GUERILLAS by Hamlet Angela Tanya and Gemma The Three Judges were now ready to board the plane that would take them to the La Fuerza guerrilla headquarters near Medellin Colombia. Angela could not wait to make El Peligro Her personal prisoner and personally take him back to the Carrier the QGS Dominatia that was anchored off the Colombian coast. They were all so pleased with Themselves knowing that each one was a One Woman Army and each one of them knew that They had the strength and power to beat the whole guerrilla army on Their own. They were dressed in skin-tight black leather cat suits that revealed their gorgeous muscular bodies with thigh length boots with 6" heels, leather gloves and leather studded collars around Their waists ready to kill without a single hair on Their heads being touched at all. They carried an amazing array of weaponry around Their waists carrying a holster with two guns, four knives and a cat o' nine tails a whip that was nearly 3 metres long! They boarded the Fricka helicopter gunship in front of Them that would be skilfully piloted by JSO (Judge Support Officer) Elena Roargaard. It was clear that El Peligro was about to face a deadly checkmate just like a King in chess. The largest carrier in the world stationed not very far way the QGS Dominatia was commanded by the Commander of the Pacific Fleet VSC (Very Senior Commander Xena Bitchasdoottir, who was ready to send Her deadly fleet of Cheetah aircraft ready to blast the guerrilla headquarters off the face of the earth. Even if El Peligro tried to run way he would be pursued by a Skandi helicopter the most advanced the world had ever known. It was named after the Norse Goddess of war and like all Norselandic technology was the most advanced in the whole world, equipped with full scale advanced photographic equipment that could track down anyone at all simply by picking up their photograph and sense of smell. It could track down anyone even if they were hiding underground simply by carrying the memory of that person in its database that would also give off radio messages of that person in their body. Wherever that person went a signal would be given off and they would be captured .El Peligro had no escape at all! Before boarding Angela decided to speak to El Peligro once more determined to terrify him even more. 'Well El Peligro it looks like you've lost and I'm going to put you into check mate and you will soon be My personal prisoner to do with what I like!' 'You Norsi cow what the Hell do you want Spiteful? Why the Hell don't you leave me alone you witch?'' 'You're a criminal and a terrorist El Peligro! I'm going to bring you to justice and nothing on this earth will stop Me!' 'Look Spiteful that Black Bitch Ramona has already freed your doctor Vasrobber whatever the f----k his Norsi name is! You've got what you wanted now just leave us alone and get out of my country!' 'You treated that Doctor Vaasterup a Citizen of My Nation like dirt and you're going to pay for your crimes! No one treats one of Our Nationals like that and gets way with it!' ' I've got your son Javier here as My personal prisoner. I feel like giving him a good beating too and taking one of his fingers off just to punish you too you bastard!!' 'You see I'm a member of the ROJ (Royal Overseas Judges) an expert fighter and warrior and I know all about inflicting pain and I'm much better at it than you are! If you surrender to Me now with your hands up I might let you off with 15 stokes of the crop and then take you back to My Nation to stand trial for your crimes! But if you resist it will be Hell to pay and I will beat you to A total pulp before taking you back to the Carrier QGS Dominatia and then to My Nation for trial and execution!' It was clear that She had pt the fear of God into him as he hung up in terror realizing the game was well and truly up and he would soon be Her prisoner!! Meanwhile Dr Vaasterup was on his way to the Carrier and from there to Norseland in the loving and caring arms of SNO (Senior Nursing Officer) Cynthia Joannesdottir after Ramona the Black Scorpion had freed him from the guerillas using Her expert fighting skills winning easily as usual. Cynthia had found him in the jungle clearing where Ramona had taken him. Cynthia had taken care of him as if he was just a little helpless baby. He would become Her personal patient totally and completely dependent on Her for everything nursing him to total health again not letting him out of Her sight until he was completely cured. She would practice holistic medicine on him making sure he was cured mentally and physically not just replacing the finger that the guerrillas had removed but making sure he was cured totally in body and spirit. She would use the resources of the best Health Service the world had ever known in a Nation where every Citizen was cared for with their every needs being met from the cradle to the grave. She had realised just what the poor Doctor who only wanted to help the Colombians had been through at the hands of those guerrillas. She was determined that they would pay dearly for what they had done to the poor Doctor forcing him as they did to live on a diet of insects sometimes served to him raw as well as beating him regularly. She could not wait for the Judges to attack the guerrilla base. She had taken him back to the helicopter in Her steel like arms as if he was a little baby as Ramona who had freed him and JSO Yvette Hangamhaard watched feeling so desperate for revenge .She told Them to show no mercy whatsoever to the guerrillas. She had told Ramona to kill the two guerrillas who had beaten the Doctor and to bring their fingers back as a trophy to Her. Ramona and Yvette watched as the helicopter took off in the direction of the QGS Dominatia expertly piloted by. JSO Alexia Domasrod. Meanwhile the helicopter had taken off from Medell�n with Angela and the two Judges Tanya and Gemma on board. Angela spoke to Yvette on Her mobile. 'Yvette We will be landing shortly to pick you and Ramona up for the full- scale attack on the guerrilla headquarters to begin!' 'LET'S ATTACK MERCILLESSLY!! Any comments to